- the habits of the chameleon
- Is it necessary for the chameleon to change color?
- How the Chameleon Changes Color
- Camouflaged Chameleon - One of the Reasons to Change Color
- temperature changes
- Protection
- moods
- Do chameleons change color according to your mood?
- The colors of the chameleon according to your mood
- How many colors can the chameleon have?

Small, picturesque and very skilled, the chameleon is living proof that, in the animal kingdom, it doesn't matter how big it is to be spectacular. Originally from Africa, it is among the most fascinating beings on Earth, due to its large, delusional eyes, which can move independently of each other, as well as its extraordinary ability to change color and camouflage itself among the different environments of nature. if you want to know how the chameleon changes color, be sure to read this Animal Expert article.
the habits of the chameleon
Before you know why chameleons change their body color, you need to know a little more about them. The true chameleon inhabits a large part of the African continent, although it is also possible to find it in Europe and in certain regions of Asia. your scientific name Chamaeleonidae encompasses nearly two hundred different species of reptiles.
the chameleon is a very lonely animal who usually live in the tops of trees without any group or companions. It goes down to solid ground only when it's time to find a partner and breed. On top of trees, it feeds mainly on insects such as crickets, cockroaches and flies, as well as worms. This reptile catches its prey using a very peculiar method, which consists of throwing its long, sticky tongue over the victims where it remains trapped. The chameleon's tongue can reach up to three times the length of its body and it performs this movement so quickly, just a tenth of a second, making it impossible to escape it.
Is it necessary for the chameleon to change color?
It's easy to guess that this amazing ability allows the chameleon adapt to virtually any medium existing, protecting it from predators while hiding from its prey's eyes. As we said, chameleons are native to Africa, although they are also found in some areas of Europe and Asia. When there are many species, they are distributed over different ecosystems, whether savannas, mountains, jungles, steppes or deserts, among others. In this scenario, chameleons can adapt and reach any shade found in the environment, protecting themselves and contributing to their survival.
Also, among its abilities is a great ability to jump from one tree to another, due to the strength of its legs and tail. As if that wasn't enough, they can change their skin, just like snakes.
How the Chameleon Changes Color
Knowing all this, you are certainly asking yourself: "but, how do the chameleons change color?". The answer is simple, they have special cells, calls chromatophores, which contain certain pigments with which the chameleon can change its color depending on the situation in which it finds itself. These cells are located on the outside of the skin and are distributed into three layers:
- Top layer: Contains red and yellow pigments, especially visible when the chameleon is at risk.
- Middle layer: Mainly houses white and blue pigments.
- Bottom layer: Contains dark pigments such as black and brown, which are normally manifested depending on temperature changes in the environment.

Camouflaged Chameleon - One of the Reasons to Change Color
Now that you know how the chameleon changes color it's time to find out why it does. Obviously, one of the main reasons is that this device serves as an escape method against predators. However, there are also other reasons, such as:
temperature changes
Chameleons change color depending on the temperature in the environment. For example, to make better use of the sun's rays, they use dark tones, as they absorb heat better. Likewise, if the environment is cold, they change the skin to lighter colors, to cool the body and protect themselves from adverse weather.
Protection and camouflage are the main causes of its color change, managing to hide from its predators, which are usually birds or other reptiles. The ability to camouflage with the colors offered by nature seems to have no limits, no matter if they are plants, rocks or earth, these animals adapt your body to everything that allows them to confuse the other creatures that pose a risk to your life.
Read our article "Animals that camouflage in the wild" and discover other species with this ability.
These little reptiles also change color depending on the mood. In the next section we'll delve into this topic and also explain the different shades chameleons can adopt.
Do chameleons change color according to your mood?
Not only do humans have humor but animals too, and this is another reason why chameleons change color. Some research has shown that depending on the mood they are in at any given time, they adopt a certain color pattern.
For example, if chameleons are courting a female or in a dangerous situation, they show a play of colors in which bright colors predominate, while when they are relaxed and calm, they have slightly softer and more natural colors.
The colors of the chameleon according to your mood
Mood is extremely important to chameleons when they change color, especially as they become communicate with their peers thus. However, according to their mood, they alternate their colors as follows:
- Stress: in situations of stress or nervousness, they paint themselves in dark tones, like black and a wide range of browns.
- Aggressiveness: during a fight or when they feel threatened by others of the same species, chameleons show a variety of bright colors, where red and yellow predominate. With that, they tell the opponent that they are willing to fight.
- Passivity: if a chameleon is not ready for a fight, the colors shown are opaque, indicating to your opponent that he is not looking for trouble.
- Mating: when the female is ready for mating, show off bright colors, using especially the Orange. You males, on the other hand, try to get your attention using a rainbow hue, showing your best clothes: red, green, purple, yellow or blue are presented at the same time. It is, then, the moment when the chameleon shows its ability to change color with greater strength.
- Pregnancy: when the female is fertilized, she changes her body to dark colors, like deep blue, with few spots of bright color. In this way, it indicates to the other chameleons that it is in this gestational state.
- Happiness: either because they emerged victorious from a fight or because they feel comfortable, when the chameleons are calm and happy, the bright green tones are common. This is also the tone of dominant males.
- Sadness: a chameleon defeated in a fight, sick or sad will be opaque, gray and light brown.

How many colors can the chameleon have?
As we mentioned, there are about two hundred species of chameleons distributed around the world. Now do they change color the same way? The answer is no. Not all chameleons are capable of adopting all varieties of colors, this depends a lot on the species and the environment. where they develop. As if that wasn't enough, some species of this genus don't even change color!
Some species, like the Parson's chameleon, can only vary between different shades of gray and silvery blue, while others, like the jackson's chameleon or three-horned chameleon, boast a range of about10 to 15 shades, formed with scales of yellow, blue, green, red, black and white.
A third type only oscillates in shades of ocher, black and brown. As you can see, these are very complex animals!