You dog bones whether they are natural, cowhide or toy, they are a great way for your puppy to exercise his teeth and gain strength. In addition, it has many other advantages such as tartar reduction or relaxation.
If you want to learn how to make one at home, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal in which we will explain how to make a dog bone at home. This way, you will get a natural and unique bone for your pet!
Steps to follow: 1To start you should go to your usual supermarket or a pet supply store and search for rawhide straps, we advise you to use those that are from cow skin, since pigs are not digestible and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Find out at the place where you buy this product if you can use it for this purpose and if it is a quality product.

Already at home, should cut the skin strips depending on the final size you want to get. That is, a bone for a Chihuahua will definitely not be the same size as one for a Great Dane. Clean the leather strap with a sterile gauze and make sure it is free of impurities, dust or dirt.
3To make the dog bone the process is simple, you just have to wrap the leather you have chosen by giving it several turns, this way, the thickness of the future bone will be consistent and will last longer. You can be creative and make a bone in the shape of a stick, bone and even like a donut.

Once you have made your puppy's natural and homemade bone, you should put it in the oven. To do this, just leave it in the oven for 30 minutes at 65ºC, this way the cowhide leather will be more resistant but will continue to maintain its properties.
5After 30 minutes, the leather will be ready and dry. After it cools down you can already give the homemade bone to your pet.
If your puppy is still a puppy see our article in which we explain the best options for bones for puppies.