Names for Pit Bull Dogs

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 26 September 2024
16 Male Pitbull Names // What is your Pit Bull’s name?
Video: 16 Male Pitbull Names // What is your Pit Bull’s name?


The real name of this dog breed is American Pit Bull Terrier and despite being a very popular breed, the truth is that it has only been recognized by two canine federations, the United Kennel Club and the American Dog Breeders.

It is a breed of dog that has been heavily stigmatized because of its past as a fighting dog and because of the cases of aggression that have appeared in the news over the years. However, it is important to remember that no dog is potentially dangerous and that it all depends on the education you receive. Therefore, to get the good behavior of an adult dog, it is necessary to socialize the dog from the start. However, when facing any problem, it is important to seek help from an expert.

Despite all the myths related to this breed of dog, the truth is that they are one of the most sociable and affectionate dogs around people. So, if you've just adopted a Pit Bull puppy and need to find an ideal name for your new family member, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and see over 300 options for names for Pit Bull puppies.

How to Choose a Name for Pit Bull

Pit Bull puppies, without a doubt, stand out mainly for their physical, muscular and imposing appearance. That's why it's important to choose a name that matches both the physical appearance and the personality of this breed of dog.

Also, depending on the name you choose for your American Pit Bull Terrier, it can make different first impressions of your pet. For example, a person may react differently if their dog calls "Becky" instead of "Beast". If you want your Pit Bull to be a friendly companion who socializes with other people and animals in a positive way, one of the first steps is to choose a Pit Bull name that is warm and friendly.

Some basic advice for you choose the name for the ideal pit bull are:

  • Choose a name that is short, between two and three syllables, so it's easy for him to remember;
  • Avoid using names that look too much like other frequently used words;
  • Always use the same name, do not make variations until the dog associates correctly. To know some tricks on how to make the dog recognize your name, check out this article by PeritoAnimal.
  • The name chosen must have a clear, sonorous and easily recognizable pronunciation.

Names for male Pit Bulls

Generally, male puppies are a little more brusque in their movements and, in addition, have a more dominant character. They have the virtue of being very attached to the tutors and of being very affectionate. The name for male Pit Bull should be strong but with a different twist that convey a lot of affection and happiness.

This list of names for male pit bull dogs is very useful, you will find some more typical and other differences, but you can also join the syllables of some names and find the perfect name for your pet:

  • Alex
  • Alfredo
  • Alvin
  • Target
  • aston
  • Bacon
  • baltimore
  • balto
  • benny
  • Berlin
  • bidu
  • Brad
  • Brandon
  • Broccoli
  • brogan
  • Brutus
  • Buddha
  • Caetano
  • Captain
  • Caramel
  • Carlton
  • Casper
  • Chay
  • chico
  • Chris
  • cookie
  • Cro
  • Dante
  • Dayron
  • denis
  • Denver
  • I say
  • Sun
  • Doug
  • Draco
  • Draco
  • dragon
  • Duke
  • eder
  • Emeron
  • Enzo
  • Felix
  • Fi
  • Fidel
  • forcus
  • Frank
  • Freud
  • Gab
  • George
  • Gil
  • Gin
  • Gio
  • Gleber
  • Glenn
  • Fat
  • Gordon
  • Harry
  • Henry
  • Hercules
  • Hulk
  • Idon
  • Ignatius
  • Jack
  • manta rays
  • James
  • garden
  • javier
  • Jhaldo
  • jones
  • Jupter
  • Kevin
  • Kinki
  • Klaus
  • Kraker
  • Kruger
  • Krusty
  • Leo
  • Lucca
  • Luiz
  • Luke
  • manson
  • Sea
  • March
  • Max
  • Milu
  • Morgan
  • Naldo
  • neiva
  • Nelson
  • snows
  • Nick
  • Niko
  • girl
  • Norton
  • odoric
  • Oreo
  • Pace
  • pango
  • plague
  • Petit
  • drop
  • drop
  • Plankton
  • Portugal
  • Portus
  • potter
  • Pudding
  • Puff
  • retro
  • rhino
  • River
  • rocco
  • Romeo
  • rony
  • roy
  • Sentinel
  • Sergio
  • Silva
  • Siqueira
  • Sultan
  • theo
  • Theo
  • Tim
  • Tyryon
  • Titan
  • Titus
  • Toby
  • tofu
  • Tone
  • Bull
  • Typhoon
  • you
  • Umbron
  • bear
  • fleecy
  • Vincent
  • Viny
  • wally
  • wildroof
  • will
  • Willy
  • Xenox
  • Yak
  • Yeron
  • Zaitos
  • Joe
  • Zeca
  • Zildo
  • Zeus

If you've adopted a black dog, check out our list of dog names in this PeritoAnimal article.

