The bitch's pregnancy week by week

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
DIY, Know If Your Bitch Is Pregnant, After Pulling Semen By Hand
Video: DIY, Know If Your Bitch Is Pregnant, After Pulling Semen By Hand


If you suspect that your dog is pregnant or you are sure of it and you are looking for all the information possible, you have come to the right place. In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain everything about bitches pregnancy and the gestation process so that you know what your beloved bitch needs at this very special time in her life and what needs the puppies have to come.

Read on to find out about all this in this article about the bitch's pregnancy week by week along with the symptoms and the duration of the process. We will also provide you with useful information about food, tours, among other things.

Symptoms of a Pregnant Dog

You may have doubts if your dog is really pregnant, as mounts are not always successful. For this reason, below we are going to show you some signs that can help you identify if your dog is pregnant:

  • Vaginal flow changes: The first thing you should know if you suspect your dog may be pregnant is that the menstrual cycle is not a viable indicator, as it is a common mistake to think it is identical to women's, but nothing further from reality. A bitch menstruates approximately twice a year, so the absence of menstruation is not a sign that can indicate a pregnancy. What can be seen as a sign of pregnancy is the vaginal flow, which can change color and consistency, without showing blood.
  • behavior changes: In terms of behavior, there are also several signs that can make us think that the bitch is pregnant. A decrease in appetite or a change in desire in food. The dog's vitality tends to be reduced, she becomes more tired and remains lying down and may even show general malaise. To prepare the nest of chicks, the bitch will look for a suitable place and drag the blankets to that corner. You can also start scratching the walls and not wanting to go out for a walk. We can observe hiccups and a rude attitude in general.
  • physical changes: A bitch's pregnancy lasts from 63 to 67 days, more or less, and halfway through this period, with approximately one month of pregnancy, is when you can start to notice that the bitch's belly is bigger, distinguishes itself and starts to get lower. A key symptom of a pregnant dog is the changes taking place in her breasts. Looking at your dog's breasts you will see that they are bigger and that her nipples are more visible, it is because they are preparing for lactation. And it can happen to see milk.

If you have detected these symptoms in your dog, then don't wait any longer and consult the veterinarian. He will confirm the pregnancy with a blood test and ultrasound, in addition to ensuring that everything is going normally. At this time, more than ever, you must get involved in your dog's health.

The dog's psychological pregnancy

Sometimes when we couple a female dog several times without getting her pregnant, it may be that she is suffering from a false pregnancy or a psychological pregnancy, although also can occur without any reason.

When the bitch suffers from a psychological pregnancy, we see that the physical development occurs like a normal pregnancy and we can even see several signs that may confuse us, such as breast enlargement, for example. In these cases, the bitch acts strangely, just like a pregnant bitch, and after a few days it can happen to steal stuffed dolls, which are then treated by her as babies. You must be patient and empathetic with her, as this phase usually last about three weeks, maximum.

The best way to know if your dog is suffering from a false pregnancy is to consult your veterinarian when you suspect it. False pregnancy can get considerably worse if not treated properly, as our bitch can develop a breast infection (due to milk production) as well as mastitis. The specialist should review the animal's health and provide treatment if necessary.

Diagnosis of pregnancy in bitches

To confirm the pregnancy status you can't do a pregnancy test on a bitch with a tool we find in pharmacies, as these tests are designed to detect a hormone that is only present in humans.

To be sure, go to the veterinarian, who will take the following steps to diagnose the dog's pregnancy:

  • serological test: A urine analysis can confirm the pregnancy but without providing data on the number of offspring or the viability of the process.
  • abdominal palpation: It requires a certain skill to detect pregnancy, it is the most economical and traditional method. It is not 100% reliable and also does not reveal any problems that might occur. It can be done from 23 and even 30 days after coupling.
  • ultrasound: It is sensitive, reliable and safe for the bitch and the procedure does not transmit harmful waves. Confirms pregnancy but may not correctly specify litter size. It can be done from the 21 days of coupling approximately.
  • radiography: It can only be performed from the 44th day of pregnancy due to the poor visibility that the puppies offer, in addition to the radiation damage they can receive. The ideal time to do this is during the last third of the pregnancy, when the risk for the puppies is the same as the dog may suffer. It is the ideal and most used method to estimate the number of litter members.

