- Rabbit Cage - Essential for Safety!
- giant rabbit cage
- Dwarf Rabbit Cage
- Rabbit cages price
- How to Make a Rabbit Cage
- Creating a pleasant environment
- Cleaning your rabbit's cage

With their small, furry bodies, rabbits are adorable pets that have gained more and more space out there, making them a good option for those who want to adopt a pet capable of adapting to their routine.These ears have a lot of energy and, therefore, it can be dangerous to leave them loose in environments with visible wires and electricity cables, tall furniture they can jump on and, even worse if these objects are made of wood, as they will be tempted to gnaw .
A cage where he can be protected is essential! For this reason, at PeritoAnimal, we wrote this article about how to choose the rabbit cage. Keep reading!
Rabbit Cage - Essential for Safety!
One thing you should always keep in mind when choosing a rabbit cage is the size of your pet. Remember that these pets are full of energy and need space to stretch your legs, run and take small jumps without risking injury.
It is recommended that the length of the cage is able to accommodate your rabbit's three short hops, or four times his body with his hind legs outstretched. The width would be something around two heels, which is equivalent to three times the size your ear occupies lying down. In addition to the space to place your pet's toys and food containers, your pet will need at least 0.5 m of free space to move smoothly.
It is worth remembering that these little ears are capable of jumping over 1 m in height and, therefore, be careful not to let him escape over the top! According to some experts, the ideal cage has to be tall so that the rabbit is standing on its hind legs, with its body stretched upwards, with a gap of at least 3 or 5 cm. In this case, the Minimum space for an adult rabbit would be 35 cm tall.
You must remember that the bigger the rabbit's cage, the better! More space he has to exercise and move freely when he's not wandering around the house.

giant rabbit cage
Animals of this size weigh between 5 and 10 kg and, in some cases, can reach up to 1 m in length. They need a lot of space, so it might be better to keep them outdoors during the day. It can be difficult to find a specific cage for giant rabbits, but, pens for dogs with a high height they are a good option in these cases, offering space for the pet to move with peace of mind.
If you have plenty of room at home, a great addition to the giant rabbit hutch is to give a room just for your ear. He'll love having a little corner of his own, especially if there's a place to hide and enjoy his privacy. Just be sure to make sure there's nothing dangerous, like loose wires, so your pet doesn't get hurt while you're gone.

Dwarf Rabbit Cage
Most domestic rabbits are small, as it is easier to raise in narrow environments, such as those who live in an apartment. They weigh about 1.5 kg and are not much bigger than a 30 cm ruler. Therefore, the cage for a dwarf rabbit may be a little smaller, comprising at least 70x40x40 cm.
Even if this is the case for you, always remember that your pet will also need space to play, run and exercise. Whenever you're at home with him and it's possible, release him a little bit of yours so he can explore the environment and also interact with you.
Rabbit cages price
metal cages with these dimensions and with a tray underneath so that your ear does not touch your balls and your pee directly, can be found in large petshop chains., an average of R$ 100.00 to R$ 300.00. Rabbit cage prices vary depending on the size and strength of the material, so it is always a good idea to research and see which type of rabbit cage is best for you.
How to Make a Rabbit Cage
Another option for those who want to provide more space for their domestic rabbit or for those who cannot find a specific cage model where they live, is to use exhibitor grids. You can buy them in different sizes and assemble them according to the space you have at home, adding a bathroom, drinking fountain, food bowl, hay support and toys so that your partner feels more comfortable and has something to do with distract.
If you have wood, metal, or grating left over, you can also create a mansion with two or three floors for your ear, offering space for him to run, jump and hide. Make sure the animal doesn't go through the space between the bars and that it won't get hurt. Always check that there is no loose end or a sharp shank, just in case.
Creating a pleasant environment
Rabbits are animals full of personality and, therefore, it is essential that you breed an environment capable of meeting your needs and keeping you entertained. Many of this species' health problems are related to boredom, lack of activity, or lack of adequate space to exercise, so it's very important that your pet has a spacious cage and that you release it regularly.
Keep your home's electrical wires out of reach of your ear, even if you're always keeping an eye on what your ear is doing. If it is impossible to climb all the cables, cover them with gutters.
build spaces for your rabbit to hide, he will love it! This type of animal lives in small holes in nature and, as it is easy prey, they like to have a quiet corner away from everyone to stay. You can provide burrows or huts made of untreated wood, allowing him to also have fun gnawing and digging.
Remember that the longer your pet is trapped, the more space your cage should have. Provide an area to keep your toys, food and water cooler. Ideally, he should have a free space to lie down and run, without hitting anything. Also, allow the sleeping area to be away from the bathroom, so the danger of it getting dirty is reduced.
Only allow your paws to make contact with solid surfaces, preventing them from developing arthritis or corns. Stay away from wire floors or similar materials!

Cleaning your rabbit's cage
Is important clean and organize the cage every day, removing excess hair from objects with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloths. Rabbits are very intelligent animals and learn to use the bathroom with ease. Always make sure that the paws are not having direct contact with the pee, as it can harm the animal if it gets wet.
Give preference to bathrooms with a grill, in which the rabbit can sit and clean up quietly, without getting dirty. Despite this, it is possible that, once in a while, he ends up missing his aim and the pee is out of the bathroom. In this case, dry the area and clean it with soap and water.
Hay and water should be changed regularly so your pet will always have access to fresh food.
Do a more intense cleaning at least once a week, throwing away old toys, changing blankets and wiping the corner of it with a damp cloth so it doesn't accumulate dust. Always use soap and water, without cleaning products, alcohol or components that can leave a smell, as they can harm the animal's health.
It is also important to clean your ear's bathroom with that same frequency, ensuring that the acidic smell of your pee does not contaminate the environment as it can attract flies and other disease-carrying insects.