
You may have spent a fair amount of money and time looking for the best and most comfortable bed for your dog, but he insists on sleeping at your feet. Any opportunity that your best friend finds is right at your feet. This is a very funny and cute habit at the same time, but why does it happen?
Puppies are expected to be very loving and faithful animals, who always want to be by your side and find any way to show it. Over the years, these creatures have filled Man's heart with unconditional affection and companionship. We know that our pets are always there, present with their sweet looks and canine empathy.
If you want to know a little more about the lives of our best friends, keep reading this article by Animal Expert and find out why do dogs like to sleep on their feet?
next to you
It's very simple. the dogs love to sleep in "group" and the tighter they are, the better. If you take him indoors and give him a good way and lots of love, your dog will consider you as family, or rather, the leader of the pack, and for that reason will try to sleep as close to you as possible.
Puppies are willing, as often as necessary, to demonstrate their loyalty and presence. Instinctively, sleeping at your feet is, for them, a demonstration of mutual protection. He feels like you're taking care of him and at the same time he's taking care of you, like you're a battle team. This is a very common trend in dogs and totally normal. What happens is that our dogs don't mind too much about awkward positions, even if it's for long periods of time, as long as they're close to us it's okay.
Dogs love to sleep. If it were up to them they would sleep all day and even better if they could do it at the feet of their human friend. Sleeping for them is just as pleasant as going for a walk. Our pets can sleep for several hours. However, puppies are not overly picky when it comes to place, so much so that you might as well ignore and forgo your bed if your feet are free and let you sleep there.

A matter of love, not comfort
You can't avoid it, and if it's even a little uncomfortable for you, you'd better find a way to get used to it because this is a natural predisposition that comes from generation to generation and is part of your puppy's essence. We can say it's inside your DNA.
Sleeping at the feet of a person may not be the most suitable position or place to take a nap, however, it is not a habit that can put the owner's health at risk, nor the dog's. Your pet will not care if your sleep is disrupted by your movements or comfort, and may even experience some muscle pain after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Remember, you are your dog's favorite person, the one he needs for the protect at all times.