
Exercises for dogs with hip dysplasia

THE hip dy pla ia it i a well-known health problem that affect a large number of dog in the world. It i u ually hereditary and degenerative, o it i important to know what it i and how to help our pupp...

Why do cats roll on the floor?

At time , the behavior of cat can be unexplainable to human . Thing that eem very funny to u , a imple joke or even a cat' whim, are actually ba ed on in tinct.If you've ever een your cat roll...

the biggest dogs in the world

If you like puppie impo ing, maje tic and fla hy, maybe you're looking for nothing le than a breed of giant dog, but know that you'll need a lot of pace to make uch a big dog happy. Know which...

What makes an ethologist

One ethologi t it i a qualified veterinarian who have knowledge about the dog' behavior, need and communication. Thi per on, more or le experienced, ha the nece ary knowledge to identify the type ...


What would happen if a York hire Terrier cro ed with a Chihuahua? The re ult would be an exemplar of the hybrid breed known a Chorkie, one of the mo t popular dog in the world. Therefore, in thi Perit...

How to bathe a kitten

There i a wide pread belief in the feline world that cat are not very water-friendly. However, it i important to clarify that if your pet i u ed to it from an early age, it will be much ea ier to get ...

Intestinal Worms in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Dog , like cat and even human , can uffer from the pre ence of inte tinal worm . The e para ite cau e ga trointe tinal condition that can be very uncomfortable for your dog. Al o, they are very diffic...

Intoxicated dog, what to do?

dog are curiou animal but they have no hand to pick up the object and ub tance that intere t them. For thi , they u e the mouth. A the mouth i the entrance to the animal' body, it i common for the...

manx cat

O manx cat, al o known a mane or taille cat, i one of the mo t peculiar breed cat due to it tail and overall phy ical appearance. Owner of a tender look, thi feline breed won the heart of many people ...

15 pollinating animals - Characteristics and examples

In nature, each of the animal and plant fulfill a pecific function to pre erve the balance of the eco y tem to which they belong. Introducing change that affect any of the population mean fragmenting ...

How to tell the age of a dog

Dog , like human , al o age fa ter than we do. What are the main ign of aging? How can I know how old a dog i if I don't know exactly when he wa born? E pecially in animal that have been adopted, ...

Home remedy to kill fleas on dogs

The dog i man' be t friend, and a hi be t friend, the human being take care of him in every way: he feed him, clean him, bathe him and take care of him. In return, the dog offer protection, compan...

Herniated Disc in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Recovery

O care of our pet it involve completely meeting all your need , which may be phy ical, p ychological or ocial. In thi way, we can offer a real quality of life to our be t friend.One of the mo t comple...

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The tafford hire bull terrier i a dog. cheerful and po itive, perfect for active and dynamic people. If you are thinking of adopting a dog with the e characteri tic , it will be very important that yo...

My cat cannot urinate - Causes

THE dy uria or difficulty urinating it i a ymptom that can indicate a eriou or very eriou condition to the cat' owner. Difficulty urinating i u ually accompanied by a decrea e in the volume of uri...

Dog afraid to walk: causes and solutions

There are everal rea on why we come acro a dog afraid to walk. If you're reading thi PeritoAnimal article, it' becau e your dog i certainly afraid to go out ide. Normally the furry one love th...

Names of famous cockatiels

The cockatiel i one of the mo t beloved bird throughout Brazil and it popularity a a pet it continue to grow among Brazilian . The e bird arou e intere t in the beauty and joyful color of their feathe...

Why does my cat bite me when I'm sleeping?

When we hare our home with one or more kitten , leeping well can become a real challenge. In fact, many cat owner find it difficult to get a good night' leep becau e their feline companion are ver...

english coonhound

The Engli h coonhound breed originated in the United tate after the introduction, by coloni t , of hunting dog on the continent. The breed came from trying to find a dog that could hunting raccoon at ...

Why does my cat fart so much?

Did you know that the flatulence or inte tinal ga are they very common in all mammal ? Therefore, we can al o ob erve thi phenomenon in our cat , which doe not alway indicate that there i a problem in...