Feeding during pregnancy

Follow the steps that we will explain below so that your pregnant dog enjoys the best care and attention, remember that you must take her to the vet throughout the process to avoid complications:

  • In the first weeks of pregnancy it will be difficult to detect, for this reason during the early stages she will continue to eat feed as she did until now. You will also continue to enjoy your walks and games as usual. The symptoms of pregnancy will not be long in coming, you will begin to feel unwell and nausea may even appear.
  • From the moment we know that our dog is pregnant and from the 5th week of gestation we should increase the feed dose by 5% every week that passes. Remember that you must also feed the puppies inside it. Consult your veterinarian to find out exactly what the dose increase is as it may vary depending on the number of puppies you have.
  • Extra foods: If you notice abnormal behavior in your stools, you can switch to a softer, canned or digestive feed. At six weeks, the pregnant bitch needs proteins and vitamins that favor the healthy development of the puppies that are yet to arrive. For this reason, we can offer you specific puppy food that will help you in the process.
  • Hydration in this process is essential, you should always have at your disposal a large container with fresh water that you should keep clean.
  • There are people who recommend giving a specific glass of milk daily to the pregnant dog. This will help her produce more milk. Check with your veterinarian what products are available in your appointment.
  • In the final stages of pregnancy: At this critical point, the female dog has less space in her body to store food. We recommend that you offer the food frequently but in small portions. It is common to stop eating. Even so, in your bowl, although it is in small quantity, you should have food that you will replace each time you finish.
  • When the puppies arrive, the bitch will need to follow a special diet to favor milk production.

Other advice who should know:

  • The dog's feeding during the first two weeks of pregnancy should be the same, although we are aware of the pregnancy.
  • In case of nausea, we should administer the food little by little, divided into several meals.
  • Nutritional supplements such as vitamins or proteins should not be administered before 6 weeks of pregnancy, as they can cause inadequate development in the puppies.
  • Never administer medications during pregnancy.
  • Always consult your veterinarian whenever you notice unusual behavior.

Pregnant bitch care

During this very special process we must know that our bitch is more sensitive and, for that reason, we will be pending on her and her needs. Of course, we must go to the veterinarian frequently so that he can perform the relevant exams and follow a control to confirm that everything is developing correctly.

The most important care you will need is nutrition, which we explained in the previous point. In addition, we must follow a weight control throughout this process, useful to prevent obesity and provide a balanced, healthy and rich diet.

As extra care for the bitch, we recommend that you have a comfortable bed in a different room if necessary and away from the cold, stress or drafts. You can look for a place with space with blankets and cotton cloths, which she will use to create her nest and then have her babies there. It's also important that you don't force her to drink, eat, or exercise. Must have patience and look for calm and comfort.

Pregnancy of the bitch week by week

As mentioned in other points, it is important to consult the veterinarian periodically to follow the pregnancy and see its development, below you will find a summary of all this week by week:

  • First week: At the beginning the female ovulates, the coupling takes place and with it the fertilization. It can be repeated for a couple of days to get a pregnancy. Once fertilized, the cycle of heat ends and we have already achieved the goal we were looking for.
  • Third week: Sperm permanently implant in the uterine lining and begin to develop. It is this week that we can perform a serological test, as the first metabolic changes appear.
  • Fourth week: The fetuses start to develop very slowly, in addition, the 25th is approaching, when we can consult the veterinarian to carry out the first ultrasound or abdominal palpation.
  • Fifth week: On the 35th day we are in the fetal stage, and the dog's genetic needs change, that's when we have to start giving her more food than usual, increasing the dose by 5% every week.
  • seventh week: It is the key moment when the puppies' bodies are mineralizing, remember that at this moment the bitch is likely to refuse to eat. Go for soft or appetizing food and use the junior range (which have more nutrition).
  • eighth week: From the 50th day on, the skeleton of fetuses is completely ossified. Schedule an appointment with the veterinarian to make a radiography and be able to determine the number of fetuses. It is very important to carry out this test so that at the time of delivery it can be confirmed that there is no pup still inside. We must start preparing the bed where the birth will take place. The room temperature should be around 30ºC without the feeling of dryness. At this point the bitch will start producing milk. Purchase one or two containers of milk at pet stores or in specialized places, in case the female's production is not enough for the whole litter. Puppies are already sensitive to touch, we can encourage their development even before they are born by caressing the belly of your pregnant dog. We recommend give the bitch a bath at the end of the eighth week so that the delivery is as hygienic as possible, as long as it doesn't make the dog nervous. We can use dry cleaning shampoos to avoid disturbing or messing with excess.
  • ninth week: The time of delivery comes, you should be aware 24 hours a day, taking shifts with your relatives, if necessary, she will need your help. Continue reading the next point to learn more about bitch birth.

