Golden Retriever Care

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 5 January 2025
9 Things you MUST KNOW Before Getting a Golden Retriever!
Video: 9 Things you MUST KNOW Before Getting a Golden Retriever!


Healthy Golden Retrievers don't need special care other than a good one. food, company and affection, routine veterinary assistance and lots of exercise. It is also necessary to provide them with basic canine training to stimulate their mind and get them to behave appropriately in any location.

Therefore, the Golden Retriever will need special care if it is ill. You Golden Retriever care patient will depend on the illness you currently have and should be recommended by a veterinarian. To prevent Golden Retriever illnesses, it is recommended that you have periodic veterinary check-ups. But, if this is not your case and your furry companion is in perfect condition, continue reading and discover in PeritoAnimal all the care you should offer your Golden to provide you with the best quality of life.

Feeding the Golden Retriever

When we talk about Golden Retriever careUndoubtedly, the first thing that comes to mind is your food. Puppies that have not yet been completely weaned should be fed by their mother and with the supplements that the veterinarian recommends. The quantity and frequency of your foods will depend on the quantity and quality of your breast milk, as well as the recommendations your veterinarian makes.

On the contrary, Golden Retrievers that have been weaned should follow a mostly solid diet that must be balanced to provide them with the nutrients they need. There are many opinions about what is the best food for these puppies, from those who support feeding exclusively with balanced rations (from different brands), to those who consider that the puppy's diet should be based on cooked food. There are also those who argue that dogs should be fed raw food. Therefore, it is best to choose the food of your Golden Retriever with the help of the veterinarian and opt for a quality food. If your dog is a newly adopted puppy, talk to the person who has been taking care of him so far and ask him what he was eating and how often. In any other case, diet and frequency of meals should be recommended by the veterinarian.

Recommended daily meals

Generally, Golden Retriever puppies are fed three to four times a day, while adult puppies are fed twice a day. It's important to keep Fixed times for your Golden Retriever's meals, removing your food dish 20 minutes after you have placed it on the ground, if you haven't already eaten it. In this way, it will help to regulate your puppy's digestion, favoring his health. In addition, this will allow you to educate your puppy to go and relieve himself in certain places.

Water is something that you should always have at your puppy's disposal throughout the day, always clean and fresh.

Other advice on feeding the Golden

When changing your Golden's food (for example from puppy food to adult puppy food), it is recommended that you mix the two foods for a while. This way, it will be easier for your puppy to get used to the new food.

Although the diet will vary depending on how you decide to feed your Golden Retriever, you should never give them candy or chocolate. Chocolate, in particular, can be very harmful and even deadly to your dog.

With this breed it is very important to keep the amounts of food in mind the amount of exercise the puppy does, as Golden Retrievers have a tendency to obesity. If you use food to train your dog, take some of your daily ration to make up for the extra calories you get during training sessions. Be careful not to take too much out of your daily ration, because during training you also burn calories.

The Golden Retriever's hair care and hygiene

The Golden Retriever does not need special care such as particular haircuts, but need frequent brushing because it loses a lot of hair. You also need exercise, company and affection.

The brushing of these dogs must be done with a metal bristle brush. Once you have the brush, to provide the best care for the Golden Retriever, it is best to brush the dog's fur once a day, especially during changing times, to avoid accumulating dead fur. If you don't, your house will be full of fur, in addition to this they can form knots in the dog's fur and encourage the appearance of external parasites such as fleas. In addition, these knots could cause pain in the animal when combing it.

If you see that your Golden Retriever loses excessively or even has hairless areas, you should consult your veterinarian because it could be a sign that your health is bad. Excessive hair loss can indicate physical problems like skin allergies or emotional problems like chronic stress.

The Golden Retriever Bath

You should bathe your Golden Retriever only when it's dirty and with dog shampoo, as frequent bathing damages the protective layer of your coat. Among the options to keep the dog clean without giving it excessive bathing, there are dry shampoos for dogs. You can find them for sale at pet stores and use them on your dog more often than wet shampoos. You can also clean your Golden's fur with a damp cloth or even a completely wet one, but without using shampoo.

To offer the best Golden Retriever care, it's important to pay attention to your ears because they commonly harbor external parasites such as fleas, ticks and fungi. Therefore, it is convenient to clean them frequently. If the dog scratches itself a lot, scrapes its ears and neck against the walls or the ground, or walks with its head twisted, it may have a problem with parasites in them and, therefore, you should take it immediately to the vet.

You can check the ears and other parts of the body during daily brushing. Keep in mind that Golden Retrievers are prone to skin conditions. So, take advantage of daily brushing to detect any irregularities in your dog's skin and fur. If you detect something that catches your attention, take it to a specialist.

Exercise and living conditions

Golden Retrievers are puppies that need a lot of affection and company. They are not dogs to live in isolation in the garden, but to be part of the family. They are dogs very close to people and do not usually have a single owner. If they don't get enough attention and company, Golden Retrievers look for ways to alleviate their anxiety, usually by biting things or digging in the garden. Also, the Golden Retrievers need to get a lot of exercise every day, since they are very active dogs. It can be easy to exercise them when teaching to fetch and bring toys, as they have so much fun chasing a ball. Also, this type of exercise prevents obesity.

On the other hand, within the Golden Retriever care, there is the process of socialization. In this sense, it is good to play with other dogs and sniff each other during the walks. Although they are usually sociable puppies, it is advisable to socialize Golden Retrievers since they are puppies.

In addition to socializing him properly and offering him long walks, it is also recommended to promote Golden Retriever exercise through swimming. This breed of dog likes to swim, so it won't be difficult to get him to practice this sport. But you should never throw your Golden Retriever into the water, you should let him/her enter the water of their own free will. On the other hand, if your Golden doesn't have ailments that limit mobility, such as hip dysplasia, it's also a good idea to play some canine sport with him so that he can burn off energy, such as agility, canine freestyle and flyball.

Golden Retrievers can adapt to living in an apartment if it gives them the exercise they need. However, it is better for them to have a medium or large garden. As mentioned before, the ideal is for the dog to live indoors, with the family and also be able to exercise in the garden. It is important to note that this does not eliminate the outings that the Golden needs to socialize.