Collie types
How many type of collie are there? Many people even today a ociate one of the e type with the image of the well-known dog La ie, of the breed longhaired collie, but the truth i that there are differen...
How to tell the age of a cat
It i very common that tho e who adopt a cat in a helter or directly from the treet are unaware of the concrete age that the new family member may be. Although it i not overly relevant to know the exac...
Cocker dog names
Cocker dog have one of the mo t adorable and tender look of the canine world, after all, who can re i t tho e big droopy, furry ear ? In addition, the enormou love and affection they give their family...
How much and how often should my dog eat
Two of the mo t common que tion about dog nutrition are: how much hould my dog eat? And how often hould I feed it? The an wer to the e two que tion depend on many factor uch a the dog' age, it l...
Dog in heat: symptoms and duration
You the bitch' exual and reproductive cycle they are not related to the hormonal cycle that govern exuality and reproduction of the human pecie . It i important to under tand thi before proceeding...
10 things you didn't know about dogs
If you love dog like u , you can't mi thi top 10 Thing I Didn't Know About Dog .In addition to being fun and cheerful pet , dog bring with them an important pa t in human memory. Thank to the ...
monkey names
There i no doubt that the mo t common pet are dog and cat , but have you ever topped to think that your ideal friend might be of a very different pecie ? Rabbit , bird , lizard ... The e are ome of th...
Why does my cat lick my hair?
Cat are able to find fun in thing that may be meaningle to human : a box, a paper ball, omething they find lying on the floor or table, including your hair! All of the e are element capable of enterta...
Parvovirus in Newborn Puppies
Parvoviru i a contagiou viral di ea e, very dangerou for dog , e pecially for puppie that come into the world without any protection, that i , without vaccination or obtaining colo trum. Although it i...
Akita Inu
O Akita Inu or al o called Japane e akita i a breed from Japan, A ia, and in it home country it i con idered a national trea ure. It al o became an object of veneration a a ymbol of good health, pro p...
Bird names from A to Z
Bird are animal that are part of the Pa eriforme order, the mo t repre entative of the bird cla . It i e timated that there are more than 6,000 different pecie of bird around the world, among the appr...
Brussels Griffon
Bru el Griffon, Belgian Griffon and Little Brabançon are companion puppie from Bru el . It can be aid that they are three breed in one, a they only differ by the color and type of fur. In fact, t...
How moving house affects dogs
Dome tic animal , uch a dog and cat , are often very en itive to change that occur in your environment, tre ing you and even making you ick with thing like the arrival of a baby or another pet or a ch...
grizzly bear
O gray bear (Ur u arcto horribili ) i one of the emblematic animal of the U. , however, thi did not exempt him from being one of the mo t endangered animal on the American continent. Gray bear are clo...
Is Rottweiler dangerous?
Currently, due to law uch a potentially dangerou dog , many people prefer not to adopt dog of Pitt Bull, Doberman, Rottweiler breed , among other .Hi tory ha marked the e race hard, however, we mu t a...
How to calm a hyperactive cat
De pite the time of coexi tence between human and cat , they till urpri e u with a pect of their behavior. Therefore, in thi PeritoAnimal article, we will focu on how to recognize and calm a hyperacti...
egyptian bad
We found it at egyptian mau one of the mo t elegant cat out there. It hi tory i linked to the dyna ty of the pharaoh , a great empire that appreciated the figure of the cat a an almo t divine being. T...
Broken nail at the root, what to do?
In thi PeritoAnimal article, we will explain what can be done in ca e of broken dog nail at the root and al o the dog' nail entering the meat. We will ee how it i po ible to cure thi problem at ho...
Choking dog, what to do?
Dog are curiou by nature and play with variou object , from tick , ball , rope , bone and becau e they are in a moment of relaxation, they may choke. With ome, becau e they are too reckle when eating,...
The 20 most exotic animals in the world
On planet Earth, we find a huge variety of animal and living being with unique qualitie that make them very pecial, different, con idered trange animal and therefore, they are little known animal .Wha...