
Bathing an adult cat for the first time

Cat have a well-known reputation for being extremely hygienic animal , and anyone who ha a feline at home and ha already ob erved it may have noticed the large amount of time a day they pend cleaning ...

What is the most venomous spider in the world?

What i the mo t venomou pider in the world? According to expert , the mo t venomou pider in the world i an Au tralian arachnid known a " ydney pider", although it i al o mi takenly called th...

Cat Seizures - Causes and What to Do

At PeritoAnimal we know that taking care of your cat' health i e ential for the quality of life it de erve . Cat are u ually trong and re i tant animal , not very likely to contract di ea e . Howe...

My dog ​​sleeps with his eyes open: causes and what to do

Dog leep a lot more than u , right? In fact, they need many hour of leep, but mo t of the time they re t by napping. And have you ever noticed the dog' eye while he leep ? Ju t like human , dog pr...

Dog with Dwarfism - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dwarfi m occur when there i lack of growth hormone production, a di ea e that can occur in dog . It i a proce that i diagno ed when the dog i growing in an unexpected way, according to it age and bree...

Can dogs eat strawberries?

trawberry i a very deliciou fruit that attract many people around the world, whether in it natural form or prepared a juice , ice cream or other de ert . It ha very beneficial propertie for human . M...

Bones for Puppies

Offering a puppy bone i very important for playing, relieving tre , entertaining and even cleaning hi teeth. There are many advantage of thi toy, but we mu t take ome con ideration into account not to...

What is the best hygienic sand for cats?

One of the main rea on cat are o popular a pet i that they take care of their need in a pecific place: the litter box. It could be a imple a placing a box or litter with and but it i n't! ome cat ...

caracat cat

The beginning of caracat cat wa totally accidental in a Ru ian zoo in the late 20th century, when a wild caracal bred with a nearby dome tic cat. The re ult wa a cat with a wild character and characte...

Names of cats from movies

Throughout the hi tory of film and televi ion, our beloved dome tic feline have played both econdary and primary role . The truth i , all of u , lover of thi elegant pecie that ha been around human fo...

Why does chicken not fly?

De pite their wide wing , chicken cannot fly in the ame way a other bird . urely you've wondered why thi happen .In fact, it' ea y to explain why chicken are o bad at flying: it' related t...

Bathing my cat at home - Advice and products

When you fir t think about bathing your cat at home, the que tion ari e : Do cat bathe? And here come the fal e belief that you hould never bathe a cat, which i totally fal e. The cat you can take a h...

Tonkinese cat

O Tonkine e cat, tonkine e or Tonkine e i a mix of iame e and Burme e cat , a beautiful golden iame e with Canadian root . Thi cat i world famou for all it qualitie , but why i thi cat breed becoming ...

How do dogs show affection?

Decided to hare your hou e with a dog? If you are an animal lover thi i one of the be t deci ion you can make, a few animal are a ociable a dog , which demon trate in many way that they effectively ar...

Cat Feeder - Types and how to choose the best one

Cat feeder are e ential component in your home. In addition to the more traditional pan , which only differ in color, ize or material, we currently find a con iderable variety of the e acce orie on th...

Dog with depression: symptoms, causes and treatment

Can a dog have depre ion? The truth i , and in thi PeritoAnimal article we will talk about the ymptom , the cau e and, of cour e, the treatment of dog with depre ion. If you notice change in your part...

Canine Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

When omeone make the important deci ion to adopt a dog and take it home, you are accepting the re pon ibility of covering all your need , phy ical, p ychological and ocial, omething that the per on wi...

Miniature Pinscher

The miniature pin cher i one of the mo t dynamic and confident of the mall dog . Thi dog i of German origin and come from everal cro e of dog and although it look like it i not the younger brother of ...

Tips to prevent your cat from shedding so much fur

Falling for the dead from the fur of cat i a natural and irrever ible proce . However, there are ome tip that can help to minimize thi proce and improve the relation hip with your beloved feline.Conti...

Dermatophytosis in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Were you noticed that your dog ha circular hairle area all over the body? In thi ca e, it i po ible that there i an overgrowth of dermatophyte fungi on the dog' kin, which cau e dermatophyto i .De...