- Why do cats fight?
- The arrival of a new cat
- Play or fight?
- How to stop a cat fight
- How to avoid fights?
- And when you're not home?

Cats are very territorial animals and it's not uncommon for cats to fight each other. If you already live with a cat at home and are thinking of bringing a companion, you should keep in mind that they are likely to fight at some point. In general, these are minor fights but it is important that you know how to react to avoid getting hurt and that the problems go beyond that.
Cats that freely enter and leave the house are more likely to run into some strange feline and fights can occur. When they happen outside the home, they are more difficult to avoid.
If you want to know more about fights that occur between cats and how to stop them, keep reading this article by PeritoAnimal. It is important to know when to intervene or not to prevent scratches or bites. So let's give you some tips to avoid cat fights.
Why do cats fight?
It is impossible to determine exactly why cats fight each other. We can only orient ourselves based on the character of the cat and the situation that arises, trying to guess what might cause the fight. The main reasons that cause fights between cats are as follows:
- fight for territory: Especially when a new feline comes home, it is possible that cats that already live in the house will show some rejection. They start to snort, ambushes occur and your cat may not let the new pet access food or water. Depending on the character of the cats, if they are male or if they are not sterilized, wounds can occur if the enmity continues. This situation can stress the new feline and delay its adjustment to the house.
To avoid these initial fights you should separate the feeders so that the new feline has its own space. Thus, it will also prevent the original cat from feeling invaded by the other cat using its feeder. - fight for females: When several cats live in the house, including males and females without sterilization, many fights can occur. Especially during the heat season, males will try to mate with the female.
Sterilization avoids these situations, makes it easier for them to live together and prevents unwanted pregnancies. Keep in mind that it is very difficult to keep an unsterilized female away from males if they live in the same house. Find out more about the benefits of neutering a cat in our article. - Defense: When a cat feels threatened or cornered it can become very aggressive. You may be frightened by a strange person, a dog or other unknown cat. They are especially frightened if they are trapped and cannot escape this situation.
If your cat raises its tail, arches its back and starts and emits a growl it means it feels threatened or scared. You should never try to hold him in your arms or try to caress him. It's best to leave it alone and come back when it's calmer. Keep in mind what caused this situation, since in similar situations you can attack to defend yourself.

The arrival of a new cat
The arrival of a new cat at home is a very important event in the lives of our cats. They feel they own their home, so the entry of a new feline represents an invasion of their territory. Therefore, we must prepare the first visit of our new cat:
- Prepare a zone for the new cat: you must have your own water and food. If, on first contact, you try to eat from your main cat's feeder, it may react badly.
- growl and snort: it is normal for the two cats to growl, stare at each other and be cautious on first contact. Don't worry, this is normal. Don't try to get them to play or get close from the first moment. They must do this of their own volition as the days go by.
- Gradual presentation: if possible, make the first visit last only a few minutes and that, little by little, they will share your space. Closing the two in the same room without knowing each other will result in a fight.
- avoid jealousy: try to pay the same attention to both cats. Jealousy between cats can cause fights. Keep this in mind, especially in the first few days.
- catwalks: Preparing an environment in which a cat can hide, climb and feel more comfortable can help make the first few days more positive. Use walkways and bridges.
Properly preparing the arrival of the new feline can help prevent cat fights and discomfort in the house. Responsible adoption must always plan for these little details. Read our full article on how to get a cat used to another kitten.

Play or fight?
Even when your cats get along very well, it is possible that from time to time there will be a fight. They have plenty of food and enough space, but they still fight. Don't worry, it's common, cats have a very special character and small disputes occur and settle down between them.
Still, fights are not good and we must know how to differentiate when our cats are playing or fighting. Sometimes, especially young cats, they play very intenselyand, and it may be that at some point they growl or snort as a warning. These are times when the game must end. Cats will work this out among themselves. It is not advisable to intervene in these cases, unless the fight has clearly taken place.
To know how to recognize if it is a fight or a joke between siblings, we must observe and pay attention to each cat. If you know your personality, you can immediately recognize what situation is happening.

How to stop a cat fight
For a start, it is essential to know how to differentiate a fight or aggression principle with a simple alert. Cats, like other animals, cannot express their feelings to each other in words. For this reason, in the face of discomfort or discomfort, they respond by growling, snorting and baring their teeth.
Repressing this natural cat behavior can result in a skittish and aggressive cat, as we are teaching it not to growl and so it could directly attack without warning. When our cat snorts at another cat, he is explaining to him what his limits are and how far he can go. Do not worry.
If you notice fights between your cats, it's important not to let them continue. If you let them fight, they could hurt their ears or neck. They will get used to this relationship and it will be very difficult to correct this behavior. When your cats start fighting, follow these tips:
- don't try to separate them: When two cats are caught in a fight they may scratch or bite you if you try to separate them. Never put your hands between them.
- get your attention: Say a firm "No" or another word out loud. A whistle or blow is also valid. It should get the cats' attention to stop paying attention to the fight. This will likely cause the least dominant individual to flee.
- Spray: You can use a water spray to separate them, but this action can backfire, please take this into account.
- Never use physical punishment: Aggression is never productive. You will only make the relationship with your cat get worse. Positive reinforcement should always be used. You can use rewards to reward them when they reconcile.
If your cats fought or almost did, it will be convenient to try to anticipate and prevent it from happening again, keep reading and discover PeritoAnimal's proposals.

How to avoid fights?
To avoid fights between cats that we have at home, we must observe them and know their personality. Every cat reacts differently to certain situations. Some are especially skittish when sharing food, and others bother them when they sleep. Follow these advices:
- anticipate: when two cats are tense it is obvious. When you see them start to approach each other, get their attention and try to get things over with. A single word in a loud tone can distract them and end the discussion.
- Promote a pleasant environment: the catwalks, tranquility and relaxing music can help you create an appropriate environment for calm to reign in your home. If, on the contrary, you dedicate yourself to screaming, breaking objects and making your cats crazy, it is very likely that a problem may arise.
- Find out what caused the fight: Although sometimes we don't know the cause, sometimes we can understand it. If you find that the problem is because they are competing for the same bed or the same toy, resolve that issue. Buy another bed or another toy to avoid fights. Using a sandbox can also cause fights, so get two sandboxes.
In a matter of weeks the new and old cats will share play and probably bedding. Cats are very affectionate to each other, when they know each other and have spent time together without fighting, they clean each other and your relationship will be closer. It is very rewarding that our cats get along well, as they will spend a lot of time together at home and, in many cases, without their owner's control.

And when you're not home?
The ideal would be separate the cats in different areas of the house so as not to fight each other. In addition to radically avoiding any kind of fight, they will help them to relax and feel comfortable.
When separating them, don't forget that everyone should have access to food, fresh water, a sandbox and a comfort zone. Also, intelligence toys like the kong, can help calm your stress by providing relaxation and stimulating your mind.