Pyometra in bitches - Symptoms and treatment

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
The Emergency Pyometra in Dogs: Risks, Symptoms + Treatment
Video: The Emergency Pyometra in Dogs: Risks, Symptoms + Treatment


Do you know what the canine pyometra? Is your bitch suffering from it? In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain the symptoms of this disease so that you can identify it. In addition, we will also explain to you the recommended treatment for canine pyometra.

this infectious disease it's not contagious and it is very common in bitches over 5 years old, although it can occur at any age (as long as they are sexually mature bitches, that is, they have had a heat). If you don't act quickly, the dog's life could be seriously complicated.

Keep reading and find out all about the pyometra in bitches, yours symptoms and treatment suitable for the disease.

What is pyometra?

Is uterine infection, with a large accumulation of pus and secretions inside. Depending on whether this pus comes out through the vagina and vulva, pyometra are classified into open and closed. Of course, closed ones are usually more severe and more difficult to diagnose.

What are the causes of pyometra

There is no clear triggering cause, but it has been proven that the moment of greatest risk is between the 6th and 8th week after the end of heat, as at this point the cervix begins to close.

It seems that the hormonal influences of progesterone (a hormone secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary) cause cysts in the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus) and a secretion of mucus in the endometrium, which together with the entry of bacteria, considerably increase the risk of infection.

What are the most frequent symptoms in pyometra?

The first symptoms are not specific, like loss of appetite and lethargy (the bitch is apathetic, blank, with little response to stimuli). In case it is an open pyometra, one begins to observe the output of a secretion between mucous and bloody through the vagina and vulva, which can even be confused with a heat, by the owners.

Then the bitch begins to show polyuria (increases the volume of urine, causing very long urination, and even not holding the pee) and polydipsia (increases a lot of water intake).

If the disease is not diagnosed and treated, it triggers shock and sepsis (generalized infection), which may even cause the animal's death. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian when you notice the first symptoms.

Recommended treatment for pyometra

It is always recommended to ovariohysterectomy (surgical castration), which would be the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus, in addition to the antibiotic treatment. It is an effective treatment, as long as the infection has not spread and the animal's condition is adequate. In the case of generalized infection, the prognosis is usually worse.

In the case of bitches with a high reproductive value, treatment with antibiotics can be tried, as well as drainage and washing of the uterus. The results of these treatments are usually unsatisfactory.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.