
5 things cats hate about humans

Cat are adorable animal and if you are a cat lover like u , you will know that de pite it bad reputation, having one of the e little bea t in our life i alway a rea on for joy and countle moment of la...

Cat breathing fast: causes and what to do

Have you ever noticed that your cat breathe trangely when leeping? Or that your breathing i much more agitated than normal? What hould we do in the e ca e ? It i important to note that the fact that a...

Improve Dog Breath - Home Tips

A dog that receive love i therefore a loving dog that expre e it affection in variou way , uch a jumping, being happy when you get home, licking you or tru ting you in a plea ant way.But at the e time...

Constipation in Cats: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies

If you have a cat a a companion at home, you've probably already learned about the care you hould take with it or it may be that you don't have one yet but are thinking about adopting. Whateve...

Arthrosis in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Like human , dog can al o uffer from a long li t of di ea e throughout their live , including arthro i , a di ea e that need pecial care in ide and out ide the home.For thi rea on, at PeritoAnimal we ...

Mini rabbit, dwarf or toy breeds

The mini rabbit , dwarf or toy rabbit are gaining more and more popularity a pet , being one of the mo t beloved pet for children. be ide your charming appearance, the e lagomorph are very intelligent...


O Ragdoll he wa born in 1960 in California, United tate , although he wa not recognized until ten year later. The cro wa made between an angora-type cat and a acred male from Burma. Today it i one of ...

Chemotherapy in Dogs - Side Effects and Medications

THE chemotherapy in dog it' one of the veterinary treatment you can turn to when you've received the dire diagno i of cancer. In general, thi type of di ea e i increa ingly common in animal an...

Things to consider before adopting a Golden Retriever

He decided that he want to adopt a Golden Retriever dog, becau e he want a noble, loyal and obedient dog that he aw in a movie or that he remember from hi childhood. But are you really ready for a Gol...

Can a dog eat fish?

The benefit of almon oil for dog and cod liver oil are increa ingly known, but can they al o eat fi h? What kind of fi h are good for dog ? How hould it be offered? I it nece ary to cook them or can t...

Belgian Shepherd Tervueren

Of the four varietie of the Belgian hepherd, only the Belgian hepherd Tervueren and Belgian hepherd Groenendael are long-haired. Therefore, they are the two varietie that have achieved more popularity...

Does a rabbit lay an egg?

’Ea ter bunny, what do you bring for me? One egg, two egg , three egg like that.” You've certainly heard thi ong, right? The tradition of giving people egg began many, many year ago and linking eg...

How much does a lion weigh?

In PeritoAnimal we pre ent you an article about the king of the animal : the lion. Thi title of "king" wa awarded to him not only for hi ma terful appearance, but al o becau e, along with ti...

american bobtail cat

The American bobtail cat breed pontaneou ly appeared due to a dominant genetic mutation in Arizona in the late 1960 . It i in no way genetically related to the Japane e bobtail breed, although they ph...

Dog bites owner: what to do

Who would be able to doubt the loyalty of dog ? They are human ' be t friend , tho e who are alway willing to accompany adventure and routine, brighten the day and comfort in difficult time . That...

Dog Penis - Most Common Anatomy and Diseases

A dog' peni , like any other organ, can have problem and illne e . For thi rea on, it i important that you know the dog' anatomy and know how to di tingui h a normal ituation from omething tha...

Itraconazole for cats: dosage and administration

Fungi are very re i tant organi m that can enter the animal or human body through wound on the kin, through the re piratory tract or by inge tion and which can re ult in kin di ea e in cat or, in more...

How to make a doghouse step by step

If you have a dog and a yard or garden, you've certainly planned to build a doghou e at ome point in tead of buying one ready-made. It i normal for you to worry about your pet' comfort, it i o...

Dog hanger: to use or not?

O choke it i a well-known tool in "traditional" dog training. It i mainly u ed to avoid pulling the collar or teaching to walk be ide the per on. What many owner don't know i the effect ...

Homeopathy for animals

Homeopathy i a completely natural therapy that i on the ri e, al o in the animal world, a homeopathic benefit have been found in different pecie .Find out, in thi article by PeritoAnimal, what i the h...