
english springel spaniel

The Engli h pringer paniel i a breed who e origin date back everal centurie ago and which ha remained almo t unchanged. He i very outgoing and ocial, with a trong tructure and a very docile character,...

Animal reproduction

All living being on the planet mu t reproduce to perpetuate the pecie . De pite thi , not all ucceed or not nece arily all individual of a pecie reproduce. For example, animal that live in eu ocietie ...

Do dogs have a sense of time?

Many people wonder if the dog are aware of time, that i , if the dog will mi the owner when he i aware of their prolonged ab ence. E pecially when they need to be away for a con iderable number of hou...

The oldest dog breeds in the world according to scientific studies

It i e timated that man and dog have lived together for 2000 or 3000 year . However, the relation hip between dog and man i much older. Although hi torical ource do not provide a preci e date, they al...

Tips to avoid cat fights

Cat are very territorial animal and it' not uncommon for cat to fight each other. If you already live with a cat at home and are thinking of bringing a companion, you hould keep in mind that they ...

Leukemia in Dogs

Leukemia i a type of cancer that affect the dog' blood tream, mainly related to the number of white blood cell .It i a eriou di ea e that, if not diagno ed in time, can be deadly for the dog.In th...

Why do some cats have different colored eyes?

It i true and well known that cat are being of unparalleled beauty. When a cat ha eye of different color , it charm i even greater. Thi feature i known a heterochromia and it' not exclu ive to fel...

West Nile Fever in Horses - Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

We t Nile fever i a non-contagiou viral di ea e it mainly affect bird , hor e and human and i tran mitted by mo quitoe . It i a di ea e of African origin, but it ha pread throughout the world thank to...

The rarest fish in the world

In the ea , ocean , lake and river inhabit a large number of animal , uch a fi h. There are different known fi h pecie , uch a ardine , trout or white hark. However, other pecie have more howy and unk...

Amount of water a dog should drink per day

Keeping a dog well hydrated i e ential for it to be in good health. A puppy i an animal that clearly how when it need to drink water, it u ually ha a dry tongue, thi i the cleare t ign. Once you know ...

Cat vaccination schedule

If you own a cat or are going to adopt one, a a re pon ible owner, you will need to find out about many thing . One of the mo t important i prevention in the face of many eriou illne e for them. Thi p...

Types of corals: characteristics and examples

It i normal that, when thinking about the word coral, the image of the animal of the Great Barrier Reef come to mind, ince without the e animal capable of forming lime tone exo keleton , the reef , e ...

How to help stray dogs?

It i impo ible not to be moved by the extremely precariou ituation of tray dog , victim of abandonment or the lack of concrete mea ure in relation to the overcrowding of the treet . A con cientiou peo...

Why are cats so fond of boxes?

Cat are very playful animal , able to be di tracted by anything they come acro that eem a little curiou to them. We often pend money on expen ive toy for cat and they tend to be more intere ted in imp...

Names for Siamese Cats

Everyone know iame e rat mainly for their unique appearance. The e cat originate from Thailand (formerly called iam) and have a my teriou air and deep gaze. Due to the per onality and unique appearanc...

Free veterinarian: free and low-priced service locations

adopt one pet, in addition to bringing a lot of joy into our live , it al o require a good deal of re pon ibility and ome economic tability. Here at PeritoAnimal we alway make a point of remembering t...

why dogs lick their ears

Dog communicate in everal way : they can wake you up in the morning with their barking, or try to get your attention by a king for food. One of the method they u e mo t often to communicate i their li...

Why doesn't my hamster use the wheel?

One of the favorite activitie of ham ter i , without a doubt, u ing the wheel. Thi keep u active not only phy ically, but al o mentally, being an excellent exerci e to timulate the good health of thi ...

why cats lick themselves

Your cat pend hour and hour licking him elf? tarted licking your elf a if you wanted to wa h it? At PeritoAnimal we want to help you di cover the rea on that lead cat to lick con tantly and clarify al...

Allergy to flea bites in dogs

When we talk about flea bite allergy in dog we immediately thought of flea allergy dermatiti . It occur due to a hyper en itivity reaction in our dog' kin to certain protein in the flea' aliva...