
Does the Komodo dragon have venom?

The Komodo Dragon (Varanu komodoen i ) ha harp teeth to rip it prey and, to top it off, till wallow it whole. But i that doe the komodo dragon have venom? And i it true that he kill u ing thi poi on? ...

American Wirehair Cat

The American Wirehair cat i one of the newe t and mo t pecial breed today. Al o called the American Hardhair Cat, it look a adorable a it i private. The e beautiful cat eem to be here to tay becau e t...

Umbilical hernia in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

You recently noticed a lump in your dog' belly? A dog can develop what we call a hernia, that i , when an organ or part of an organ leave the cavity that contain it. In thi article by PeritoAnimal...

The most popular German dog breeds

Have you ever wondered what the german dog breed ? Well, in thi article by PeritoAnimal we will di pel all your doubt becau e we will how you a li t with the main phy ical characteri tic , per onality...

Skinny guinea pig

There are many guinea pig breed , each with it own peculiaritie , the pecial characteri tic that make each breed unique and different from the other . In the ca e of kinny guinea pig , thi difference ...

How to get a dog used to being alone

It' time to leave your dog alone at home and you wonder how long you can leave your companion unattended and how and when you can teach a dog to be unattended.From an early age, the young puppy wa...

Pastor Bergamasco

O Pa tor Bergama co it i a medium- ized dog, with a ru tic appearance, with a long and abundant coat that form very particular lock . For thi characteri tic, thi animal earned the fun nickname of dog ...

Rabbit Cage - How to choose?

With their mall, furry bodie , rabbit are adorable pet that have gained more and more pace out there, making them a good option for tho e who want to adopt a pet capable of adapting to their routine.T...


The Broholmer, al o known a Dani h Ma tiff, i a very old breed of dog that wa u ed to hunt deer It i like watchdog of the land of the feudal lord during the Middle Age . However, it wa not until the 1...

My dog ​​eats too fast, what to do?

If the dog eat too fa t it can become a eriou problem, e pecially if it uffer from tomach and larynx en itivity or if it i imply too full. Whatever the rea on your dog eat too fa t, at PeritoAnimal we...

Most Common Diseases in Betta Fish

Betta, al o known a iame e fighting fi h, are mall fi h with a lot of per onality that many people want becau e of their beautiful and vibrant color .If the aquarium they are in i kept in the be t con...

Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Like people, our pet can uffer from variou type of cancer, uch a arcoma . oft ti ue arcoma are malignant tumor which u ually appear in oft organic area , uch a the kin and organ . Al o, it i a very co...

Canine flu: causes, symptoms and treatment

Like u human , our dog can al o get ick from the flu. Although, human being are not likely to become infected with dog flu.Conver ely, dog getting infected with our flu i al o extremely rare and there...

Rhinoceroses: types, characteristics and habitat

Rhinocero are part of the large t group of mammal on Earth and u ually weigh more than a ton. Although with certain variation between one pecie and another, they eem to be endowed with an armor which,...

Bovine Tuberculosis - Causes and Symptoms

Bovine tuberculo i i a chronic and low di ea e that can affect cow and i very important in public health, a it i a zoono i , that i , it ha tran mi ion capacity to human being . ymptom are mo tly re p...

siberian cat

With abundant fur and penetrating eye , the iberian cat ha become one of the mo t popular and appreciated cat breed in the world. Hi balanced temperament and phy ical characteri tic made him one of th...

Scottish Fold Cat

Famou all over the world, the cotti h Fold or cotti h Cat he i known for hi adorable floppy ear and tender look. Famou people like Ed heeran and Taylor wift decided to have thi feline in their familie...

Reproduction of butterflies

Butterflie are among the mo t popular and beloved invertebrate in the world. The butterfly' delicate hape and the diver ity of color that it wing can have, make thi in ect an extremely fla hy and ...

Coronaviruses and Cats - What We Know About Covid-19

The pandemic cau ed by the new coronaviru , which i of animal origin, arou ed a multitude of doubt in all people who enjoy the company of a cat and other pet in their home . Do animal tran mit Covid-1...

My cat drinks a lot of water, is that normal?

On very hot day it i normal to increa e water intake, and thi i quite common for dog , too, a they are more active animal and athlete . Cat , on the other hand, do not have thi habit of drinking a lot...