
Differences between the lion and the tiger

While there i currently no place on the planet where lion and tiger naturally coexi t, the reality i that throughout the hi tory of life on Earth there have been epi ode where both big cat coexi ted i...

Turtle names

Turtle are wonderful animal and a very popular pet. However, not all people are able to keep the e animal in captivity. Contrary to what it may eem, turtle need very pecific care to en ure they live. ...

The best toys for cats

Cat are very active animal that need to exerci e daily, a good option for them i to find cat toy for in addition to timulating their phy ical and mental activity, they amu e them.In thi article by Per...

9 breeds of chinese dogs

You a ian dog they have unique phy ical and behavioral characteri tic , o it' not urpri ing that o many people want to learn about Chine e and Japane e dog breed . Be ure to read thi article to le...

Disney Names for Cats

Di ney movie marked mo t of our childhood. They are a ociated with a erie of po itive memorie . For that rea on, it' not urpri ing that when we adopt a new family member, we con ider choo ing a Di...

Alaskan Malamute

O Ala kan Malamute i often confu ed with the iberian Hu ky, being a breed originating from the arctic and con idered one of the longe t breed in the hi tory of led dog . It impo ing and ober pre ence ...

Types of Starfish

Echinoderm are a phylum of animal that have an important diver ity of exclu ively marine fauna. In PeritoAnimal, we want to introduce you in thi article to a pecific group of thi phylum, which i repre...

How to reduce stress in cats

Although tre i an adaptive mechani m who e purpo e i to en ure urvival in the face of dangerou ituation , it can al o be a pathology with eriou phy ical and behavioral repercu ion .The cat i an animal...

Christmas Recipes for Dogs

Chri tma i a time of year in which homemade recipe are the protagoni t . The Chri tma pirit and the light make u invite our pet to participate in thi party. And while our dog follow u around, en ing t...

Do I have to breed a dog?

If you like puppie , you will urely be delighted with the image of a litter of puppie , and even more o if the puppie are with their mother and are being brea tfed, of cour e to any dog ​​lover thi im...

Colors that dogs see according to scientific studies

At the time to choo e a toy or a canine training tool, it i important to take into account which color are the mo t triking for puppie . In thi way, we can en ure that the dog i able to di tingui h th...

What does the scorpion eat?

corpion are intere ting animal related to pider and tick . They u ually live in de ert, tropical and ubtropical region , but thank to their excellent adaptability trategie , they can al o live in ome...

Canine Leishmaniasis - How to Protect Your Pet!

Canine vi ceral lei hmania i (LVC), al o called Calazar, i a di ea e cau ed by a protozoan of the genu Lei hmania that affect dog , which are con idered the main re ervoir in the urban cycle of the di...

Why do cats snort?

Among all the reaction that cat have, one that catche our attention and even cau e u ome alarm i norting. The truth i that thi i more than a reaction, it' a me age they give u through their feline...

When can I start training a puppy?

have a puppy at home it can be very exciting, becau e at thi tage puppie tend to be very playful and fun, in addition to their tender appearance. However, having a puppy al o mean taking the re pon ib...

Avian yaws: treatment, symptoms and contagion

Avian yaw i a common di ea e in poultry like chicken or turkey , but the truth i that it can affect other pecie a well. While it i generally po ible to recover the animal, the mo t eriou ca e are ofte...

Why does my cat tremble when he sleeps?

At PeritoAnimal we know that watching cat i u ually fun for mo t people who are lucky enough to have a feline at home a a companion. Not only are their movement and the elegance of their ge ture funny...

How to train a Labrador

Training i ju t a important a vaccination , deworming and general dog care. Labrador puppie , like other puppie , mu t be ocialized from puppie to become ociable and balanced puppie in the adult tage....

13 breeds of furry cats

There' a lot longhaired cat breed and we u ually find very cute cro bred feline . The long coat i omething that captivate many people, and no wonder! The wonderful effect of the fur i fa cinating....

Oily Hair in Cats - Causes and Treatment

On ome occa ion our feline companion have oily fur. In mo t of them, it i omething accidental, the cau e of which mu t be ought in the exploratory curio ity of our cat . They love to explore and ventu...