- Cats with origin in Egypt
- Egyptian names for female cats
- Egyptian Goddess Names
- Names inspired by Queens of Egypt
- Egyptian names of male cats
- names of egyptian gods
- Names of pharaohs for cats

The images of gods with the faces and features of cats, as well as the murals stamped with pussies on the walls, are among some of the symbols of love and devotion that the Egyptian people offered this animal.
Many believe that most of the pussies we raise today as pets have their origins in the African Wild Cat (Felis Silvestris Lybica), a very popular animal in Ancient Egypt. Even at that time, the species would have been domesticated and used to human coexistence.
We have a lot to thank the Egyptians for our feline companions! If you've just adopted one and still don't know what to name it, have you thought about taking inspiration from this past of pussies? The Animal Expert separated some egyptian names for cats.
Cats with origin in Egypt
Many of the cats we find for adoption are related to Cyprus, which is also called the common domestic cat.. There is evidence that this species would have arisen in the Fertile Crescent region, a territory comprised by countries like Egypt, Turkey and Lebanon.
A group of archaeologists found a Cyprus beside a human being in a tomb dated over 9,000 years ago, thus proving the domestication of this animal in Ancient Egypt.
In addition to this breed, the Abyssinian, Chausie and Egyptian Mau cats also have their proven origin in the Middle East.
Egyptian names for female cats
If your new pussy belongs to any of the breeds mentioned above, one of these egyptian names it would definitely suit her:
- Nubia: name related to wealth and perfection. It would be something like "golden" or "perfect as gold".
- Camilly: connected to perfection. It also means "messenger of the gods".
- Kefera: means “first ray of morning sun”.
- Danubia: related to perfection and shine. Its literal meaning would be something like "the brightest star".
- Nefertari: means something like the most beautiful, or the most perfect
Egyptian Goddess Names
A really cool idea for those who want a name that inspires respect and admiration for their cat, is to baptize the cat named after some egyptian goddess:
- Amonet: goddess of the occult
- Anuchis: goddess of the Nile and water
- Bastet: goddess protector of houses
- Isis: goddess of magic
- Nephthys: goddess of rivers
- Nekhbet: protector goddess of births and wars
- Nut: goddess of the sky, creator of the universe
- Satis: Protector Goddess of Pharaoh
- Sekhmet: goddess of war
- Sotis: mother and sister of the great pharaoh, companion
- Tueris: goddess of fertility and protector of women
- Tefnet: warrior goddess and humanity
Names inspired by Queens of Egypt
We also made a selection with names of queens of ancient egypt for you to take a look:
- amosis
- apama
- Arsinoe
- Benerib
- Berenice
- Cleopatra
- Duatentopet
- Eurydice
- Henutmire
- Herneith
- Hetepheres
- Karomama
- khenthap
- Khentkaus
- Kiya
- Meritamon
- Meritaton
- Meritneit
- Mutemuia
- Nefertiti
- Neitotepe
- Nitocris
- penebui
- Sitamon
- Tauser
- tetcheri
- aunt
- auntie
- Tiy
- tuya

Egyptian names of male cats
If you are in need of a name for your pet, we have separated some egyptian names for cats:
- Nile: has its origin in the great river that surrounded the Egyptian territory, meaning something like "the river" or "blue".
- Amon: means something hidden or hidden.
- Radames: variant of the name Ramses, linked to the god Rá. It means "son of the Sun" or the one that "Ra begat".
names of egyptian gods
If you want a more different name, or want to take a look at more options, how about the name of an ancient egyptian god to baptize your cat?
- Amon: creator god
- Anubis: god of mummification
- Apophis: God of Chaos and Destruction
- Apis: god of fertility
- Aton: creator solar god
- Keb: creator god
- Hapy: God of the Floods
- Horus: god of war
- Khepri: self-created solar god
- Khnum: god of creation of the world
- Maat: god of truth and justice
- Osiris: god of resurrection
- Serapis: official god of Egypt and Greece
- Suti: protective and destroyer god of the evil one
Names of pharaohs for cats
The kings of ancient Egypt had their names designed to impose their presence wherever they went. If your pussy has a strong personality, or you want to name it with a word that has a lot of presence, another idea is to use the name of a pharaoh for your cat:
- Menes
- Djet
- Nynetjer
- Socaris
- Djoser
- Huni
- Snefru
- Knufu
- khafre
- Menkaure
- Userkaf
- sahure
- Menkauhor
- teti
- pepi
- Kheti
- Khety
- Antef
- Mentuhotep
- Amenemhat
- Hor
- Aaqen
- Nehesi
- Apopi
- Zaket
- Kames
- Amenhotep
- Thutmose
- Tutankhamun
- Ramses
- seti
- Smendes
- amenemope
- Osorkon
- takelot
- pié
- Chabataka
- Psametic
- Cambyses
- Darius
- Xerxes
- Amirteus
- Hakor
- Nectanebo
- Artaxerxes
- Ptolemy
If you want more name suggestions for your kitten, you can take a look at our names section, maybe you can't find the perfect word to define your pussy?