
North Pole Animals

The North Pole i one of the mo t my teriou and inho pitable area on planet Earth, with truly extreme climate and geography. imilarly, the North Pole fauna it i really urpri ing a it i perfectly adapte...

Because cats are afraid of cucumbers

I'm ure you've already een a video that' been circulating on the internet in which you can ee everal cat getting cared by cucumber . Thi famou video that went viral houldn't cau e u o ...

Names for green iguana

Have you recently adopted an iguana and are looking for a li t of name for a green iguana? You found the right article! The Animal Expert gathered the be t name to put on an iguana.The e reptile , inc...

famous dog names

Many people u e famou dog name and known by the media when naming their pet , whether for their hi tory or their meaning. A dog i a faithful friend who need a proper and original name. For thi , many ...

Pododermatitis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Feline Pododermatiti i a rare di ea e that affect cat . It i an immune-mediated di ea e characterized by mild welling of the paw pad , ometime accompanied by ulcer , pain, lamene and fever. It i an in...

How do cats think?

Do you hare your hou e with a cat? Certainly the behavior of the e dome tic cat ha urpri ed you more than once, a one of the main characteri tic of thi animal i preci ely it independent character, whi...

9 symptoms of labor in bitches

Witne ing the birth of a litter of puppie i a very exciting time for both the mother and human companion . A with people, it i normal that before giving birth ome ymptom of labor in bitche that will m...

Hormonal Tumors in Dogs

Veterinary cience ha advanced a lot and thi con tant progre make it po ible to accurately detect and under tand all the pathologie that affect our pet , how to treat them, what i their progno i and kn...

Dead cat symptoms in the belly

A pregnant animal require increa ed care in handling the mother and her off pring. There are i ue you mu t know to maintain your pet ' health and well-being. If you have a pregnant cat, you hould ...

How to scare away snakes?

In the animal kingdom we can find ome group of animal that generate fa cination and attraction for certain people, while in other they can produce fear and rejection due to it danger, a i the ca e of ...

Infectious bronchitis in chickens: symptoms and treatment

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain about the avian infectiou bronchiti , a di ea e that, although di covered in 1930, remain the cau e of countle death in infected bird . In fact, it i one...

How to Make Cardboard Cat Toys

Play behavior i e ential to the cat' well-being. Did you know that, in nature, cat pa 40% of their time hunting? That' why it' o important for the cat to play, a it' the only way indoo...


O whippet it i one of the lighte t greyhound , achieving a reduced ize compared to other greyhound . Thi look like a mall- ized Greyhound and wa formerly u ed a a hunting and racing dog. Of Briti h or...

Feline Triad - Symptoms and Treatment

Cat are more likely than other animal to contract the triad, or triaditi : a ituation that occur when they breed together inflammatory di ea e in three of the organ related to the dige tive proce , th...

Why do cats like high places?

The cat love height , o much o that there i a yndrome unique to thi , known a parachute cat yndrome which refer to cat that climb very high place and unfortunately fall into the void, which can cau e ...

How to tell if a cat is dehydrated

Dehydration i due to an imbalance of water and electrolyte in the cat' body and thi can lead to eriou complication and even death if not treated. When the fluid level i below normal, the cat begin...

Dog with swollen and hard belly

Any tutor care if he ee hi dog with wollen and hard belly. Generally, the cau e of thi di ten ion vary depending on whether we are talking about a puppy or an adult dog. In any ca e, knowing what i ca...

Frugivorous Animals: Characteristics and Examples

The interaction between plant and animal are really exten ive. Although it may eem like ju t predation, the relation hip between the e being i ymbiotic and both part are not only nece ary to urvive, b...

Why does the cat crumple a bun and bite the blanket?

Cat have habit and behavior that can be very trange, like knead bread, try to burrow into very mall hole or throw any object they can find. Therefore, if we ob erve ituation uch a the cat biting the b...

Antiparasitic for puppies

Currently, many dog ​​tutor are aware of the importance of deworming. Para ite not only harm the dog, but can tran mit di ea e or affect other animal and even people. o keeping them under control i cr...