Most poisonous insects in Brazil

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 January 2025
Exploring Brazil’s Most Dangerous And Lethal Creatures | Bite Me With Dr Mike | Real Wild
Video: Exploring Brazil’s Most Dangerous And Lethal Creatures | Bite Me With Dr Mike | Real Wild


They appeared millions of years ago, come in different sizes, shapes and colors. They live in aquatic and terrestrial environments, some are capable of surviving very low temperatures, there are thousands of species in the world, most are found in the terrestrial scope, and some of them are classified as the only invertebrate animals capable of flying. We are referring to "insects".

It is important to know some information about these animals, as some of them are dangerous to both humans and animals. So that we can act with caution and care in relation to nature and the ecosystem, the Animal Expert brings an article that shows the most poisonous insects in Brazil.


You arthropods are animals that have an invertebrate body with joints better known and classified as insects are: flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, ants, butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, cicadas, cockroaches, termites, grasshoppers, crickets, moths, beetles, among many others. Among the invertebrates mentioned are the most poisonous insects on earth. All insects have a head, thorax, abdomen, a pair of antennae and three pairs of legs, but not all of them have wings.

Most poisonous insects in Brazil

Some of the most dangerous insects in Brazil are well known among the people, but not everyone knows which species of them are the most harmful to animals and humans. In the list are the foot washing ants, the bees Apis mellifera, O Triatoma infestans known as the barber and the mosquitoes.


Amazingly, mosquitoes are the most dangerous insects in Brazil and also in the world, as they are disease transmitters and proliferate with speed. The best known mosquitoes are the aedes aegypti, Anopheles spp. and the Straw Mosquito (Lutzomyia longipalpis). The main diseases transmitted by aedes aegypti are: dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever, remembering that in forest areas yellow fever can also be transmitted by the species Haemagogus spp.

O Anophelesspp. is the species responsible for the transmission of malaria and elephantiasis (filariasis), in brazil it is popularly known as the capuchin mosquito. Many of these diseases have become world-wide epidemics and even today the spread of them is fought. O Lutzomyia Longipalpis popularly called Mosquito Palha is the transmitter of canine visceral leishmaniasis, it is also a zoonosis, that is, a disease that can also be transmitted to humans and other animals besides dogs.

Foot wash ant

There are more than 2,500 species of ants in Brazil, including the Solenopsis saevissima (in the image below), known as the foot washing ant, popularly called the fire ant, this name is related to the burning sensation that the person feels when being bitten by the ant. These insects are considered as urban pests, cause damage to the agricultural sector and pose a risk to the health of animals and humans and are part of the list of most dangerous insects in the world. Usually foot wash ants build their nests (houses), in places such as: lawns, gardens, and backyards, they also have the habit of making nests inside electrical wiring boxes. Its venom can be deadly for those who are allergic, the solenopsis saevissima sting can cause secondary infection, vomiting, anaphylactic shock, among others.

killer bee

The Africanized bee, known as the killer bee is one of the subspecies of Apis mellifera, the result of crossing the African bee with European and Italian bees. Famous for their aggressiveness, they are more defensive than any other species of bee, if threatened they attack and can chase a person for more than 400 meters and when they attack they sting several times and have already led to death by many people and animals.


O Triatoma infestans is known in Brazil as Barbeiro, this insect is common in some countries of South America, it usually lives in houses, mainly houses made of wood. The biggest danger of this insect is that it is the Chagas disease transmitter, like mosquitoes, the barber is a hematophagous insect (which feeds on blood), it has a long life and can live from one to two years, has nocturnal habits and tends to attack its victims when they are sleeping. Chagas is a parasitic disease that affects the cardiovascular system, the pathology can take years to manifest and if left untreated it can lead to death.

Most poisonous insects in the world

The list of the most poisonous insects in the world comprises three species of ants, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, flies and the barber. Some of these most dangerous insects on earth make up the list of the most poisonous insects in Brazil, mentioned above.

the species ant clavata paraponera popularly called the Cape Verde ant, it impresses with its giant size that can reach 25 millimeters. sting is considered the most painful in the world. The foot washing ant, already mentioned, and the ant dorylus wilverthi called the driver ant, of African origin, they live in colonies of millions of members, this is considered the largest ant in the world, measuring five centimeters.

The already mentioned mosquitoes are at the top of the list because they exist in large numbers and are present all over the world, they are hematophagous and feed on blood, despite the fact that a mosquito can only infect one person, they reproduce in quantity and with speed, being in large quantities they can be carriers of various diseases and infect many people.

Popularly called the tsetse fly (in the image below), it belongs to the family Glossindae, a Glossina palpalis also of African origin, it is considered one of the most dangerous insects in the world, it carries the trypanosoma brucei and transmitter of sleeping sickness. The pathology takes this name because it leaves the unconscious human being. The tsetse fly is found in regions with vast vegetation, the symptoms of the disease are common, such as fever, body aches and headaches, sleeping sickness kills, but there is a cure.

The giant Asian wasp or mandarin wasp is feared by both humans and bees. This insect is a bee hunter and can decimate a hive in a few hours, native to eastern Asia can also be found in tropical environments. A mandarin wasp sting can cause kidney failure and lead to death.

In addition to these insects mentioned, the list of the most poisonous insects in the world are also the killer bees and the barber, mentioned above. There are other insects that don't make the list, some because they haven't been studied enough yet, and others because they're unknown to humans.

Most dangerous urban insects

Among the insects mentioned, all can be found in the urban environment, the insects more dangerous are undoubtedly mosquitoes and ants, which can often go unnoticed. In the case of mosquitoes, prevention is very important, in addition to taking care in the homes to avoid the accumulation of water, taking the vaccine, among other precautions.

Amazon's most dangerous insects

Mosquitoes, just like all over the world, are also the most dangerous insects in the Amazon. on account of the wet weather the proliferation of these insects is faster, data released by health surveillance institutions show the region recorded more than two thousand cases of malaria in 2017.

Most Dangerous Insects for Humans

Of the insects mentioned, all represent danger, it must be taken into account that some insects can kill you depending on the intensity of your attack and if the transmitted disease is not treated. All invertebrates already mentioned are harmful to both animals and humans. But special attention needs to be paid to both bees and mosquitoes.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.