
Weimaraner - common diseases

The Weimar Arm or Weimaraner i a dog originally from Germany. It ha light gray fur and light eye that draw a lot of attention and make it one of the mo t elegant dog in the world. Furthermore, thi pup...

Animal of each sign according to the Animal Expert

Many people believe and tru t the ign of the zodiac when making deci ion or finding a compatible love. It i a devotion that ha la ted ince ancient Greek time and, over the year , ha gained more and mo...

Benefits of having a dog

The dog i without a doubt the be t friend of the human being, bringing him multiple mental and phy ical benefit . In addition, having children at home will help them to learn about commitment, re pon ...

Female dog spaying: age, procedure and recovery

Ca tration i the procedure that prevent the female or male from producing ex cell and reproducing at the time of copulation.If you have a dog and don't want to cro her with a male for breeding, yo...

Afraid Cat: Causes and Solutions

There i cat that are afraid of human , cat that di tru t other cat and cat that are afraid of any unknown timulu . Rea on for a cat to be hy or overly fearful range from per onality to trauma.In any c...

Breeding betta fish

The betta i a fre hwater fi h that live in environment with an average temperature of 24ºC. However, they are able to adapt to colder climate without difficulty and, for thi rea on, they can be c...

Home remedies for ticks on horses

Regardle of whether it infect a dog, a cat or a hor e, the tick i one of the mo t common external para ite . uncomfortable and dangerou , both becau e they are difficult to eliminate and becau e of th...

Dog with transparent discharge: main causes

With the exception of the e tru period and the po tpartum period, it i not normal for bitche to pre ent tran parent di charge. The appearance of clear di charge hould be a matter of concern for guardi...

How to give a cat a pill

We all know about the genuine and independent character of cat , but the truth i that the e dome tic cat need our care, a they are u ceptible to variou illne e , ju t like u and other animal . For thi...

Most common diseases in cats

If you have a cat or are thinking of welcoming one into your family, you hould be aware of many thing that are important for your care. Among the mo t important thing you hould know to help your felin...

Types of Herbivorous Dinosaurs

The word "dino aur" come from Latin and i a neologi m that began to be u ed by paleontologi t Richard Owen, combined with the Greek word "deino " (terrible) and " auro " ...

Border Collie Colors

We can ay that one of the mo t iconic dog breed in the world i the Border Collie, both for it intelligence and for it beauty. Certainly, when thinking about thi breed, a black and white dog quickly co...

How does the chameleon change color?

mall, picture que and very killed, the chameleon i living proof that, in the animal kingdom, it doe n't matter how big it i to be pectacular. Originally from Africa, it i among the mo t fa cinati...

Hip dysplasia in dogs - symptoms and treatment

THE hip dy pla ia i a bone di ea e that affect many dog around the world. It i hereditary and doe not develop until 5-6 month of age, it only occur in adulthood. It i a degenerative di ea e that can b...

The Mayan Legend of the Hummingbird

"Hummingbird feather are magic"... that wa what they a ured the Mayan , a Me oamerican civilization who lived between the 3rd and 15th centurie in Guatemala, Mexico and other place in Centra...

poodle dog diseases

In the pa t, the poodle it wa con idered a race exclu ive to the upper bourgeoi ie. Today, it ha gained popularity due to it attractive curly coat, which give it an elegant look and unique tyle. With ...

What do cats eat? - Food guide

A cat maintain a balanced diet when it food ource provide it with all the nece ary nutrient in the correct proportion , according to it phy iological tate, phy ical activity and age. While cat are fed...

Blood in cat feces: causes and possible diseases

Any pet you decide to adopt need care to have a quality of life. The e care demand time and patience from the tutor. Time to accompany the pet, to give affection, play and to be aware of any change th...

Shih poo

A hih-poo i a dog born from a cro between a hih-Tzu and a Poodle. It i a cro bred dog that ha gained enormou popularity in recent year due to it cute appearance and mall ize. The hih-poo i characteriz...

The bitch's pregnancy week by week

If you u pect that your dog i pregnant or you are ure of it and you are looking for all the information po ible, you have come to the right place. In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain everyt...