- needy dog signs
- Needy dog: what to do?
- Needy dog and the importance of socialization
- Needy dogs need physical and mental stimulation
- Taking care of a needy dog requires awareness when adopting

It is not by chance that the dog is considered the human being's best friend and has become one of the most popular and beloved pets in the world. The devotion, loyalty, affection, sensitivity and joy inherent in the way of being these furry ones conquer any heart and quickly it is impossible to imagine a life without them. However, when a dog becomes excessively dependent or demanding on its guardians and family members, this emotional bond is no longer healthy and begins to harm both the dog's well-being and coexistence in the family nucleus.
One dog more needy than normal he cannot manage his own loneliness or enjoy a positive social life, suffering from depression or behavioral problems. Furthermore, caring for a needy dog requires an enormous amount of time and extreme dedication that it is difficult to reconcile with professional commitments and with other aspects of personal life.
Therefore, it is very important to know how to deal and especially how to prevent a needy dog. In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain what to do so that your furry does not become possessive or excessively dependent on you and knows how to behave correctly when alone, in addition to respecting the times when you want or need to pay attention to other people or tasks. Be sure to check out this advice!
needy dog signs
A needy dog is one that constantly demands the attention of guardians and family members, and may also have the same behavior with other people. And since each dog is a unique individual with a unique personality, you can find many signs or symptoms of a needy dog. In other words, in order to get people's attention and interest, each furry person can perform various actions and gestures, including some conduct problems.
It is not uncommon to see needy dogs who cry or bark excessively (especially when they are alone), jump on people, bite or destroy clothes, objects and furniture in the house, or suffer from separation anxiety. It is even possible that a dog with a lot of need can be aggressive towards other people and animals that approach their tutors. For all this, excessive neediness and possessive behavior should not be ignored or considered harmless in puppies.. In addition to causing problems in the relationship between the dog and the tutor, a very needy dog can become dangerous for everyone who lives with him.
In this sense, it is worth remembering that a dog's behavior is not only determined by breed and genetic heritage, but also depends (and to a large extent) on the education and environment provided by each tutor. Although there are more independent dog breeds and more attached breeds (which tend to be more needy), the type of relationship a furry develops with its tutor and other individuals will also be greatly influenced by the socialization, training and routine that each dog receives. .
Below, check out some information on what to do to prevent and take care of needy dog.
Needy dog: what to do?
Before you know what to do or how to handle needy dogs, it is essential to try to identify why your dog demands so much attention. Generally, when a dog is more needy than usual, it is related to some problems or insufficiencies in its routine and/or education. And if we talk about a needy puppy, it is also possible that he was prematurely separated from his mother and siblings, not being able to complete the weaning period or learn the basic codes of social conduct that his parents would teach him to prepare. it to adult life.
Below, we will summarize the main causes and solutions for a needy dog. However, it is worth noting that if your furry shows behavioral problems or you notice that your dog's behavior is different, the ideal is to take him to a veterinarian specializing in canine ethology (which can also be called canine psychology) . This professional will help you to recognize the specific causes of these inappropriate behaviors and will recommend a personalized treatment according to your dog's needs.
Needy dog and the importance of socialization
For starters, all dogs, regardless of breed, age or gender, need to be properly socialized to learn to positively relate to other individuals, including their own guardians and family members. The majority of needy dogs or possessives did not have the opportunity to experience an adequate socialization process, showing themselves to be excessively insecure when interacting with other individuals.
Therefore, the best way to prevent your furry one from becoming too dependent or having conduct problems is to start socializing him while he is still a puppy (preferably before 3 months of age). However, it is important for you to know that it is possible to socialize an adult dog with the help of positive reinforcement, patience and lots of affection. So if you haven't socialized your dog yet or just adopted a furry one, check out our advice on how to properly socialize an adult dog.
Again, we stress the importance of respecting the weaning period before separating the puppies from the mother. Do not adopt puppies before they are at least 60 or 90 days old. But if for some reason you have to rescue or adopt a puppy with a short lifespan, be sure to check out these tips for feeding and caring for newborn puppies.
Needy dogs need physical and mental stimulation
Another reason that can explain why a dog is more needy than usual is the lack of physical and mental stimulation in everyday life. It's not news that dogs are active, curious and intelligent, right? For this reason, they need to exercise daily and have an environment that stimulates the senses, preventing them from feeling bored when they are alone at home. Also remembering that a sedentary lifestyle tends to favor obesity and the development of behavioral problems associated with stress and accumulated energy.
Ideally, your dog should take at least 3 walks a day, each lasting 30 to 45 minutes. You may also want to consider starting him up in a sport or activity for dogs, such as agility circuits. In addition, it is essential to improve the environmental enrichment within your home, offering your dog toys, intelligence games and other accessories that can help prevent stress, boredom and behavior problems common in dogs, such as separation anxiety.
Training will be the most complete exercise you can offer your best friend, as it allows you to work fully on the physical and cognitive abilities of dogs. Here at PeritoAnimal, you can see several tips and tricks to train your furry. But you can also get in touch with a dog trainer or educator to professionally work out the fundamental commands of dog training. The important thing is that you don't leave your dog's education aside as this will be the crucial aspect to get an obedient, balanced and self-assured dog, who doesn't need to act possessively or excessively dependent to enjoy the company's company. your tutor.
Check out our YouTube video with the 10 Common Mistakes When Walking Your Dog:
Taking care of a needy dog requires awareness when adopting
In addition to paying attention to your best friend's education, routine and environment, it is essential that you be very conscious when adopting to choose a puppy that not only matches your personality, but also that you can be adapt to your lifestyle, the space available in your home and your own availability of time to take care of it.
At the shelter itself or at the animal protection agency, you can find out about the behavior of each puppy that is available for adoption. The volunteers and professionals who participate in the care of rescued animals are the best people to tell you how this dog behaves, if it is more restless or calmer, if it is more needy or more independent, among other details about the personality and specific needs of each dog.
All puppies require some fundamental care to lead a healthy and happy life. This implies dedicating time, patience and money to quality food, an enriched environment, veterinary consultations, vaccines, antiparasitic treatments, etc. That's why it's important that you ask yourself and be honest with yourself when considering whether you're prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for a dog.
Remember that there are also other animals that can keep you company and bring joy to your home, but that require simpler care or are naturally more independent than a dog, such as cats, hamsters, guinea pigs and even pets more exotic, like a small lizard or an iguana. To help with this all-important choice, read our article with some tips for choosing your pet.
If you choose to adopt a dog, see our YouTube video about how to take care of a dog so that it lives longer: