
Basic ferret care

There i an old aying: "Curio ity killed the cat". It' a phra e that can be perfectly adapted to ferret . They are pet with the highe t accidental mortality rate. Thi i an important rea o...

Types of dog brushes

Keeping our puppy clean i critical to en uring hi overall health and well-being. During walk , dog u ually play with other dog , jump, get dirty... With thi , they end up ubmitting them elve to factor...

Betta fish feeding

Betta fi h have a wide variety of color a well a the hape of the fin and tail , in addition, we can find big difference between the male and female fi h. Thi i a fi h who e appearance can be very attr...

12 giant cats you need to meet

Cat retain the nobility and courage of an authentic feline, ome even re emble each other due to their per onality and ize, being really huge. The e giant cat breed are incredibly awe ome! In thi Perit...

Feline Chlamydiosis - Contagion, Symptoms and Treatment

THE feline chladio i i bacterial di ea e highly contagiou that primarily affect the eye and upper re piratory tract, although the cau ative bacteria can al o lodge in cat ' genitalia. The patholog...

Why is there a blue-tongued dog?

The purple, blue or black tongue i a triking feature that identifie ome canine breed . The Chow Chow, for example, i a blue-tongued dog very well known and loved in Brazil for it charming appearance, ...

Why do dogs stick together when they breed?

The reproduction of dog it i a complex proce that u ually begin with court hip, in which male and female emit ignal to make the other under tand that they are prepared to mate and, con equently, copul...

Solutions for the cat not to scratch the sofa

Do you love your cat but ometime don't know what to do when you find your brand new ofa cratched up again? orry to tell you, but it' not the cat' fault, he' ju t following hi feline na...

Names for golden retriever dogs

Few dog are a admired a the golden retriever. In fact, by looking at the record , you can ee that it i the third mo t popular family dog ​​breed in the United tate .It i a breed that originated in cro...

Canine Psychology: Basics and Application

Canine ethology, al o known a canine p ychology, i the branch of biology that i pecifically dedicated to tudy of dog behavior, with an empha i on natural behavior that are a ociated with in tinct. The...

Can dog eat cucumber?

You've certainly a ked your elf more than once if your dog can eat cucumber or ome other food, right? The e are que tion that many pet owner intere ted in dog nutrition tend to a k them elve , eek...

Border Collie Care

Adopting a dog and keeping him in a good tate of health require everal care , care focu ed on maintaining hi phy ical, p ychological and ocial well-being, ince dog health i not ju t the ab ence of di ...

Horner's Syndrome in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Horner' yndrome i a condition that u ually appear momentarily and that worrie any guardian. If your dog' eye i looking different than normal and you notice that one eye i drooping, the third e...

Feline Parvovirus - Contagion, Symptoms and Treatment

THE feline parvoviru or Feline Parvoviru i a viru that cau e the feline panleukopenia. Thi di ea e i quite eriou and if left untreated can end the cat' life in a hort time. It affect cat of all ag...

socialize an adult cat

If you have decided to adopt a cat or have had one for a long time but are unable to ocialize with dog or other cat , you have entered the appropriate web ite. In thi article by Animal Expert, we how ...


Born from the cro between Poodle and Berne Cattlemen, the Bernedoodle i a beautiful dog with an overwhelming per onality, a perfectly balanced temperament and a brilliant intelligence. However, that&#...

Homemade supplements for dogs

A everyone know , we live in time when vitamin or energy deficiencie can be quickly addre ed with vitamin and antioxidant upplement or energy drink . However, i a dog upplement good? From what age hou...

29 small dogs that don't grow

Known by many a man' be t friend, dog are wonderful animal to have at home, plea ing both tho e who live alone and tho e who have children and want a pet to play with.Large animal are often more d...

Trembling dog: causes

There are many rea on that can an wer the que tion “why doe the dog tremble?”, from imple natural reaction to experienced en ation and feeling , to mild or evere illne e . Therefore, it i e ential to ...

Tips for cycling with your dog

Go out to ride a bike with your dog it' a great way to play port together. If you prefer the bike in tead of running, thi i a great alternative to canicro , however although there are puppie with ...