Canine Psychology: Basics and Application

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
Dog Psychology 101
Video: Dog Psychology 101


Canine ethology, also known as canine psychology, is the branch of biology that is specifically dedicated to study of dog behavior, with an emphasis on natural behaviors that are associated with instinct. Therefore, when dogs have a behavioral problem, the ideal is to look for a specialist in ethology or canine psychology to identify the cause(s) and see what is the best way to treat this problem to preserve their well-being. of your best friends.

Despite gaining increasing importance in Brazil, many people still have doubts about the applications and effectiveness of canine psychology. That's why we decided to dedicate this new article by Animal Expert to clarifying how ethology can help you and when it's necessary to seek help from a dog psychologist to regain a healthy and happy bond with your best friend. Keep reading!

Canine psychology or ethology: what it is and what it is for

As we have already summarized in the introduction, canine psychology is the study of the behavior of dogs, whose focus is on instinctual behaviors that relate to the genetics and evolution of dogs, also considering the domestication process that this species experiences since it began live with the human being.

An ethologist or animal psychologist is a veterinarian. animal behavior specialist. Although canine psychology is the most studied and spread internationally, there are also studies on the natural behavior of many other species, such as cats, horses, elephants, primates, etc.

After all, what is canine psychology for?

To answer this question, you must take into account that the vast majority of behavior problems are directly related to failures or deficiencies in the education of dogs, mainly deriving from poor socialization and the application of negative or violent techniques in canine training. However, in rarer cases, it is possible that a dog suffers from a neurological or mental disorder that negatively impacts its behavior and prevents it from enjoying a healthy social life.

A veterinarian specializing in canine psychology is a professional who is qualified to diagnose these behavior problems and identify specific causes in each patient, in order to be able to propose a treatment that is adequate to the state of health, age, routine, characteristics and specific needs of each dog.

When analyzing a behavior problem, such as aggressiveness, for example, these professionals will consider not only the genetic inheritance and internal factors of the dog's body (such as a hormonal disorder), but also the external aspects that impact the quality of life and influence in the behavior of each dog (feeding, environment, education, physical activity, mental stimulation, socialization, past traumatic experiences, etc.).

When to look for an expert in canine psychology?

Whenever your dog exhibits some strange, unusual, potentially dangerous behavior, or when you notice that your dog's character is changing. O canine psychologist is prepared to identify and treat a wide and varied range of behavior problems in puppies. Below, we summarize some of the cases most treated by dog ​​psychologists:

  • stereotypies (repeating certain behaviors obsessively, intensely and permanently);
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Fear or excessive shyness;
  • Coprophagia (ingesting one's own feces or those of other animals);
  • Acute or chronic stress;
  • Separation anxiety;
  • Jealousy and possessive behavior;
  • Resource protection (extremely possessive behavior towards guardians, toys, food or other objects);
  • Socialization problems.

So even if you don't know exactly what's going on with your best friend or why his or her temperament may have changed, it's best to see a veterinarian who specializes in canine ethology right away. This does not mean that these professionals know exactly what dogs think or that they will always have an immediate solution to furry problems, as many cases require prolonged treatment, such as dogs that have suffered years of abuse or those that were used as sparring for training exploited dogs in fights.

However, dog psychologists can always help you improve a dog's quality of life and environment to support its recovery and social rehabilitation so that it can enjoy the love of a family and the opportunity to interact with other dogs and explore the world around you without fears and insecurities.

To learn more about the feelings of dogs, check out this PeritoAnimal article.

How to Choose a Dog Psychologist?

To practice canine ethology or psychology, you must have previously attended a veterinary career. Therefore and as we have already mentioned, adog psychologist he is, in fact, a veterinarian specializing in ethology, who in addition to knowledge and skills in veterinary medicine, has also completed a specialization in animal behavior (in this case, focusing on dogs). That is, all dog psychologists must also be veterinarians.

It is very important to understand this before choosing a dog psychologist and not to confuse an ethological specialist veterinarian with a dog trainer or educator, although all of these professionals should be equally valued. However, they do not have the same knowledge and are not qualified to perform the same functions.

The psychologist or ethologist is the only one of these professionals who has a comprehensive academic training that prepares them to analyze and treat the health and well-being of dogs from a biological, cognitive, emotional and social point of view. Obviously, this does not prevent a trainer or an educator from doing a canine psychology course on the Internet or in an educational center to acquire new knowledge. However, they will not be authorized to practice canine psychology professionally if they have not previously graduated in veterinary medicine.

So, if your furry needs to treat a behavior problem, always find a veterinarian who specializes in canine ethology that has the registration correctly registered. You can ask your own veterinarian for recommendations to ensure you choose a good professional and also look for references on the Internet, but always remember to confirm that the professional really has a certified degree in veterinary medicine, in addition to a specialization in canine psychology.

You can also search for references on the dog psychologist on the internet, see if he has a website or blog where he shares his training, experience and knowledge as animal behavior specialist, in addition to checking the testimonies and opinions of other tutors who have already trusted the work of this professional. It is always a good practice to talk to the professional to better understand the work proposal, ask for a quote and get to know the facilities where they serve patients. This will also be a great opportunity to identify the professional's "human skills", such as empathy and trustworthiness, which are essential for dealing with animals and their guardians.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.