Home remedy for ringworm in dogs

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
4 Best Dog Ringworm Treatments and Home Remedies
Video: 4 Best Dog Ringworm Treatments and Home Remedies


THE dermatophytosis (known as ringworm or 'ringworm') is characterized by an infection of the superficial layers of the skin. It is one of the most common skin diseases in dogs and is caused by fungi that invade the dog's skin and feed on keratinized tissue (such as skin, fur and even nails). Cats can also suffer from this problem.

The treatment of ringworm in puppies can be time-consuming and take 1 to 3 months. Know that you will not see results on the first day of treatment, but do not despair because with time you can eliminate these fungi from your dog. In addition to the treatment prescribed by your veterinarian, there are alternative treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms. So, in this PeritoAninal article we explain the treatment for canine ringworm and home remedies for fungus in dogs.

It is essential that your pet is seen by a veterinarian so he can diagnose and define the most appropriate treatment. Because, like any other disease, without a correct diagnosis it is very difficult to fight the problem.

Treatment for ringworm in dogs

Veterinarians, depending on the severity of the problem, opt for systemic and/or localized treatments for dog ringworm. Veterinary evaluation is essential for a correct diagnosis, since not all itchy and fungal problems in dogs are always caused by ringworm.

In early stages, an improvement in the dog's immunity may be enough for the ringworm to disappear. But in general, it is important to take care of the symptoms caused by the fungus in dogs to prevent its spread and avoid discomfort in puppies.

O treatment for ringworm in dogs usually lasts 1 to 3 months and even if the animal appears to be cured, it is important to follow the time prescribed by the veterinarian. Veterinary testing will determine whether ringworm has, in fact, been cured.

If it really is a case of dermatophytosis, the commonly prescribed treatments can be:

  • systemic treatment: this treatment works on the hair follicles, acting in the place where the fungi are located and allowing them to be eliminated. The dose of medication must always be indicated by the veterinarian.
  • local treatment: there are different shampoos, ointments, creams and antifungal powders prescribed by veterinarians that help to solve the problem locally and essentially serve to prevent contamination of the environment. In the case of lotions, they can be applied more easily when applied with a brush, as this already helps to eliminate fungal spurs accumulated in the dog's fur.

Environmental decontamination

This is an essential point in dealing with this problem. You must clear all places frequented by the dog and all objects and accessories his. From beds, feeders, brushes, etc. If you have rugs or carpets at home, you should destroy them or wash them with hot water above 43ºC (minimum temperature to destroy fungal spores).

Fungi in Dogs: Home Treatment

Vinegar is a good home remedy for fungus in dogs, as is garlic, essential oils or purple ipe bark tea, which have potent antifungal and antibacterial action. The probiotics can be mixed directly into the animal's food while the others must be applied to the skin or feet (as in the case of fungus on the dog's feet).

Before any application, consult your trusted veterinarian and follow his advice. As mentioned, he will first have to confirm that it is a fungal infection. The most used diagnostic method is fungal culture (we remove some hairs from the area around the lesion with tweezers or a brush and place them in a proper fungal culture dish).

Find out below about homemade treatments for ringworm in dogs that are complementary to veterinary treatment:

Apple vinegar for ringworm in dogs

Apple cider vinegar is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties and may relieve symptoms in combination with your veterinarian's prescribed treatment. That's why it is recommended to fight fungus in dogs. See how to use:

Vinegar in the home treatment of canine dermatophytosis

  1. In a half-liter bottle mix: 125ml apple cider vinegar + 125ml green tea + 250ml distilled water;
  2. Apply directly to the dog's clean, dry skin;
  3. Gently massage the dog's skin and let it act for 5 minutes;
  4. Wash and dry the dog.


Since the proliferation of fungi happens, most of the time, when the animal's immune system is weakened, probiotics are very useful as they help to rebalance the intestinal flora, in addition to improving the immune system.

To do this, just add plain yogurt or kefir to your dog's kibble. There are also many commercial versions of probiotics available for animals. Consult your veterinarian.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids that have anti-infective effects. This oil combats, in addition to fungi, bacteria and viruses. You can use it in a complementary way like home treatment for fungus in dogs in the following way:

How to Use Coconut Oil for Fungus on Dogs

  1. Clean and dry the dog's skin very well;
  2. Apply a layer of coconut oil to all affected areas of the dog's skin.
  3. Repeat one application every 3 or 4 days.

Purple ipe bark tea for dog ringworm

This is a plant widely used in naturopathy. It originates from South America and has multiple therapeutic uses. Pau d’arco, or ipe, helps fight fungal infections of the skin and is also an excellent anti-diarrheal, healing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anti-cancer.

It can be used to clean and disinfect wounds, burns and skin ulcers as a home remedy for dog ringworm in addition to traditional treatment:

How to use purple ipe for dog ringworm

  1. Boil 100 ml of water with 3 g of pau d’arco bark for 5 minutes;
  2. Let stand 15 minutes after boiling;
  3. Apply to the animal's skin 3 times a day.

note: it is very important to respect the proportions because there is a risk that the animal will lick the mixture. If the proportions are not correct, the mixture can be toxic. Don't forget to check the water temperature before applying, so you don't risk burning the dog.


The disinfectant properties of garlic can also be used in home treatment for dog ringworm. In the following way:

  1. Chop or mash 1 or 2 cloves of garlic;
  2. Mix with neutral petroleum jelly;
  3. Pass over affected areas of ringworm and cover with gauze for more effective action;
  4. Leave it overnight and follow the bath treatments recommended by the veterinarian during the day;
  5. Renew the garlic mixture each day and change the gauze for 3 days.

Essencial oils

Some essential oils can also be used as alternative treatments for health problems. In the case of ringworm in dogs, it is possible to use the following essential oils as a home remedy:

  • Tea tree oil: it has antiseptic properties and can be applied directly to the affected areas in addition to veterinary treatment;
  • Neem Oil: its antifungal action allows you to apply it directly to the dog's skin twice a day. can be mixed with aloe vera gel.

Now that you know 7 home remedies for dog ringworm, you might be interested in this other article on more common dog diseases.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.