Dog Eating Wall: Causes and Solutions

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
What Keeps a Dog From Biting the Walls? : Dog Behavior & Health
Video: What Keeps a Dog From Biting the Walls? : Dog Behavior & Health


One of the most unpleasant things is watching your dog eat the wall until it cuts a hole in it like it's his favorite dish. You've probably wondered a few times why your pet is destroying the house.

There are different hypotheses to explain why puppies eat wall, a compulsive activity more common than we think. The first thing to know is that this is not an isolated behavior and that it has its reasons. Second, a detailed assessment of the situation, the dog and the environment must be made. And third, and very important, to know that this is a problem that can be reversed.

Some of the common reasons for this behavior will be expanded in this new PeritoAnimal article where we will reveal the mystery of this behavior - dog eating wall: causes and solutions.

fear and insecurity

Dogs are very sensitive to noise and end up being afraid of fireworks or storms, among other things. Dogs that sleep in an enclosed space in the house may develop a wall chew after experiencing dramatic events like the ones mentioned above.

Don't forget that dogs are like little children. These loud noises that come on suddenly can trigger fears and emotions that stress your pet, and he/she may very well start licking the walls or eating them in an attempt to escape the situation.

It is also possible that your dog has been bitten by an insect, has become intoxicated or had a traumatic experience in that room. No doubt your pet will want to get out of there, so it will try to break the wall if necessary.


If your dog has a deep fear, the first solution is the most obvious and simple, don't force him to be in that place. Find another space close to your presence where he can feel comfortable and at ease.

However, if it's a generalized situation that doesn't diminish even with his presence, we should choose to try to reduce his stress level. First, try to leave the door open so that he feels he can come and go as he pleases and that he is not trapped inside those walls. Afterwards, and especially on storms or nights when there is pyrotechnics, reproduce relaxing canine music and provide some relaxation toy like the kong.

predatory behavior

We should not forget that a dog's hearing and smell are much more developed than those of a human being. Seeing a dog eating a wall can be explained by its predatory nature, as they perceive, through these senses, the presence of another creature like an insect, cats, snakes, rats, termites, on the other side of the wall or internally.


Soak the wall with some strong odor that will serve as a repellent for your dog. The goal is to get him to move away from the zone, so spray some citrus or spice spray can work. Your dog can move from one wall to another, so keep in mind that this is only a temporary measure while you educate your pet not to eat, in general, any walls in the house.

separation anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is a very common problem. Basically, your dog suffers from anxiety because he feels you have abandoned him. This happens whenever the tutor leaves the house. many dogs feel anguish and anxiety when they are separated from family members.

Whether you're watching TV in another room, leaving early for work and arriving home at night, or going on vacation and leaving your pet with grandma, your dog can't help but feel a little left out and even rejected . The way to drain these emotions will be by eating the walls and possibly including other destructive behaviors as well.


The main thing will be to value if you spend enough time with your dog. If you leave your dog alone for many hours, you cannot expect him to be in perfect condition when you return. The dog is a social animal that needs companionship, affection, exercise and stimulation of its mind. Separation anxiety is a complicated health problem to treat, however, there are some tips that can help:

  • Modify your walking routines.
  • Exercise your dog to eliminate stress.
  • Spend quality time with him.

Don't forget to use kong to treat separation anxiety, as well as other chewable and/or prize-releasing toys. This type of activity tends to relax them and keep them entertainedSo it is highly recommended and positive. He goes to the dog to be distracted and wait for his arrival almost without realizing it. If you see the dog eating the wall when you get home, correct the behavior with a firm "No", but no aggression. So, you should distract his attention with a toy like the ones mentioned above.

demotivation and boredom

A bored dog can turn the house inside out. Dogs love to chew, so eating the walls is better than doing nothing. According to some studies, many dogs can gnaw at the wall because it provides sensory enhancement.

For one dog gnawing wall, this is a form of distraction and it helps keep him busy until you play with him. Don't forget that the dogs need attention, activity (especially outdoors) and games to discharge all your internal energy. Otherwise, the discharge will be done but in bite mode on all the walls of the house.


A good daily dose of exercise and love. Take your puppy for a longer walk and deplete his energy reserves in a positive and healthy way. You'll be able to get a happier dog and intact walls in no time.

However, if wall-eating dog eating is a habit that has continued for a long time, it may take a while to completely break. In these cases, it will be ideal to have several intelligence toys at home, as well as performing other activities that encourage mental development. Next, we'll give you 5 suggestions for games to do at home:

poor food

A dog's body needs a balanced mix of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and good taste. Re-evaluate your pet's diet as this may not be the most appropriate. Perhaps you've been offered the same food all your life and it no longer provides the same excitement or nutritional benefits as before. Your dog may be eating the wall to indicate, in some way, that he no longer likes the menu and that it's time to change.


Get another kind of dog food, always high quality. Vary the dishes and add a spoonful of olive oil to the food, this will not only be very nutritious, it will also give you a different flavor than usual. You can also offer wet food occasionally and homemade recipes made by yourself. Make sure the feed is of the best quality and as natural as possible. Offer cookies and prizes too, and make sure he gets exercise so he doesn't gain weight.