- Canine Flu Causes
- How canine flu is transmitted
- canine flu symptoms
- Canine flu or kennel cough
- Correct diagnosis of canine flu
- How to Cure Dog Flu: Treatment

Like us humans, our dogs can also get sick from the flu. Although, human beings are not likely to become infected with dog flu.
Conversely, dogs getting infected with our flu is also extremely rare and there are few scientific reports about it, as the virus that commonly causes flu in humans is a different strain from the one that causes flu in dogs.
If you suspect that your dog has the flu, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal and discover the causes, symptoms and treatments for canine flu.
Canine Flu Causes
Although canine flu is not considered a zoonosis, that is, a disease that is not transmitted to humans, a dog infected with the flu virus can transmit the disease to another dog, since it is a highly contagious respiratory disease, even in the case of an animal that has low immunity due to some other disease, a simple flu can become very worrying.
The virus that causes flu in dogs was primarily reported in dogs of the Galgo breed, a race of racing dogs, in 2004 and was called H3N8, and is similar to the common flu virus in humans, so it causes similar symptoms, but it is a more specific strain for dogs, as there are some immunological and organic differences between the species.
Interestingly, the H3N8 virus was a virus known to cause the Influenza, or flu, as it is popularly known, in horses, until it began to be reported in dogs. Therefore, researchers currently believe that the virus has undergone adaptations to be able to infect dogs more easily, including another strain of H3N8 specific for dogs and another for horses.
In short, the main cause of canine flu is the transmission of the H3N8 virus from another dog, since it is a highly contagious virus.
How canine flu is transmitted
There is no restriction on the breed, age or sex of the animal, so any dog is likely to be infected with the flu virus.
However, certainly the dog immunity and environmental management are contributing factors that can facilitate the entry of the virus. Generally old puppies and dogs, or dogs that already have a chronic illness are the most susceptible to being infected.
canine flu symptoms
Symptoms in dogs are quite similar to those reported in humans. After exposure to the virus, it is usually asymptomatic for the first 2 to 5 days, which is the phase of viral replication in the body. After the first few days, the animal may have the following canine flu symptoms:
- Persistent cough.
- Runny nose and a lot of runny nose.
- Sneezing.
- Diarrhea and malaise.
- Fever.
To find out if your dog has a fever and what to do see this other article from PeritoAnimal: How to tell if your dog has a fever.

Canine flu or kennel cough
These symptoms are very similar to Kennel Cough, or Kennel Cough, scientifically known as Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis, however are different diseases as they have different etiological agents. In Canis Cough the virus that causes the disease is the bacteria Bortedella bronchiseptica and the virus that causes canine flu or Influeza is Parainfluenza H3N8.To learn more about Kennel Cough - symptoms and treatments see this other PeritoAnimal article.
However, if the animal's immunity is low and in inadequate environmental conditions, associated infections may occur, that is, an animal infected by a primary disease and not treated correctly may have a worsening of the clinical condition, contracting another disease, therefore , the two diseases can be associated in the same animal.
Correct diagnosis of canine flu
Only through the symptoms described above, it is possible to have a suspicion of what it is, however, as seen, the diseases can have similar symptoms. And, only the veterinarian can request the laboratory test for the correct diagnosis in order to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
As a laboratory test, a specific antibody test through the collection of blood samples. An exam is done as soon as there is suspicion and repeated after 10-14 days detection of signs and initiation of treatment. If the animal presents nasal secretions or a runny nose, the secretion can also be tested for the presence of the virus.
How to Cure Dog Flu: Treatment
The use of human antivirals is not allowed in animals, because in the case of the flu, besides being different viral strains, it is not known for sure what would be the side effects of these in our pets.
Therefore, there is no specific antiviral. However, it does not mean that there is no cure, the dog needs to have supportive treatment so that its immune system can fight the virus, which may include:
- Fluid therapy to prevent dehydration.
- Analgesics.
- Antipyretics for fever.
- Antibiotics to prevent other infections.
Likewise, the proper sanitation of the environment in which the animal lives must be carried out, to avoid contamination to other animals, and to provide a good diet. These are factors that contribute to the dog's immunity from falling, making it prone to infection by diseases.
If you notice that your puppy has some of these symptoms above, and you suspect it is the flu, take him to the vet immediately, as the delay in correct diagnosis and treatment can worsen his clinical condition and the disease can develop into pneumonia, complicating his condition.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.