- What are dog breeders like? How do they work?
- responsible breeders
- irresponsible creators
- Reasons for crossing sibling dogs
- What happens if sibling dogs are crossed?
- Inbreeding in dogs

The idea of breeding sibling dogs is not just bad practice. It is a irresponsible action, whose consequences are unpredictable. However, much more is happening than we might think. Professional dog breeders use this feature for several reasons that we'll reveal later.
Being an inadvisable practice, if the one who uses it is a professional who knows what he is doing, and weighs all the convenient and inconvenient factors that may result from it, it is admissible as an exception.
Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to know if can cross two brothers dogs and what are the consequences of this act.
What are dog breeders like? How do they work?
responsible breeders
As always happens in any human activity, there are responsible professionals and professionals (if we can call them that) who are bad, or very bad. This means that the feature of crossing two sibling dogs that many professionals use, applies differently in each case.
Breeders apply this dangerous feature to try correcting certain phenotypes, or characteristics that prevail in a particular dog breed. They do it with care and always evaluating the global consequences that the action will bring.
However, this type of act can have fatal consequences if the genetic line of both dogs is unknown, causing the appearance of hereditary and congenital diseases. A responsible professional will only carry out this act in a very punctual and concrete way in just one genetic line.

irresponsible creators
You bad breeders they perform this practice without thinking about or evaluating the consequences. don't care about the Side effects that their litters may suffer as they grow up. With this they manage to greatly impoverish the dog's genetic load and cause many problems for the poor animal, and therefore for its caregivers.
The German Shepherd dog is perhaps the most punished breed in this regard. Poor breeding practice usually manifests itself in a lack of intelligence on the part of the German Shepherd, and in successive illnesses during its adult stage. Virtually all German Shepherd Dogs suffer from hip dysplasia when they reach their adult or elderly stage.

Reasons for crossing sibling dogs
Professional and responsible dog breeders use the crossing between siblings in a measured way and evaluating the consequences. At the same time, they invest real fortunes in males and females of other genetic lines. In this way they reinforce positive genetic diversity in future crosses. Even so, and despite the fact that these are specific situations, it is not recommended to breed sibling dogs.
However, mediocre breeders don't spend a single cent on new breeders. The only important thing for them is that the puppies come out nice and cheap, so they can sell them well. If the dog is sick, aggressive, dizzy, with a weak character... this is no longer their problem because they have already gained from it.

What happens if sibling dogs are crossed?
Forget the idea of putting into practice the crossing of sibling dogs. It's not a question of heads or tails, in which you flip the coin in the air and if it comes out heads the dogs come out well, and if it comes out tails badly.
The normal thing is that they come out badly in both cases (heads and tails) and that they come out well only when the coin, after being thrown in the air, falls to the ground and remains standing on its side. Something quite improbable!

Inbreeding in dogs
Inbreeding is when members of the same family (human or animal) or a very small social group cross each other. O genetic impoverishment from these crosses, very occasionally it generates beautiful beings, and much more habitually, aberrant beings.
Inbreeding, sooner or later, causes many degenerations among the groups that practice it. Pharaonic lines, royal lines and some spheres of economic, social or religious power have denied this despicable practice.
Needs such as preserving the purity of blood, blue blood, or economic status to stay all "in the family", were harmful to the health level for those who practiced it. History is good proof of that.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.