the birth of the bitch

The long-awaited and longed-for moment arrives, which is the birth of the bitch. If your veterinarian has not mentioned that there may be a risk, then she will have the puppies at home, otherwise she should go to a veterinarian clinic quickly in case of symptoms.

If you have finally received your puppies at home, remember that this is a very difficult time for her and that it is likely that need your help. Make watch shifts with your partner or family so they can be by the dog's side at this very special moment. It is essential that you have a veterinary emergency number in case any complications arise.

Will start to notes some signs that the time is approaching:

  • Dilation of the vulva and pelvic ligaments.
  • The bitch is looking for a quiet place.
  • You get irritated, nervous (it's normal you shouldn't worry)
  • Prepares the space for childbirth in a far away place

The time for delivery arrives, what should you do?

It is the puppies themselves that trigger the birth. There are three stages of childbirth:

  1. relaxation or dilation of the uterus: From 4 to 24 hours in duration. The female prepares to expel the young. It is a time of restlessness and nervousness. The vulva expands and may even secrete some fluids.
  2. expelling the offspring: When the contractions start to get more intense and last for at least 60 seconds we should stay relaxed and be aware that the moment of birth is almost happening. Let's see how the bitch licks her genital area. The contractions get stronger and stronger until the first puppy is expelled of the body (still joined by the umbilical cord to the placenta). The remaining chicks then turn at short intervals of time. In general, the birth usually lasts about 2 hours, although it can be considerably extended if it is a large litter (there are cases of up to 24 hours). The female will lick the chicks to stimulate them while cutting their umbilical cord. There are very few cases where you don't do it, if you see that you don't have the strength or don't do it, you should do it yourself. Remember that must count the puppies to know they're all out here according to the X-ray results.
  3. expulsion from the placenta: During parturition, each puppy is born wrapped in a placenta, each time the bitch breaks it to let the puppy breathe, she eats it afterwards because its nutritional value is very high. If you see that the placenta does not rupture, do it yourself, otherwise the puppies could die. In addition, we advise that if the expelled placenta is too big, do not let your dog eat it, as this could result in digestive problems.

Childbirth Problems

We can say that in most cases there are usually no risks in childbirth, yet and for this reason, we recommend that you consult the veterinarian periodically during pregnancy throughout the article, as the professional will tell you if your dog pregnant, she can have the puppies at home without any problem or if she will need specialized attention, all this through the analysis of exams.

If you notice any of the problems in the bitch's delivery that we explain below, call the emergency veterinarian without any delay:

  • Absence of uterine contractions
  • Bleeding
  • Abortion
  • Abnormal birth (the fetuses are trapped)
  • Placental retention (if not expelled)
  • fetal death
  • Mummification

Some advice for the three most common problems:

In case a puppy gets stuck: If we see that a small kitten has become trapped in the birth canal, we should never remove it. What you should do is turn it clockwise to open the vagina.

The bitch cannot cut the umbilical cord: It must cut you with scissors, then it must tie a knot.

a puppy does not breathe: You should open your mouth and practice artificial respiration, in addition to energetically massaging the chest area and bringing heat without hurting you. Shake it a little while holding its head gently. You must be very careful and know well the resuscitation of newborn puppies before giving birth.

bitch postpartum

Your dog's puppies are totally dependent on her, both to receive food and to regulate body temperature. Your milk is very important as it makes them immune from various diseases that may exist in the environment. As we mentioned earlier, if you see that you don't lick or feed them you should do it yourself following the advice of PeritoAnimal on how to feed newborn puppies.

Wrap them in cotton towels and place them all in the same small, warm room. If your dog does not feed them, you should give them milk, which you should buy in pet stores, always in small doses and with great care. If in doubt, always consult your trusted veterinarian.