why my cat scratches the furniture

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Stop Your Cats From Scratching Furniture
Video: How to Stop Your Cats From Scratching Furniture


The dog easily files its nails during walks, but for the cat it is more complicated.That's why he looks for elements where to file his nails indoors.

This can be a problem if he uses the furniture or the sofa instead of scratchers that the tutor has purchased. For this reason, and for the well-being of your home, PeritoAnimal answers the question "Why does my cat scratch furniture?" and offers a variety of advice for him not to do it anymore.

the instinct

All animals have an instinct in their genes that causes them to act in a certain way. clean or polish the nails these are some of those activities that are part of the cat's nature and the owner can't do anything to prevent them. Your nails are your weapon of defense, and keeping your nails in good condition is all about your survival.

For this reason, if your cat does not have a scratcher, you should purchase one as soon as possible to avoid using the furniture in the house as daily sandpaper.

Also, as a curiosity, we inform you that cats have sweat glands in their pillows. That way, when they scratch an object, they're not just filing their nails but also marking the territory as a place of yours.

Make sure you comply with basic cat care. Scratching eliminates stress from your pet, requiring you to do so. So, the ideal is to give him an alternative to scratching.

Advice to stop scratching furniture

Below, we offer some advice for your cat to stop destroying your house. Some will be more useful than others, but together you can solve this problem:

  • As already explained, if your cat doesn't have a scratcher, get one. There are different types, with different colors and shapes. Find the most suitable for your cat, watching him.

  • Take the cat to the veterinarian regularly to have his nails cut. If you have experience, you can also do it yourself.
  • Do you have space at home? Find a suitable game zone that includes the scratcher.
  • He must scold the cat every time he does it, firmly. If your cat has a scraper, it cannot be allowed to scratch any furniture. Say no in a firm voice and move the cat away from your location. So that you understand what to do, take the animal to the scraper immediately.
  • On the market you can find catnip, a dry plant that can be administered through a sprayer. Its function is to attract the cat, and it works effectively. Spray the scraper with a spray.
  • Observe the surfaces that the cat tends to scratch and use a thin, light cloth to secure it, it will not do so again.

Finally, if none of these tricks work and keep your cat from scratching furniture, you should go to a pet store and buy one. repellent spray. Then apply the product in places that the cat usually scratches. It's effective and very fast.

If you have cats or would like to know everything about this elegant pet, continue browsing PeritoAnimal. You'll find articles like recommendations for traveling by car with a cat, for example.