
3-letter dog names

One of the fir t thing we think about when we look at a puppy, even before adopting him, i what name would uit him. We tried to find the mo t triking characteri tic of it per onality, it phy ical trai...

Golden Retriever FAQ

When it' about adopt a dog there are many doubt that come to our mind and we are talking about a very important deci ion that hould not be taken without prior re earch. Before we an wer the mo t c...

Cat eating too fast: causes and what to do

Cat u ually have no problem with food. They u ually know how to control the peed of inge tion and the amount they need to eat very well, often leaving part of the feed in the bowl. But there are ome c...

How to make your cat live longer and better

Each animal that pa e through our live i a unique experience and touche u differently, alway offering omething new. When we decide to adopt a kitten, we want it to accompany u for many year and, a the...

Make a Canary Sing in 5 Steps

Everyone who ha or want a canary i delighted when they ing. In fact, a canary that i happy and enjoy your company and your home will even be able to learn different ong . But inging or not inging depe...

Cat feces: types and meanings

The characteri tic of the cat' fece can provide very important information when a e ing the health tatu . Therefore, in thi article by PeritoAnimal, let' talk about cat fece : type and meaning...

Obesity in Rabbits - Symptoms and Diet

the rabbit or Oryctolagu cuniculu they are, among mall mammal , tho e that have the mo t tendency to get fat. Therefore, it i not urpri ing that a dome tic rabbit end up being obe e.In fact, many peop...

Why does my dog ​​have 5 toes on his hind legs

Have you ever wondered how many finger a dog ha ? Maybe you don't know thi accurately. Puppie have 5 toe on their front leg and 4 on their hind leg .However, and thi i a peculiarity, we can find i...

Roborovski hamster

O Roborov ki ham ter ha A ian origin, and can be found in China, Kazakh tan and even Ru ia, more pecifically. It i the malle t pecie of ham ter and ha a pecial per onality a well a a need for pecial c...

The super cat who saved a newborn in Russia!

Cat are without a doubt fanta tic animal . With each pa ing day we have more proof of thi . In 2015, in Ru ia, omething urpri ing happened: a cat aved a baby, being con idered a hero!If you don't ...

Crabs of the Bering Sea

Documentarie on king crab fi hing and other crab varietie in the Bering ea have been broadca t for many year .In the e documentarie , we can ob erve the har h working condition of the hardworking and ...

12 Things You Should Never Do With Your Dog

Dog are, without a doubt, the be t and mo t loyal friend a man can have. Our furry one are alway ready to accompany u on all our adventure and mi fortune , without the need to peak to make u feel that...

Nictitating membrane or third eyelid in dogs

THE third eyelid or nictitating membrane it protect our dog ' eye , ju t a it doe in cat , but it doe n't exi t in human eye . The main function i to protect the eye again t external aggre ion...

Dog Eating Wall: Causes and Solutions

One of the mo t unplea ant thing i watching your dog eat the wall until it cut a hole in it like it' hi favorite di h. You've probably wondered a few time why your pet i de troying the hou e. ...

Siberian Husky

If you are thinking of adopting an adult or puppy iberian Hu ky, you have come to the right place, becau e at PeritoAnimal we will explain to you all about the iberian Hu ky including curio itie about...

Load the dog clicker in training

Educating and training a dog in good behavior and learning order i not alway an ea y ta k, yet it i very important that we devote time and effort to it, o we can walk a dog peacefully and build empath...

Why doesn't my cat use the litter box

The feline behavior make the cat pet independent and with a genuine per onality, which in ome ca e can make the guardian not under tand certain attitude ea ily or that they mi interpret them.One of th...

Properties of catnip or catnip

Cat are dome tic cat that have not lo t their hunting in tinct, hence their independent, explorer and adventurou nature that often drive owner crazy, who mu t remain alert and informed, for example, a...

My cat doesn't drink water: causes and solutions

Water i an e ential liquid for the proper functioning of the body of any animal. In the ca e of cat , if they do not drink enough water, they may have kidney problem . If your cat doe n't drink wa...

Types of flies: species and characteristics

It i e timated that there are around 1 million flie , mo quitoe and black flie in the world, and currently 12,000 live in Brazil, according to an article publi hed by Agência FAPE P (Re earch upp...