
How to dry the kitten's milk

Having puppie at home i alway a deliciou experience, e pecially when we can witne important tep in their development, uch a brea tfeeding. In the ca e of feline , thi period i e ential to build the mo...

Natural dog food - Quantities, recipes and tips

THE natural dog food ha become very popular in recent year . The e are food of natural origin, without additive and with a little proce ing a po ible. For thi , ome people tarted to prepare their own ...

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Di order of the exocrine pancrea con i t mainly of lo of functional pancrea ma in exocrine pancreatic in ufficiency, or by inflammation or pancreatiti . Clinical ign in ca e of pancreatic in ufficienc...

names for parrots

You are a king "what can I name my parrot?" Thi doubt end now! In thi article about parrot name we ugge t the 50 be t cute name for parrot that you can find on the Internet. Not bad, i n'...

Guinea pig with diarrhea: causes

Diarrhea in guinea pig i a relatively frequent di order that, in general, i not very eriou . However, we hould not neglect to pay attention, ince, if the diarrhea i inten e, the guinea pig can dehydra...

Japanese Dog Breeds You Must Know

Japane e puppie have, without a doubt, omething pecial in their look and way of being. Maybe that' why we find o many Akita Inu or hiba Inu dog , a they are adorable and very faithful.In thi artic...

aquatic food chain

There i a branch of ecology, called ynecology, which tudie the relation hip that exi t between eco y tem and communitie of individual . Within ynecology, we find a part re pon ible for the tudie of th...

Why does a dog bury food? - Causes and what to do

If you live or have lived with a dog, you will probably agree that the e faithful companion have the ability to urpri e u in our daily life with them, performing all kind of unu ual behavior that migh...

What is volunteer work with animals like

Volunteering i a altrui tic activity for charitable purpo e which become more and more popular among animal lover . However, not all animal protection a ociation are the ame, a each one ha it pecific ...

Plants that rabbits can eat

If you plan to hare your life with a rabbit or already welcome one of the e weet animal into your home, you hould know that the e furry one , in addition to being friendly and affectionate, al o have ...

Rabbit breeds and their characteristics

meet the rabbit breed and their characteri tic i a ba ic premi e if your intention i to adopt a rabbit. Ju t like dog and cat , the e adorable pet have their own per onality, a well a a behavior or a ...

Can dogs eat cat food?

Thi i a que tion a ked by many owner who have both type of animal at home. The an wer i that doing it once by chance doe n't happen at all, however, if a dog hare the ame diet a a cat for the long...

Can I breed two sibling dogs?

The idea of ​​breeding ibling dog i not ju t bad practice. It i a irre pon ible action, who e con equence are unpredictable. However, much more i happening than we might think. Profe ional dog breeder...

Home remedies for deworming cats

De pite the feline' independent character, tho e who have a cat a a pet di cover in it a faithful and captivating companion with whom they can create a very pecial bond.adopt a cat a a pet it mean...

khao manee cat

Khao Manee cat are feline from Thailand which are characterized by having a hort, white coat and generally having eye of different color (heterochromia), one of them often being blue and the other gre...

Guinea Pig Feeding

A with all other animal , the guinea pig' diet varie according to it age and condition. A newborn guinea pig doe not eat the ame a an adult or a pregnant guinea pig.It i very common for the guardi...

How to care for a leopard gecko

The leopard gecko, al o known a the leopard gecko i one of the mo t common pet reptile . The e animal are highly appreciated mainly due to their different color and genetic combination , from yellow ,...

Egyptian names for dogs

In ancient Egypt there wa a pecial love for animal , o much o that they even mummified them in death to pa on to the afterlife. Dog were con idered family member in all ocial ca te .There are everal p...

Australian Mix

O Au tralian Mix, al o known a Au tralian Mi t or potte Mi t, i a breed developed in Au tralia in 1976. It i de cended from a cro between everal cat breed including the Burme e, Aby inian and other ho...

Is raw meat for dogs bad?

Many may not remember, perhap becau e they are young, but dog food ha not alway exi ted. How wa it then po ible for them to urvive and feed them elve properly? Without a doubt the only way wa to follo...