
Can a dog have ice cream?

Ice cream i one of tho e weet o deliciou that it can lift any mood and make you feel a little better even when omething i n't right. And ince you definitely love haring good time with your favorit...

Allopurinol for dogs: doses and side effects

Allopurinol i a medicine u ed in human medicine to reduce the level of uric acid in pla ma and urine, becau e it inhibit a certain enzyme involved in it formation. In veterinary medicine, in thi pecif...

Kidney Stones in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Many animal , uch a cat , can uffer from the ame illne e a human , although we often ignore thi fact. That' why at PeritoAnimal we recommend that you be aware of po ible ymptom , trange and unu ua...

Birds that pluck their own feathers - main reasons!

Bird plucking their own feather i a more common problem than you might think! Although thi problem doe not occur in free-range bird , it i common in bird kept in captivity. There are different rea on ...

What does a dog feel when we leave him in a guesthouse?

It i becoming more and more common to leave our furry companion in a doghou e when we have to travel for a few day . Thi happen if let' go on vacation and he cannot accompany u or if we will pend ...

Why cats rub against people and things

Everyone who live with cat know that when a cat rub again t them, it want omething, that i , it i a way to communicate. They want to let u know that they have a need, whether it' food, company, af...

healthy food for dogs

Finding a balanced diet that meet the need of dog at all tage of their life and adju t to the demand of their handler can be a challenge. There are more and more option available, but o much variety e...

How is the organization of a pack of wolves

The Wolve (kennel lupu ) are mammal belonging to the Canidae family and are known for their habit and for being the uppo ed ance tor of dog . Their appearance often in pire fear and they are animal th...

Letter from a dog to the tutor

When we talk about act of love, adopting i one of them. Often, without word and ju t with a look, we can under tand what our dog are feeling. When we go to an animal helter and look at their little fa...

Do cockatiels speak?

Undoubtedly, one of the behavior that mo t urpri ed u over time wa to ee that there are bird capable of performing the mo t varied vocalization , becoming capable not only of perfectly imitating word ...

Cut a cat's nails

A delicate moment in cat care i the nail clipping, feline don't u ually like thi moment at all, apart from being uncomfortable for them. But it i important to cut them to avoid doing damage, eithe...

how to calm a cat

Cat that live with u are directly affected when we are tre ed. If before we were away from home all day and now we pend more time at home, that change the routine of the e animal , and can be an impor...

Green iguana feeding

The call common iguana or green iguana, i actually green in color when it' young. At about two year of age, it reache adulthood, gradually lo ing it characteri tic green pigmentation and becoming ...

Differences between camel and dromedary

The camel and the dromedary are very animal imilar, a it come from the ame family, the camelid. Divided into race , they are defined a Camelu Bactrianu , known only a camel , and Camelu dromedariu , b...

Cat Stomatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

tomatiti in cat i al o known a gingiviti and i a chronic infectiou di ea e and of low evolution, which de pite needing treatment and everal care , often goe unnoticed when it i beginning to manife t ...

Can cat eat chocolate?

O chocolate it i one of the mo t con umed and appreciated weet in the world, having even tho e who declare them elve addicted to it. Becau e it' o deliciou , it' po ible that ome pet owner wil...

Rottweiler Dog Names

The Rotweiller i a trong and robu t dog. He look like a powerful dog and for that rea on, ome people are even afraid of him. In fact, like any other dog, Rottweiler can make excellent pet if properly ...

What does a dog feel when owners leave the house?

Leaving the dog alone at home i a bit of a ad time for any owner. ometime , even though we go out for a hort time, we are left wondering how he will be, what he will be doing or if he will be mi ing u...

Toxic plants for rabbits

Rabbit have gained popularity a pet in recent year . Their mall ize, the imple care they require and their adorable appearance make them good companion , even for children.Like any other pet, rabbit n...

Border Collie

It i known for the marte t dog breed, it ha been hown to be the dog with the mo t learning capacity for both exerci e and competition uch a Agility. O Border Collie i an amazing breed that ha a multit...