
Bordetella in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Did you know that your dog i u ceptible to di ea e cau ed by variou pathogen , uch a viru e , bacteria and fungi? Obviou ly, the tate of the immune y tem i trictly linked to the on et of di ea e , o p...

teach the dog to walk without a guide

Walking i the mo t effective tool to trengthen the bond between a dog and it owner. In addition to thi important effect, the benefit of walking go far beyond that, a they help the dog to manage tre , ...

Pyometra in bitches - Symptoms and treatment

Do you know what the canine pyometra? I your bitch uffering from it? In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will explain the ymptom of thi di ea e o that you can identify it. In addition, we will al o expl...

Cat Penis: Most Common Anatomy and Diseases

A cat' peni i a very peculiar organ that can al o have problem and illne e . In order for you to know what are the mo t common di ea e in a cat' peni , it i important that you know the anatomy...

Did dragons exist?

The mythology of different culture in general include the pre ence of fanta tic animal that, in ome ca e , can be a ymbol of in piration and beauty, but in other they can repre ent trength and fear fo...

Hamster care and feeding

Rodent are great friend and one of the be t option if you want to have a pet, due to it mall ize and the care it need not to be exce ive. The e are mall rodent that are generally friendly and curiou ,...

Dog bleeding a lot in heat

Dog caregiver , when they are not terilized, have to face period of heat, which u ually occur twice a year, and can al o generate many doubt . One of them, and perhap the one that expre e it elf mo t ...

Home Remedies for Dog Lice

Doe your dog have an exce ive and con tant itching, in addition, i it re tle and when you decide to examine it fur, do you notice the pre ence of ome lowly moving para ite , with a flattened hape and ...

Dog Biting Everything - 7 Reasons!

Certainly playing with your dog i one of your favorite activitie , whether you are a puppy or an adult dog. The game i not only trengthen the bond between the dog and the human being, but it i al o a ...

How to Train a Dog - 4 Ways

While there are many technique on how to train a dog, they can all be cla ified into two main categorie : canine training technique ba ed on learning theorie and canine training technique ba ed on can...

Needy dog: how to deal and prevent

It i not by chance that the dog i con idered the human being' be t friend and ha become one of the mo t popular and beloved pet in the world. The devotion, loyalty, affection, en itivity and joy i...

Did the Kraken of Mythology Really Exist?

Here at PeritoAnimal we u ually pre ent intere ting theme about the world of animal , and thi time we want to do it on an example that, according to Nordic torie , for centurie cau ed fa cination and ...

difference between hare and rabbit

There are many difference between hare and rabbit , but taxonomic cla ification i the key to determining how the two leporid differ in athletic morphology, long ear and trong hind limb . Even o, we wi...

Types of Horse Halters

The hor e halter i a nece ary tool if you have a hor e in your care, either to be able to travel with it or to provide the e ential care it need in complete afety.Now, if you have any que tion about t...

because the flamingo is pink

Flamingo are bird of the genu phoenicopteru , of which three living pecie are known, phoenicopteru chilen i (Chilean flamingo), phoenicopteru ro eu (common flamingo) and phoenicopteru ruber (pink flam...

Can a dog eat popcorn?

An evening itting on the couch watching movie and eating popcorn i one of tho e little plea ure in life that we like to hare with tho e we love. And of cour e our be t friend are never left out of thi...

Recommendations for traveling by car with a cat

During your cat' life, you will need to travel by car with him on many occa ion : traveling, vi iting the vet, leaving the cat with a friend, etc.What i certain i that cat do not like to leave the...

Canine calazar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) : Symptoms, causes and treatment

Vi ceral lei hmania i , al o known a Calazar, i a worrying di ea e in Brazil. Thi di ea e i cau ed by a protozoan and can affect dog , people or other animal . Becau e it i a zoono i , that i , can be...

What does the ladybug eat?

The ladybug, who e cientific name é Coccinellidae, i a mall in ect that belong to the diver e and numerou order Coleptera and the family al o called Coccinellidae. Their characteri tic rounded hape, t...

Dog with swollen breast: causes and treatments

O brea t welling in bitche it i a vi ible ign of inflammation, which can be cau ed by many factor . Thi doe not alway mean that the bitch i ick, becau e her brea t al o increa e in ize during heat, pr...