
Tips for leaving the dog alone at home

If it' the fir t time you've had a dog or you've ju t adopted one that you don't know about it character, it' normal to have doubt about the leave alone at home. ome dog feel a tro...

Most poisonous frogs in Brazil

Toad , like frog and tree frog , are part of the frog family, a group of amphibian that i di tingui hed by the ab ence of a tail. There are more than 3000 pecie of the e animal around the world and, i...

Crying dog: causes and solutions

Although they mainly u e body language (non-verbal) to communicate, dog can emit a variety of ound to expre their mood and emotion . In addition to barking, crying i one of tho e ound that dog u ually...

Most common diseases in rabbits

If you have a rabbit or are thinking about adopting one, you hould find out about everal thing o you can en ure that it ha a good life. Keep in mind that your dome tic rabbit, well cared for and in go...

Types of Scratchers for Cats

cratcher are e ential object for cat ince the e are animal that need file the nail on a regular ba i . It' innate to their behavior! Furthermore, they are very u eful to prevent de truction attac...

labrador retriever

O labrador retriever it i one of the mo t popular breed in the world due to the number of regi tered copie . It i a breed originating from Newfoundland, the current Canada. It i a noble dog, beautiful...

Why does my rabbit urinate on me?

If you're a rabbit' guardian or guardian, you've probably been through a rather uncomfortable ituation: the rabbit urinating on you, omething that, of cour e, we don't expect from our ...

autotrophs and heterotrophs

Do you know how being that live on Earth nouri h and receive energy? We know that animal receive energy when they eat, but what about algae or other being that do not have a mouth and dige tive y tem,...

Egyptian names for cats

The image of god with the face and feature of cat , a well a the mural tamped with pu ie on the wall , are among ome of the ymbol of love and devotion that the Egyptian people offered thi animal.Many ...

Why do dogs like to sleep on their feet?

You may have pent a fair amount of money and time looking for the be t and mo t comfortable bed for your dog, but he in i t on leeping at your feet. Any opportunity that your be t friend find i right ...

clean the dog's ears

clean the dog ear it' omething we hould do on a regular ba i , whether it' a puppy or an adult dog.It i very important to do a frequent hygiene of your dog' ear to avoid the appearance of ...

Tips for removing tartar in cats

You may have ever een dirt in your cat' mouth or even noticed bad breath. Thi i due to the accumulation of tartar on your teeth, a with them happen exactly the ame thing a with u with regard to or...

Types of bees: species, characteristics and photos

At bee that make honey, al o known a honey bee , are grouped mainly in the genu Api . However, we can find honey bee al o within the tribe. meliponini, although in thi ca e it i a different honey, le ...

How to know if the cat is neutered

Ca tration ha been widely publicized and recommended by all veterinarian , NGO and animal protection helter that hold event and animal donation fair , a the number of abandonment i very large, ca trat...

Insectivorous animals: characteristics and examples

Invertebrate , e pecially arthropod , are animal that provide many nutrient to the animal that con ume them, uch a high-quality protein and fat . In the animal kingdom, there are many being that feed ...

American Foxhound

O American Foxhound i a hunting dog developed in the United tate . De cendant of the Engli h Foxhound, one of the UK' mo t popular Hound . We can di tingui h them by their extremitie , notably lon...

Brown bear

O Brown bear (Ur u arcto ) It' an animal u ually lonely, they are only een in group when they are puppie with their mother, who u ually tay with her for a few month or even year . They al o form a...

Games with the cat - what is the ideal time?

Cat are ocial animal , active and curiou . For thi rea on, their daily routine can never be lacking in game . In addition to being a very beneficial activity for them, a it help to fo ter the bond wit...

Make a dog bone at home

You dog bone whether they are natural, cowhide or toy, they are a great way for your puppy to exerci e hi teeth and gain trength. In addition, it ha many other advantage uch a tartar reduction or rela...

Is fern toxic to cats?

Cat are natural explorer , e pecially when they are alone at home. They take advantage of the “all for them” pace to lie down wherever they want and find out if there' anything new to di cover. An...