
American and German Rottweiler - Differences and characteristics of each

The Rottweiler i a race from germany, even though it origin date back to the di tant Roman Empire. It i an impo ing animal that ha been trained for a long time a a hepherd or guardian. He i currently ...

Dog Wounds - First Aid

We all love our puppie and we care about their well-being and what happen to them. Therefore, it i good that we have ba ic knowledge about the fir t aid needed in different ituation to pre erve the he...

Shepherd-de-beauce or beauceron

O beauce-pa tor i al o known a beauceron and i a heepdog of French origin. It i a little known breed in Europe and the re t of the world, but with different qualitie , a it i a very intelligent and ac...

Walk a dog before or after eating?

If you live with a dog, you hould know that walking him daily i a healthy act for him, for you, and for your union. Walk are an e ential activity for the dog' well-being.The amount of exerci e rec...

Symptoms of Pregnancy in Cats

Knowing if our cat i pregnant can be tricky at fir t, but more evident a time goe by. In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain the fir t one Pregnancy ymptom in cat , the behavior change that ca...

Best Pit Bull Toys

are you thinking of buy toy for your pitbull? There are many toy and acce orie on the market that you can purcha e. Yet, not all are their own to the powerful jaw of the pit bull terrier: mo t end up ...

Conjunctivitis in Cats - Causes and Symptoms

THE conjunctiviti it i one of the mo t common eye problem in cat . It i ea ily detectable, quite uncomfortable for our pet and if we don't treat it, it can re ult in more eriou eye problem uch a a...

Home remedy for puppies with a swollen belly

When the dog ha a wollen belly, it i oon thought that the animal may have worm , which may not alway be the real rea on. The dog may have an a cite , which mean that the dog ha a wollen belly due to t...

The 5 Freedoms of Animal Welfare

don't know what they are the 5 freedom of animal welfare? Before tarting to work with a dog thinking it ha po ible behavior problem , we hould a k our elve if it 5 freedom are guaranteed. Complyin...

Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz

O Andalu ian Ratonero dog, originally from the province of Cádiz, u ed to be een in the pa t in winerie , hence it name, a it kept them free from rodent pe t . Preci ely for thi rea on, we know t...

The capybara as a pet

If you want to have a capybara a a pet It i e ential that there i a garden in your hou e in which you can in tall a pla tic wimming pool of ome ize. If you ob erve the animal' morphology, you will...

Fenugreek as a pet

O Fenugreek (fennec fox, in Engli h) or De ert Fox it i a beautiful, clean, lovable and affectionate animal that can be ea ily tamed. However, it' not nice to want to adopt thi beautiful creature....

Caatinga animals: birds, mammals and reptiles

Caatinga i a Tupi-Guarani word that mean 'white fore t'. thi i a biome exclu ively Brazilian which i re tricted to the tate of Bahia, Alagoa , Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ce...

5 funny things cats do

Cat are animal with a great ability to win the heart of any human being. Anyone who ha a cat in their hou e know that a tender look, rubbing again t their leg or a few " weet" cratche are en...

Tips for taking care of your dog's teeth

Taking care of your puppy' teeth i e ential to maintaining hi good health, although it i ometime overlooked that dog al o need thi kind of attention. At PeritoAnimal we know that defining an oral ...

Golden Retriever Care

Healthy Golden Retriever don't need pecial care other than a good one. food, company and affection, routine veterinary a i tance and lot of exerci e. It i al o nece ary to provide them with ba ic ...

How to get a dog to get used to another puppy

Dog are ociable animal that, in nature, u ually form group that maintain a hierarchical tructure, in which member protect each other and collaborate in mutual nutrition to en ure the urvival of their ...

teach the dog to drop objects

teach the dog to drop object i a very u eful exerci e for training dog , playing with them and avoiding re ource protection. During thi exerci e, in addition to teaching your dog to let go of thing , ...

10 Myths and Truths About Dogs

There are many myth that urround the dog world: they ee in black and white, a human year equal even dog year , they eat gra to purge them elve ... How many thing like thi do we hear from dog and belie...

Scorpion Characteristics

There are more than 1,000 pecie of corpion in the world. Al o known a lacrau or alacrau , they are characterized by being poi onou animal which have a egmented body in everal metamer , large claw and ...