
Is a spider an insect?

Arthropod corre pond to the mo t numerou phylum within the animal kingdom, o mo t pecie on the planet are invertebrate . Within thi group we find the ubphylum of the Quelicerado , in which it fir t tw...

Do cats know when we are afraid?

When referring to fear or phobia , we hould e pecially mention the cat phobia or ailurophobia, that thi i an irrational fear of cat . It i u ually a ociated with the ignorance of the pecie and all the...

The most venomous snakes in the world

There are everal nake di tributed all over the world with the exception of both the pole and Ireland. They can roughly be differentiated into two main group : tho e that are venomou and venomou and th...

Contraceptive Methods for Cats

A much a it i a unique moment to ee how after pregnancy the cat take uch good care of her puppie , we mu t be aware that everal problem can occur if thi litter ha not been de ired by the owner .If we ...

Are bats blind?

There i a popular belief that bat are blind, due to it enviable ability to move, through the echolocation, which allow them a perfect orientation even at night. However, i it true that bat are blind? ...

Animal testing - What are they, types and alternatives

Animal te ting i a hotly debated ubject, and if we dig a little deeper into recent hi tory, we'll ee that thi i nothing new. It i very pre ent in the cientific, political and ocial phere. ince the...

rabbit care

Many people have rabbit a pet but, although it i a common per, we hould know that thi animal need ome pecific care. You mu t know the rabbit a a wild animal to be able to provide everything it de erve...

Sexual Dimorphism - Definition, Trivia and Examples

Procreation through exual reproduction i , in mo t ca e , highly beneficial, but the main feature of thi reproductive trategy i the nece ary pre ence of two exe . The competition for re ource , the ri...

nebelung cat

With a very characteri tic color, a pearl gray, a long and ilky coat, the Nebelung Cat ha trait inherited from the Ru ian Blue cat , for their color, and from the American Longhair cat , for the mooth...

Sheep Diseases - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

There are numerou di ea e that affect heep. Many vary from region to region, ome are ea ier to olve, other are more aggre ive and ba , o the ooner they are detected, the ea ier it will be to control.M...

How to approach an unknown dog

U ually when we ee a dog we want to get clo e to touch it, hug it or play with it. However, each dog ha a different per onality, o while ome are very tru tworthy and ociable, other are more re erved a...

How to choose cat food

Cat are very judiciou animal when it come time to choo e what they will eat, but it i no u e choo ing a feed ju t for the mell or ta te that it may have, it i nece ary to carefully evaluate the nutrit...

names for sausage dog

The au age dog , al o called teckel or dach und, are from Germany. They are characterized by having very hort limb compared to the re t of their body. They can have hort or long fur, and weigh about 1...

Decomposing beings: what they are, types and examples

In any eco y tem, ju t a there are food chain where we find vegetable producing organi m (there are no animal producer ) and con uming animal , there i al o a detritivorou food chain, who e objective ...

Rabbit Rex

What do you know about the Rex rabbit? There are many breed of rabbit , however, many agree that the Rex rabbit i probably one of the mo t affectionate and intelligent lagomorph around. haring it name...

Yulin Festival: Dog Meat in China

ince 1990 in outhern China the dog meat Yulin fe tival ha been held, where, a the name implie , dog meat i con umed. There are many activi t who fight every year for the end of thi "tradition&qu...

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

THE Cavalier King Charle paniel Dog Breed i known for her appearance in everal movie and wa al o popularized thank to celebritie who cho e her a a companion dog, uch a Coco Chanel, O car Wilde and Fra...

Types of gorillas

the gorilla i the bigge t primate in the world, in compari on with the more than 300 pecie of primate on the planet. Furthermore, it i an animal that ha been the ubject of numerou inve tigation due to...

Ascites in Cats - Causes and Treatments

If you hare your life with a feline friend, you are certainly intere ted in knowing what health problem they may have and what you can do about them. To offer him a good quality of life, you will have...

Dog with a stuffy nose: causes and treatments

Canine neezing and na al di charge can be le common and more worri ome than in human . In the ca e of animal , both neezing and ecretion are con idered more eriou ymptom that hould be diagno ed by a v...