How to empty the adanal gland in cats

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 6 March 2025
Gato, glándulas anales, anal glands, cats
Video: Gato, glándulas anales, anal glands, cats


The adanal glands or just the anal glands function as a means of communication among cats, since the characteristic odor they secrete informs them of their own identity. Normally, cats, both male and female, empty the secretion produced by these glands when defecating, which ends up lubricating the anus. In other situations, such as when they are scared or stressed, they also give off this characteristic smell.

In this article from Animal Expert, we are going to learn about the anatomy and emptying of these small glands, something very important for human companions to prevent complications in these animals. Find out below how to empty the adanal gland in cats.

what is the adanal gland

All cats have two structures that are called the anal sac, similar to a pouch. Within each of these pockets is a gland known as adanal gland, anal sac gland or simply anal gland.

These glands are located on both sides of the anus (between four and five, and seven and eight clockwise) and communicate with the rectum. through pipelines.

Each adanal gland in cats produces a yellowish-brown liquid and oily secretion, with a foul smell, whose main functions are social identification and defense. Every time the cat defecates, the anal glands are emptied by the pressure exerted by the stool passing through the duct. The secretion is also released to mark territory or as defense mechanism against other animals.

If you notice that the cat is dragging its butt on the ground repeatedly, one of the reasons for this could be impaction, which is a blockage of the cat's adanal gland. And if you don't get him to the vet quickly, the content can fistulize (a new tube is created through which the accumulated content is expelled) or a abscess in the bag, causing the cat even more pain.

In this case, the veterinarian will start a treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and must perform a anal sac curettage (under sedation), leaving it to heal by second intention. Sometimes a sacculectomy (excision of the anal sacs) may be necessary.

There are also benign hepatoid cell tumors, therefore, a correct differential diagnosis is necessary. It is currently possible to use the laser therapy with satisfactory results in the treatment of sacculitis, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Let's now know some symptoms and discover methods to prevent problems related to the adanal gland in cats.

Prevention and care of cats' adanal glands

There are certain signs that indicate that the adanal glands of cats show changes such as impaction, sacculitis or fistulas. And you should pay attention to this to take the necessary steps with your veterinarian. Some of the main signs are:

  • The cat rubs the anus energetically on the floor
  • lick the anus
  • Bad smell
  • Looks at the posterior third and groans in pain
  • It presents inflammation and even erosions and bruises around the anus
  • Expulsion of purulent fluid through a fistula
  • constipation due to pain

If you observe any of these circumstances, we repeat that it is necessary to take the animal to the vet as soon as possible, as the cat can suffer pain with different intensities caused by these pathologies.

Care to prevent adanal gland disorders in cats

There are some precautions you can take with your feline companion to prevent anal gland disorders. Here are some of them:

  • Your cat's diet should be balanced, adapted to the feline species and without the addition of human food scraps.
  • It can be supplemented with commercial fiber preparations. An adequate volume of stool puts pressure on the glands, stimulating their emptying.
  • Update on the right days the deworming, both internal and external. Causes of primary illnesses, such as atopy or food allergies, must be correctly diagnosed and treated.
  • It is important to avoid obesity and maintain correct feline hygiene.

This video about 10 common diseases in cats and their different symptoms might interest you:

How To Treat Adanal Gland Inflammation

After the diagnosis made by the veterinarian, and when it is verified that the inflammation of the adanal gland is caused by an above-normal production of the yellowish-brown fluid, it will be necessary to remove the excess secretion produced. In chronic cases, surgery to remove the adanal glands may be recommended.

How to empty the adanal gland in cats

To perform a correct emptying, you must bring the pet to the veterinarian for him to do it and, thus, he can teach you the exact method for you to do a homemade treatment. It should be taken into account that emptying the anal glands is a physiological act of the cat, so it is not convenient to force it, except when it is strictly necessary.

There are cats that, due to their anatomical structure or the increased production of secretions, are more likely to to the obstruction of the bagsannals and so they need manual help. Here we separate a simple step by step of how the procedure is performed.

Step-by-step instructions for emptying cats' anal glands

  1. It is recommended to ask for help from another person to hold the feline
  2. Lift the cat's tail with one hand, and with the other, grab a piece of gauze.
  3. Place the gauze in front of the cat's anus.
  4. If the region already has dry secretions, use water to rinse and clean
  5. Identify the bags at the indicated location (between four and five, and seven and eight clockwise) and press your fingers in and up gently, gradually increasing the pressure and without hurting your cat.
  6. Be careful not to get dirty, as the liquid comes out with a lot of pressure.
  7. If you smell foul smell, it means the procedure is correct
  8. If pus or blood is coming out, it means you are infected and you should see a veterinarian right away.
  9. After finishing the procedure, clean the area with water and gauze and, if necessary, disinfect the area.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.