
Cat limping: causes, symptoms and treatments

It i not alway ea y to detect lamene in a cat, a the e animal are able to with tand long before manife ting overt ymptom of di comfort. However, if you've ever noticed that it' difficult for h...

Animals that go through metamorphosis

THE metamorpho i , in zoology, con i t of a tran formation that certain animal experience through which they pa from one form to another, in regular ucce ion, from birth to adulthood. i part of your b...

Names for black bitches

Recently adopted or are you thinking of adopting a black bitch? It ha load of technique for choo ing a name for a female dog. Many tutor look for a name that reflect the dog' color - it' quite...

Tips for dogs afraid of thunder

Today it i undeniable that dog can feel emotion that until recently we believed were exclu ively human, for example, today we can ay that dog al o feel jealou . However, although canine emotion are cu...

Because cats sleep on top of their owner

If you are the happy guardian of a cat, you know very well that your feline companion alway find a way to ettle down next to or on top of you at bedtime. Cat choo e their owner and al o determine the ...

Teaching an adult dog to walk with a guide

Do you hare your hou e with an adult dog that doe n't know how to walk with a guide? Thi i an e pecially common ituation in ca e of adoption of adult dog , ince many of them did not have the nece ...

Problems in the delivery of bitches

If your bitch i pregnant, it i e ential that you find out about everything that i important during the bitch' pregnancy, to know everything he need and everything that can happen. o that when the ...

Why does my dog ​​drool so much?

If you have a dog at home, you've probably noticed that ometime you drool a little. Canine drool i a normal phenomenon, a the animal' alivary gland are con tantly functioning to help it while ...

Daily amount of food for cats

cat are carnivorou animal who prefer to eat everal time a day rather than ju t once, a they do in the wild. Al o, they don't u ually overeat, they ju t eat what they need, however you hould know t...

Cane Corso

O Cane Cor o, al o known a the Italian Cane Cor o or italian ma tiff, i without a doubt, together with Ma tim Napolitano, one of the mo t impre ive breed of molo o dog , that i , large dog and trong p...

Types of Bulldog: English, French and American

Do you have doubt when talking about bulldog ? In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we cla ify the type of bulldog that exi t: Engli h, French and American.Each of the e three dog breed tand out for having...

Recovery After Dog Neutering

More and more caregiver are aware of the importance and benefit of neutering that encourage them to intervene for their dog . Thu , que tion ari e about how the operation i performed, what it con i t ...

Blood Groups in Cats - Types and How to Know

The determination of blood group i important when it come to performing blood tran fu ion in cat and even pregnant female , a the viability of the off pring will depend on thi . although there are onl...

7 Most Common Cat Owners Mistakes

Did you decide adopt a cat in your home? Congratulation ! In addition to being very affectionate and fun animal , which will make your life much happier, cat are very clean animal , you don't need...

himalayan guinea pig

The Himalayan guinea pig had it origin in outh America, not in the Himalaya , more pecifically in the Ande mountain range. Over time, it entered our live , and today it i one of the be t known little ...

changing dog teeth

Having a puppy at home i di covering a whole new world, both for him and for u , a there are everal change a dog goe through, including changing it teeth, a proce that may urpri e you if you've ne...

My pet died, what to do?

If you came to thi article becau e you recently lo t your pet, we are very orry! Everyone who live with nonhuman animal know how much it co t when they leave. Unfortunately, mo t pet have a horter lif...

What to do in case of dog bite

A dog' bite can be more or le evere depending on the dog' ize and intention . A dog may bite becau e it feel threatened, becau e it redirect the bite in the face of a tre ful ituation, or beca...

What does turtle eat?

We know the Te tudine order a turtle or turtle . Your pine and rib are welded together, forming a very trong carapace that protect your entire body. In many culture they are the ymbol of the warrior, ...

Prehistoric animals: characteristics and curiosities

Talking about prehi toric animal i immer ing your elf in a world o familiar and o unknown at the ame time. Dino aur , for example, that dominated planet Earth million of year ago inhabited the ame pla...