
Domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, are often very sensitive to change that occur in your environment, stressing you and even making you sick with things like the arrival of a baby or another pet or a change.
That's why we want to talk to you about how moving house affects dogs, in order to have the necessary tools to help your puppy to overcome this change and so that the process is not traumatic for him.
Likewise, at PeritoAnimal we advise you not to abandon your pet in the event of a change of house, no matter how far away it may be. You can always find a place that is suitable for both, the adaptation will be simpler for both to go through it together, with the affection they always have for each other.
Why does a change affect dogs?
The dogs they are not animals of habits, other than that are territorial, so moving house means for them to leave what they have already marked as their territory, to move to a completely new one.
It's perfectly normal for this new territory to cause you stress and nervousness, because it will be full of smells and sounds that are completely unknown to you, and in front of which you will have nothing that gives you a sense of security. This feeling can increase if there are other puppies in the vicinity, as it will feel like you are in their territory. You can also try to respond to the presence of these dogs with barking or constant visits to windows to see what's going on outside.
However, adapting your puppy to the new home can be quite simple, if you follow a few steps before and during the move, and reinforce them once they have settled into the new home.
Remember that a change is a big step not only for you, but also for your dog., and together it will be simpler to overcome the new challenges they face.

before the move
Before moving house, it is recommended to prepare your dog for this great step that you will take together. To minimize stress and nervousness and help you adapt more easily, we recommend that:
- Prepare in advance the means of transport in which the animal will go to the new home. It must be comfortable, ventilated and accompany you or someone the dog trusts. If you are not used to traveling in a transport box, practice days ahead to feel safe in it. Remember that there are also safety belts for dogs. Especially suitable for large dogs or those who don't like to be indoors.
- buy one nameplate with new address and give the dog a general health checkup.
- If possible, take him for a walk around the new house a few days before the permanent move. You will be able to familiarize yourself a little with the new space and the characteristic smells and sounds of the place.
- Do not wash or change your house, bed or pillow, as old smells will make you feel safer when you are alone in the new environment.
- Although you are busy in the days before moving, try keep your schedules of outings and walks, as a sudden change will cause anxiety in the dog.
- Try to remain calm about the change, as your nervousness can affect the animal's mood, making it believe that something bad is going to happen.
- If the move is far away from the old home, it likely entails a change of vet. If a friend can recommend a veterinarian, great. Gather all of your pet's medical history, vaccinations, illnesses you have had, etc.

During the move
The big day has arrived, and it will be a busy day not only for you, but also for your puppy. That's why we recommend:
- keep the animal away from all the chaos which implies change. On that day, you can take him to the house of some animals that the animal feels comfortable with, so he doesn't get nervous with moving cars or with the presence of strangers in his house taking his things.
- Make sure you take yours home with your friends. favorite toy or a piece of clothing you have worn, so you don't feel abandoned.
- Since you changed all your things and before you went to get your dog, hide prizes and treats for him in different places in the house, to have fun looking for them and exploring the house. This is one of the most recommended activities to relax a dog.
- When arriving at the new house don't leave him alone, for example to go buy something, as this will only make you more nervous and you will not know how to act in this new environment.
- It may happen that the dog starts marking the new house with urine. Try to avoid him without scolding him, it's completely normal in dogs.

How to adapt the dog to the new home
Once you and your dog are installed, start the adaptation process. Although I have fulfilled everything mentioned above, there are still some things to be done:
- When you get home, let the dog sniff all boxes and all spaces, including the garden, if any.
- If your new home has a garden and your dog has a tendency to run away, or if you're moving from the city to the country, seriously consider installing a tall, sturdy net to keep him out of the street. You should also reinforce the underside, as many puppies tend to dig when they can't jump.
- From the start, set the rules about the places you can or can't be. You should always follow the same logic so as not to confuse your puppy.
- Place your bed or blanket in a comfortable and clean place in the house, preferably with few people passing by, but without the animal feeling isolated from the family. Do the same with water and food, placing them in places that are easily accessible for the dog.
- Little by little, walk with him by the new neighborhood. At the beginning, you should keep as much as possible the same tour schedule, to slowly get used to the changes you need to make in this routine. If it is not possible to keep the same schedule for walks, for reasons of work, for example, you should change it little by little before moving, without this affecting the animal's evacuation mechanism.
- During the walks, let the dog stop in all the corners and corners you want. He needs to smell these new places, and he's likely to urinate more than usual to mark his territory.
- If you want to get close to other puppies that could be your new canine friends, let them do it, but always under your supervision to avoid unpleasant moments.
- Meet the parks and safe places where they can walk together and play with other dogs.
- At jokes they will help him to be distracted and to understand that the new house is good for him.
- It is recommended that the first visit to the new veterinarian takes place before the animal has any disease, just to become familiar with the office and with the new person who will attend to it.
Stress is normal for a few days, but if it lingers and turns into problematic behavior, barking or biting for example, or if it manifests physically, through vomiting and diarrhea, then you should consult your veterinarian.