
turkish angora cat

Coming from di tant Turkey, the angora cat are one of olde t feline breed in the world. It i often confu ed with other long-haired breed uch a the Per ian cat , a both breed enjoy notable popularity. ...

elderly dog ​​behavior

At the time to adopt a dog, mo t people prefer to opt for a young or a puppy, alway avoiding the one that are of advanced age. till, there are many people who choo e the oppo ite, giving a dignified e...

sharp pei

O har pei i a very peculiar breed of dog, known worldwide for the wrinkle that hape it body. Of Chine e and American origin, thi dog popular and appreciated in any region i al o con idered a ymbol of ...

Dog with bloody diarrhea: causes and treatment

Ga trointe tinal di order uch a diarrhea with blood in dog they are one of the mo t common problem in the veterinarian' office that rai e a lot of concern on the part of animal guardian . Fortunat...

names for birds

Bird are very delicate animal that require pecial care and attention. ome pecie , uch a parrot , parakeet and cockatiel are among the mo t beloved animal in Brazil, and if you take a look around your ...

Introduce a dog to a cat correctly

Knowing how to introduce a dog to a cat i e ential if you are thinking of welcoming a new member into your family, but you hould bear in mind that not all ca e mu t follow the ame rule , thi will vary...

Why does my cat run away from me?

The que tion "why doe my cat run away from me?" mu t be one of the mo t frequently a ked que tion among tutor who have a cat for the fir t time. The tendency to ee the animal a a mall dog, o...

Most Common Labrador Retriever Diseases

The Labrador Retriever i one of the mo t beloved dog in the world, becau e they are adorable and big-hearted creature . Labrador love getting attention and being hugged by everyone, e pecially childre...

Aquarium Shrimp Care

There are more and more people who, ju t like you, di cover aquarium hrimp and look for information about them in PeritoAnimal. We can find information about thi pecie on the Internet thank to expert ...

Dog Ear Mites - Symptoms and Treatment

pending time with your puppy i e ential to keep it healthy, thi not only provide ocial and emotional well-being, but al o allow u to know what i the normal behavior of our pet. Knowing your u ual beh...

10 Signs of Stress in Dogs

There are ome very clear ign that can alert u if our dog i uffering from tre . If you u pect that your be t friend might be going through a bad ituation, we recommend that you keep reading thi from Pe...

Why do dogs scratch the bed before bed?

How many time have you een your dog cratching the bed when he goe to bed and wondered why he doe it? Thi behavior, although it may eem trange or compul ive to u , ha it explanation .In general, thi at...

My dog ​​wants to bite my child, what to do?

From the moment you decide to adopt a pet, it i nece ary to have clear rule that will govern the puppy' behavior and the behavior that will be allowed, to avoid unwanted ituation and problem with ...

Names for Witches Cats

Adopting an animal to keep you company i alway a deci ion that ha to take into account everal factor , after all, you are taking a new life at home and thi demand care, time and pace.Thinking about it...

Benefits of having a pet at home

They exi t benefit of having a pet at home? Welcoming and adopting a pet i an excellent opportunity to di cover all the benefit that thi entail . We are not talking about the great company that it pro...

Dachshund or Techel

Dach hund i the original and official name of the famou and chari matic Dog au age or au age. In German it mean "badger dog" referring to the original function of thi dog, which wa to hunt b...

Original and cute dog names

choo e the your dog' name it i an important ta k for a friend who will be with you for o long. It i normal that doubt ari e and internet reference are more than welcome, i n't it? With that in...

Endangered animals in the Pantanal

When talking about Pantanal, what come to your mind? a lot of people think about jaguar , alligator or large fi h. The truth i that thi biome - known to be the large t wetland in the world - ha an eno...

Peritonitis in dogs

THE peritoniti in dog it i a di ea e that can become very eriou , alway depending on the cau e, and for thi rea on it ha a re erved progno i , that i , neither evolution nor outcome can be predicted.F...

Home remedy for dog diarrhea

THE diarrhea in dog i omething quite frequent throughout the life of the animal. In ome ca e , it can be cau ed by inte tinal problem or eating food in poor condition. The cau e are varied and can lea...