- Origin of the Turkish Angora Cat
- Characteristics of the Turkish Angora Cat
- Turkish Angora Cat Character
- Turkish Angora Cat Care
- Turkish Angora Cat Health

Coming from distant Turkey, the angora cats are one of oldest feline breeds in the world. It is often confused with other long-haired breeds such as the Persian cats, as both breeds enjoy notable popularity. However, the two have differences that we will see below. So, in this PeritoAnimal article we will see the characteristics of the turkish angora cat which define it as a race and which allow it to be distinguished from any other.
Source- Asia
- Europe
- Turkey
- Category II
- thick tail
- Slender
- Small
- Medium
- Great
- 3-5
- 5-6
- 6-8
- 8-10
- 10-14
- 8-10
- 10-15
- 15-18
- 18-20
- Active
- Affectionate
- Curious
- Calm
- Cold
- Warm
- Moderate
- Medium
- Long
Origin of the Turkish Angora Cat
Turkish Angora is considered to be one of the first fur cats throughout history, so the roots of this exotic feline breed are ancient and deep. Angora cats come from the Turkish region of Ankara, from which their name is derived. There, cats that are white and have one eye of each color, a condition known as heterochromia and which is quite common in the breed, are considered a purity icon and, for this reason, they are highly esteemed in the country.
These specimens are called "Ankara kedi" and are even known as the national treasure of Turkey. This is so true that there is a legend that the founder of Turkey will return to the world incarnated in a Turkish Angora cat.
The origin of the angora is ancient and that's why there are various theories about the emergence of the race. One of them explains that the Turkish Angora emerged from wild cats bred in China. Another argues that the Angora cat comes from others who lived in the cold Russian steppes and who had to develop a long, dense coat to protect them from the cold. According to this last theory, the Turkish angora could be an ancestor of the Norwegian forest cat or the maine coon.
Other people believe that the Angora cat only arrived in the region of Turkey through the Islamic invasions that Persia suffered in the 15th century. About his arrival in Europe there are also several possibilities. The most accepted hypothesis is that the Angora arrived on the mainland in Viking ships around the 10th century.
What can be proven is that the Turkish angora appear registered in documents dating from the 16th century, in which it is reported how they were given as a gift by the Turkish sultan of the time to the English and French nobility. Since then, the breed has been considered very popular and valuable by the aristocracy of the court of Louis XV.
Also, only in the 1970s that Turkish Angora was officially recognized by the CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association), when an official association of the breed was also created. And FIFE (Fédératión Internationale Féline) recognized the angora years later, specifically in 1988.
To this day, the Turkish Angora cat is not very popular in numbers around the world, and its few examples are concentrated in Europe and the United States, which makes its adoption difficult, especially if we are looking for it to have a pedigree.
Characteristics of the Turkish Angora Cat
the angora are average cats that weigh between 3kg and 5kg and have a height ranging from 15cm to 20cm. Normally, the life expectancy of the Turkish Angora cat is between 12 and 16 years.
The body of the Turkish Angora is enlarged, with strong and marked musculature, which does it anyway. slim and elegant. Its hind legs are taller than its front legs, its tail is very thin and long and, in addition, the angora still has a long and dense coat, which gives a "duster" appearance to the feline.
The head of a Turkish Angora cat is small or medium, never large, and triangular in shape. Their eyes are more oval and large and have an expressive and penetrating look. Regarding colors, the most frequent ones are amber, copper, blue and green. It is also worth remembering that many of the angoras also have eyes of different colors, being a breed with one of the greatest tendencies towards heterochromia.
Thus, both the color difference in the eyes and its long coat are the most representative characteristics of the Turkish Angora. Their ears are large and broad-based, pointed and preferably with brushes at the tips.
The coat of an Angora cat is long, thin and dense. Originally their most common color was white, but over time they started to appear. various patterns and nowadays one can also find turkish angora with white, red, cream, brown, blue, silver, and bluish and mottled silver fur. The fur layer is denser on the underside, while on the tail and neck region it is almost non-existent.
Turkish Angora Cat Character
The Turkish Angora cat is a breed of calm and calm temperament, who likes the balance between activity and rest. Therefore, if we want the feline to accompany the children he lives with in all of his games, we have to get him used to this way of life from an early age, otherwise the angora may be reticent towards the younger ones.
If the animal gets used to it, it will be a wonderful companion for children, as the character of the Turkish Angora is also energetic, patient and who loves to play. We also have to pay attention to the environmental enrichment necessary for your restlessness and curiosity to be aroused.
Sometimes the angora is compared to dogs as it tends to follow its owners everywhere, which shows its loyalty and attachment. Turkish Angora Cats Are Animals sweet and affectionate who will enjoy their "pampering" sessions a lot and who can even be trained to perform various tricks, since the caresses received are an excellent prize for him.
They usually adapt to living anywhere, as long as others give them the care and space they need. In this way, the Turkish Angora will be able to live either in an apartment or in a house with a yard or in the middle of the countryside. We have to consider that generally angora cats are not very willing to share their home with other pets.
Turkish Angora Cat Care
As in all semi-wide-haired breeds, within the care that must be taken with a Turkish angora, the need for constantly comb the animal to help eliminate excess hair, which can be so harmful to your health, because it can cause hairball formation, how to keep your home hair free. Combing your Turkish Angora cat will not be difficult due to its thick coat of fur. Therefore, it won't take much effort to keep your coat looking smooth, silky, and free from knots and dirt.
On the other hand, we have to offer a balanced diet to the angora that covers all his nutritional needs and that provides the energy he needs for the day. In order for this energy to be released in a timely manner, it is preferable that suitable toys are made available to the feline, in order to prevent him from getting bored and causing damage and damage to the house.
We also cannot neglect the cat's nails, teeth, eyes and ears, carrying out the necessary cleaning and treatments to maintain its well-being and health.
Turkish Angora Cat Health
The Turkish Angora cat is a breed of cats very healthy and strong who does not usually show serious congenital diseases. However, white individuals are more likely to develop deafness or to be born deaf, especially if they have golden or hypochromic eyes. This pathology can be diagnosed by a veterinarian through several tests, which will also inform us the degree of the disease.
To avoid hairballs in the digestive apparatus, we can use special products such as paraffin. Combing your cat daily and using these products will keep the Turkish Angora healthy and free from any disease.
Along with these special considerations, it is also necessary not to forget other common precautions that must be performed for all cats, such as keeping your pet up to date with all the vaccines, deworming and regular veterinary appointments.