- cover the sofa
- Clean and acclimatize the scratched sofa
- If you don't catch him in the act don't scold him
- Scratchers, a great solution
- Help him stay clean

Do you love your cat but sometimes don't know what to do when you find your brand new sofa scratched up again? Sorry to tell you, but it's not the cat's fault, he's just following his feline nature. This attitude certainly has its reasons and also its solutions.
Cats are very clean animals and some can be anxious, they like to keep and sharpen their nails, so they are all the time in a constant search to scratch things. It's also a way to mark territory with other cats, to stretch and release stress.
To have a happy cat, it is important to know him, know what he likes to scratch and why this attitude, make sure you are giving him the necessary attention or if the environment he is in is a stress enhancer. If your cat is a professional scratcher, at PeritoAnimal we give you some solutions for your cat not to scratch the sofa.
cover the sofa
Although cats like to play with everything they find, cover the sofa with some fabrics that are less stimulating, like some old sheet, may help them not find scratching the sofa so interesting.
This technique should be kept a few weeks for it to take effect while you get used to using a scraper or other area you have for it. You can never prevent your cat from scratching something, so it's best to divert his attention.

Clean and acclimatize the scratched sofa
Another way to divert your attention is to apply substances to the sofa that the cat does not like and that do not attract his attention. For example, you can use alcohol, some essential oil lemon or even furniture fresheners. Before doing this, clean the sofa with soap and water to try to neutralize the cat's odor. They are very territorial and will try to scratch things they consider part of their territory.

If you don't catch him in the act don't scold him
Cats, like people, break their behavior patterns little by little and with some training. Be patient with your cat as you educate him not to scratch the couch. An important fact, don't scold him if you don't catch him in the act, your cat will not understand why he is having this attitude and will not receive you properly, he will be scared, thus increasing his anxiety.
According to scientific studies, the best is scold at the exact moment when you find yourself scratching the sofa, speak calmly but authoritatively, pointing to the sofa in question and then moving it away from the disaster zone. If you don't do it now, you'll miss the golden opportunity.

Scratchers, a great solution
Cats are animals of habits, they will always try to scratch in the same place. Invest in your cat's happiness and tranquility by making your own cat scratcher and turn a small space in your home into a play area.
You can put things in there like toys, your catnip that you can rub with, scrapers, something to climb on, and logs to sharpen your nails. Make this a stimulating environment for your pet.
However, if your cat doesn't seem to pay much attention to the scraper, don't hesitate to visit our article on teaching a cat to use the scraper.

Help him stay clean
Treat your cat with great care and consider trimming his nails from time to time. This way you won't have the same urgency to scratch everything that comes your way, especially the fabric of your beloved sofa. Read our article on when to cut cat nails.
Never, under any circumstances, sharpen your cat's nails. This will do a great deal of damage to your feline personality and can also be very dangerous.