Names for female Pitbull

Like males, Pit Bull females also have their own characteristics that distinguish them from male puppies. Pit Bull bitches are loyal, but also more independent than males. On the other hand, they are not as dominant as their partners. They tend to walk more calmly, although they are also more in their world. However, it is a breed of dog that always gives great affection to their guardians and children.

Also check out our list of names for female Pitbull puppies. As in the previous one, the trick is to choose loud and strong names that do not convey ideas or have negative connotations, on the contrary, they must convey positive and feminine sensations as the females of the races deserve:

  • Africa
  • Blackberry
  • Ashley
  • Athena
  • baby
  • baby
  • Bel
  • Lovely
  • cute
  • Bianca
  • little ball
  • White
  • Breeze
  • Cocoa
  • Carminha
  • carry
  • celia
  • Sky
  • Charlote
  • Cheila
  • Cheila
  • Cindy
  • clear
  • Clarissa
  • Clodette
  • Crystal
  • dipsy
  • Diva
  • owner
  • Dudley
  • Elis
  • Emily
  • Ester
  • fairy
  • Fiona
  • flower
  • Flora
  • Florida
  • Claw
  • Gilda
  • Gina
  • Glory
  • Hanna
  • hashy
  • Irina
  • Iris
  • Isis
  • Jade
  • Jana
  • jata
  • Java
  • jenny
  • joelma
  • jolie
  • jujube
  • Jurema
  • karma
  • Kate
  • Keila
  • Kelly
  • Kerol
  • kiss
  • There
  • lady
  • laila
  • lari
  • Leah
  • Leda
  • Leslie
  • Leviathan
  • Lila
  • Line
  • Lira
  • Lisbon
  • List
  • Livia
  • lola
  • Moon
  • Lucy
  • ludi
  • Luna
  • Apple
  • maia
  • Sea
  • Marda
  • marta
  • Honey
  • honey
  • Merida
  • mia
  • mindy
  • misty
  • Molly
  • Mona Lisa
  • Naibra
  • Naira
  • Nancy
  • nanda
  • Nazareth
  • Nebraska
  • deny
  • Neila
  • Nina
  • Nutella
  • Osha
  • osiris
  • pandora
  • paty
  • peggy
  • penny
  • Petra
  • Pitanga
  • pitty
  • Pituca
  • queen
  • dear
  • Raika
  • Raika
  • Rasta
  • Reindeer
  • Rumba
  • Russia
  • Shy
  • sissi
  • skaila
  • Sofi
  • Sun
  • Shadow
  • suhi
  • susy
  • Teak
  • tequila
  • Tina
  • Titan
  • trinity
  • tuca
  • twin
  • Vanda
  • Vanilla
  • Venus
  • Will see
  • Life
  • wila
  • Xana
  • Xena
  • Xuxa
  • Yalis
  • Zamba
  • Zana
  • Zilda

Did not find the best name for pit bull bitch? See more options for names for big dogs in this PeritoAnimal article

How to Care for a Pit Bull

As we explained in the introduction, the character of an adult Pit Bull puppy depends directly on the education received in its puppy stage. For this reason, you should not ignore the tips for training a Pit Bull, especially all the advice related to pet socialization so that it is able to positively relate to dogs and people. You should also pay attention to the Pit Bull's diet, one of the main factors in maintaining good health and physical exercise that will prevent stress and any behavioral problems.

Don't forget that this is a breed that loves to bite. If your dog is a puppy and is biting everything he finds or is an adult with anxiety, it is essential that you provide some of the best Pit Bull toys that should be sturdy and safe.

Need more suggestions for names for Pit Bull? Take a look at these articles and find the perfect name for your furry one:

  • Different names for dogs;
  • Names for male dogs;
  • Names for unique and cute female puppies.

If, on the contrary, you chose a name or have other suggestions, leave a comment below with your dog's name so that the entire PeritoAnimal community can know it.