- guinea pig as a pet
- Guinea pig sexual maturity
- How to know if the guinea pig is in heat?
- How often do female guinea pigs come into heat?
- Male guinea pigs in heat
- Do piglets bleed when they are in heat?
- Guinea pig in heat - behavior of males and females
- Behavior of a female guinea pig in heat

Like the rest of mammals, guinea pigs reproduce after a period of heat. As with other animals, the heat and the reproduction they have their particularities and it is necessary to take them into account to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
If you want to know all about it and learn to identify when a guinea pig is in heat, you can't miss this ExpertoAnimal article. Keep reading!
guinea pig as a pet
scientific name cavia porcellus, the guinea pig, also known as guinea pig, guinea pig and guinea pig, among many other names, is a rodent from South America, although it can currently be found on other continents.
Small in size, they only reach 1 kilo of weight and its average life is a maximum of 8 years. There is evidence of their domestication in the American territory that dates back more than 2000 years, when they were created for consumption. Today, it is considered one of the favorite pets, as its small size makes it good company in modern departments. It is a herbivorous animal, which likes to eat fresh vegetables and various plants. For more information, see the "Guinea Pig Care" article.

Guinea pig sexual maturity
The sexual maturity of guinea pigs depends on the gender. At females reach her a month after being born, while the males are considered sexually mature after reaching two months. In this way, we can prove that guinea pigs are very precocious animals, which can start to reproduce quickly, something totally inadvisable before five months of age in females.
How to know if the guinea pig is in heat?
The guinea pig heat is different for females and males, so we detail below its appearance and frequency according to gender.
How often do female guinea pigs come into heat?
After having reached sexual maturity, the first heat appears. The female will go into heat once the every 15 days, which means that it's polyestric. The heat lasts between 24 to 48 hours. At this stage of the cycle, the female is receptive for 6 to 11 hours, during which she accepts the crossing.
After gestation and parturition, females enter a state known as postpartum heat. It happens between 2 and 15 hours after giving birth, and the female returns to the estrus phase. After giving birth, it is necessary to be very attentive and keep the male away, as he can remount the female and she would again be at risk of pregnancy.
Male guinea pigs in heat
The male, in turn, does not have a cycle when it comes to mating. IT'S polygamous, that is, it can mate with all females that are in heat, the any time of the year.

Do piglets bleed when they are in heat?
This is a common question. Because they are mammals, we imagine that the cycle must be similar to that of females of other species, and even of women themselves. However, the guinea pigs do not bleed during the heat phase, nor during any of the stages of pregnancy.
If you notice any bleeding in your guinea pig, go to the vet immediately to determine the causes of the bleeding so that you can treat the problem in time.
Guinea pig in heat - behavior of males and females
Now that you know how often guinea pigs come into heat, you need to know what their typical behavior is when they are in heat. Males and females change their character, then we'll tell you what happens to them.
Behavior of a female guinea pig in heat
During heat, females become more affectionate and cuddly, constantly seeking caresses and attention. Also, some try assemble your mates.
Although the female reaches sexual maturity at one month of age, it is best to wait until she is at least five months old before becoming pregnant for the first time. Your ideal weight for this is between 600 and 700 grams, as otherwise pregnancy and lactation can become complicated.
Behavior of a male guinea pig in heat
Males, in turn, do not have characteristics typical of the estrus phase, as they are capable of mating at any time. However, it is possible to observe a markedly aggressive behavior when they realize that a female is in heat. If there is more than one male in the group, the right to mount the females will be disputed as part of the courtship ritual.
The most advisable time to let a male mate is after 2 months of age. Regarding females, they should never have the first litter after 7 months of age because there is a risk of dystocia. Piglets have cartilage in the pubic area that stretches before giving birth. From 6 months, this cartilage ossifies, hence the importance of having the first offspring before that time. In any case, We do not recommend raising guinea pigs at home. due to overpopulation and the number of abandoned guinea pigs.
After birth and during the creation of babies, it is recommended to keep the male away. Although some adopt an indifferent attitude towards the offspring, others become aggressive and are capable of attacking them. Also, remember that the female can get pregnant again.