- Causes of Lymphoma in Cats
- food lymphoma in cats
- Multicentric Lymphoma in Cats
- extranodal lymphoma
- ocular lymphoma
- renal lymphoma
- Lymphoma in the central nervous system
- Lymphoma in the nasal cavity
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphoma in Cats
- Is lymphoma in cats curable?

Lymphoma is a type of malignant cancer. Lymphoma in cats can affect different regions of the animal's body, such as internal organs and lymph nodes (organs of the lymphatic system, responsible for storing lymphocytes and other cells of the immune system).
Adult and elderly animals are more affected by lymphoma, but young animals can also suffer from this disease. In addition, male cats are more willing to develop this pathology.
Lymphoma in cats can be caused by several factors, and its symptoms depend on which, or which organs are affected. To help you with better detail about the lymphoma in cats, we do Animal Expert we bring relevant information that can help you in relation to your pussy's health.
Causes of Lymphoma in Cats
It is not clear what can cause the lymphoma in cats, however, it is believed that the pathology is closely related to infection by IVF (Feline Immunodeficiency) and FeLV (Feline leukemia), exposure to smoke, prolonged inflammation, and changes in the immune system.
There are different types of lymphoma in cats. Below we will explain some of the most common ones.
food lymphoma in cats
O food lymphoma is characterized by the infiltration of lymphoma in the gastrointestinal system and may affect the stomach, intestines, liver and spleen. The small intestine is commonly affected, and in these cases the disease is termed as intestinal lymphoma (occurs in 50% to 80% of cases), followed by the stomach (25% of cases).
The main symptoms of food lymphoma are:
- Weight loss
- vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Anorexia
- Lethargy (Change of behavior, no reaction to external stimuli)
- blood in feces
In addition to the symptoms, the food lymphoma it can be diagnosed through palpation, since there is a greater presence of abdominal and intestinal mass, due to the manifestation of tumor.
O food lymphoma it is the second most frequent neoplasm in the digestive tract of cats (corresponding to 41% of cases), surpassed by adenocarcinoma (malignant tumor in glandular epithelium, or on a gland-like surface).

Multicentric Lymphoma in Cats
O multicentric lymphoma is characterized when the tumor it affects several different nodes and organs, such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, and bone marrow. Symptoms depend on the affected organs, but include:
- Anorexia
- Cachexia (Extreme degree of weakness)
- pale mucous
- Depression
- Weight loss
In rare cases, animals may present:
- bleeding disorders
- eye injuries
- neurological signs
- Infections
There are reports that indicate that in most cases of multicentric lymphoma, the animals were positive for IVF.
extranodal lymphoma
O extranodal lymphoma is characterized by affecting any type of body tissue, its symptoms are related to the affected organs, usually involving the nervous system, kidneys, eyes, and are usually solitary, that is, they affect only a single tissue.
ocular lymphoma
O extranodal lymphoma that affects the eyeball occurs more often in cats than in dogs, and its symptoms include:
- aversion to light
- Conjunctivitis
- eye diseases
- Bleeding
- retinal detachment
- retinal affection
- Optic nerve infiltration
renal lymphoma
O extranodal lymphoma that affects the kidneys is relatively common among felines, and the symptoms are related to kidney failure, as usually both kidneys are affected by the lymphoma.
Symptoms usually include:
- Anemia
- Large and irregular kidneys
The progression of lymphoma of the kidneys is related to the manifestation of the tumor in the animal's Central Nervous System, the probability of this process occurring is 40% to 50%.
Lymphoma in the central nervous system
O lymphoma that affects the Central Nervous System usually occurs as multicentric, and often occurs in cats that have been primarily affected with renal lymphoma.
Symptoms of lymphoma in the Central Nervous System include:
- Convulsions
- Paralysis
- Paresis
O lymphoma it can also expand to the Peripheral Nervous System, which can cause:
- muscle atrophy
- respiratory discomfort
- Anorexia
- Lethargy (Change of behavior without reaction to external stimuli)
- behavioral changes
Lymphoma in the nasal cavity
O lymphoma it is the most common tumor in the nasal cavity in cats, usually occurring in animals aged 8 to 10 years. The most common symptoms are:
- difficulty breathing
- bleeding
- Nasal discharge
- nasal deformity
- Nasal discharge
- sneeze
- Weight loss
- Lethargy
- Anorexia
Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphoma in Cats
To diagnose your pet, several tests can be performed, such as blood count tests, biochemical profile, urine analysis, IVF and FeVL, x-ray or ultrasound, among other methods, in addition to physical examinations.
The main treatment for lymphomain cats it's composed by chemotherapy. This procedure does not promote the cure of the lymphoma, but it can promote longer lifespan for your pussy.
On average, the percentage of cats with lymphoma that obtains positive results with the chemotherapy it is 50% to 80%, with a survival time of 6 months. The results are more positive in relation to animals not infected with FeLV, which have a high probability of survival long after treatment. However, even if the chemotherapy is well tolerated by small cats, the procedure can cause side effects such as anorexia and lethargy.
Is lymphoma in cats curable?
If the lymphoma is discovered in its early stages, is in an easily accessible region and is limited, it is possible to have it removed by surgical intervention, thus eliminating the need for chemotherapy.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.