5 things cats hate about humans

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
18 Human Behaviors Cats Hate and Wish You Wouldn’t Do
Video: 18 Human Behaviors Cats Hate and Wish You Wouldn’t Do


Cats are adorable animals and if you are a cat lover like us, you will know that despite its bad reputation, having one of these little beasts in our life is always a reason for joy and countless moments of laughter and fun. However, the truth is that cats are independent and sometimes elusive animals, and this is due to certain things cats hate about humans, therefore, PeritoAnimal shows you has drawn up a list for you to discover those things they hate.

Cats can be both the most affectionate animals in the world, as they are completely self-centered and disinterested beings, but always charming. However, their behavior is still a mystery.

It sounds extreme, but when you read this list with the 5 things cats hate about humans you will understand what we are referring to. If you have or had a cat in your life, you will certainly agree with our choice, but if you are thinking of having a new pet, you should know all the details.

Water is only for drinking

Why do you insist on getting me wet or bathing? It's very likely that your cat has asked this question at some point, and unless your pet is a Bengal cat, who loves nothing, your feline friend certainly belongs to the big one. group of cats that hate water. One of the things that cats hate about humans is this strange relationship with water, the one that makes them use water for more things besides drinking and quenching their thirst.

Anyway, cats can bathe and if you want you can read more information in our article in which we explain how to bathe your cat at home.

The obsession with smells

The subject of odors is definitely on our list, because another thing cats hate about humans is the way we deal with strong odors, perfumes, air fresheners, foods... why odors so intense? That's what our pets ask.

cats hate strong odors and they have a sensitive sense of smell, though not as potent as dogs. Cats use odors to communicate, so being surrounded by potent human scents can be quite uncomfortable. Odors like garlic, citrus fruits or smoke can be a nightmare.

Turns the volume down!

If you like to listen to music or television at the most, I hope you don't have a cat around, because one of the things that cats hate about humans is precisely this need to be surrounded by shrill noises.

Cats don't like loud noises because your ear is very powerful. This developed sense of hearing helps them to have their environment under control, even when they seem to be sleeping. So if you want to keep your pet happy, you'd better control the screams and the volume of the music.

Everything clean...very clean!

Cats are overly clean animals and they certainly don't like their human friends not being as clean as they are. If you have a cat, you will know how important it is that your play area is clean and, even more, that your litter box is always spotless.

With this introduction, you'll know that the second place on our list of things cats hate about humans has to do with cleanliness. Cats hate that you don't clean your litter box and, as this is an action that cannot be done by themselves, the maintenance of their box is directly related to "their human", so if you don't keep it in perfect condition, your cat will know that your condition of human unwashed, is responsible for his malaise.

I like you, but stop hugging me

Humans need to express their feelings with touch, that's why we need so much caresses, hugs and kisses, but be careful... Your cat doesn't like it that much!

You can't help but laugh a little when you remember my cat's look every time I hug him, it's just that felines don't need so much contact to know that we like them or to show us that they like us.

Cats hate that humans take them too much, for felines, physical contact is a form of dominance, so they will only let themselves be petted when they want and not whenever you want.

Love and hate

As you can see, there are many things cats hate about humans, but there are also many things that love about us and having a little cat purring next to us is without a doubt one of the best moments of the day. So while there are things they can't stand from us and vice versa, don't forget that cats are amazing pets that will make your life so much better.