
Russian blue cat

O ru ian blue cat, or Ru ian Blue, i undoubtedly one of the mo t popular and beautiful feline in the world. If you are thinking about adopting a cat of thi breed it i good to have the information abou...

Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) - Symptoms and Treatment

Canine tran mi ible venereal tumor can affect both male and female , although a higher incidence i ob erved among individual who exhibit exual activity. Therefore, before explaining the ymptom of thi ...

Is tick disease curable?

Tick ​​di ea e, a we will ee, i a popular term that doe not alway refer to the ame pathology in dog or cat . What they all have in common i the form of tran mi ion: a the name ay , they are pa ed on b...

How many puppies can a female dog have?

Pregnancy i an extremely delicate proce during which bitche need to receive variou pecific care to maintain optimal health and be able to give birth to trong and healthy puppie . Therefore, when we de...

Most poisonous insects in Brazil

They appeared million of year ago, come in different ize , hape and color . They live in aquatic and terre trial environment , ome are capable of urviving very low temperature , there are thou and of ...

How to tell if the cat is male or female

Cat reproduce with frightening ea e. For thi rea on, it i not difficult to find in animal helter a large number of mall newborn puppie waiting to be taken in. Many people decide to adopt a mall kitten...

Natural tranquilizers for cats

Natural therapie and home remedie are currently at their peak, not only in the field of human health, but al o in veterinary medicine and thi i due to a need to treat our pet in a way that re pect you...

How to empty the adanal gland in cats

The adanal gland or ju t the anal gland function a a mean of communication among cat , ince the characteri tic odor they ecrete inform them of their own identity. Normally, cat , both male and female,...

10 things you didn't know about cats

Think you know everything about your cat and the feline pecie ? Cat are very intere ting animal and have lived on the planet for hundred of year . Our feline friend are more than tea ing and purring.T...

Why does my dog ​​howl when he's alone?

Every time he leave the hou e, it' a real drama. Your dog howl with great inten ity and it break hi heart, and he doe n't know what to do to improve the ituation. why doe my dog ​​howl when he...

Peterbald cat

The Peterbald cat are part of the group known a the hairle cat , a , a the name implie , they are hairle , unlike mo t other feline breed . It i an oriental ver ion of the famou phynx cat , obtained f...

Which is better, collar or harness for dogs?

There are a few thing to con ider when choo ing a dog collar or harne . There are many variable on the market with color and hape that may leave u wondering which to choo e. However, the main factor w...

where the penguins live

You penguin they are a group of non-flying eabird within which we can di tingui h approximately between 17 and 19 pecie , although they all hare everal characteri tic , uch a their di tribution, which...

German Spitz

The dog German ptiz compri e five eparate race which the International Cynological Federation (FCI) group under only one tandard, but with difference for each race. The race included in thi group are:...

Example of BARF or ACBA diet for puppies

THE BARF diet for dog (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), al o known a ACBA (Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding), i one of the trend in dog feeding. The diet wa developed by Au tralian veterinarian...

Examples of ruminant animals

If you wonder what they are or are you looking for example of ruminant animal found the appropriate ite, PeritoAnimal explain what it i about. Ruminant animal are characterized by dige ting food in tw...

How to choose a dog in the kennel

if you are planning adopt a dog from a kennel we congratulate you, you are aving a life and your new friend will be able to thank you. However, you may be undecided and have many que tion about thi to...

The iguana as a pet

The iguana a a pet i increa ingly popular. However, before adopting it, you mu t know all it morphology and type of life. ome buyer buy it becau e of the triking green color of the young animal and be...

Homemade Frontline Recipe

Flea and tick are para ite that commonly affect dog and cat , but that' not why you hould be carele and let your pet get attacked. The e mall para ite feed on the animal' blood, and can cau e ...

Tibetan Mastiff

If you are thinking of adopting a Tibetan Ma tiff al o known a a Tibetan Ma tiff, it i e ential that you know ome information about the per onality, phy ical characteri tic and nece ary care with thi ...