
How to choose the best dog beds

Choo ing a dog bed i a big adventure. There are o many model available that it' hard to decide. Furthermore, we run the ri k of being guided by ae thetic and forgetting a pect related to functiona...

how animals communicate

When we talk about communication between animal , we are referring to the tran mi ion of information from one animal to another, cau ing an action or change in the receiver of the information. Thi com...

Tips for Finding a Lost Cat

Lo ing our cat i undoubtedly a terrifying and heartbreaking experience, however it i crucial to tart working a oon a po ible in order to bring him back home. Remember, the more time that pa e , the ha...

Constipation in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Deciding to welcome a dog into your home doe not only imply accepting a great re pon ibility, but al o receiving affection, company and pre ence on a daily ba i , ince a dog become a loyal and faithfu...

guinea pig sheltie

The heltie guinea pig i one of the mo t recommended to have a a pet. It i a beautiful rodent that i characterized by having a long, oft and ilky coat, which i horter on the head, o it vi ion i not imp...

animals from asia

The A ian continent i the large t on the planet and ha the large t population in the world. In it wide di tribution, it ha a diver ity of varied habitat , from ea to land, with varied altitude and ign...

Reptile characteristics

Reptile are a diver e group of animal . In it we find the lizard , nake , turtle and crocodile . The e animal inhabit the land and water, both fre h and alty. We can find reptile in tropical fore t , ...

Spanish Greyhound

O pani h greyhound he i a tall, lean and trong dog. Very popular on the Iberian Penin ula. Thi dog i imilar to the Engli h Greyhound, but there are everal phy ical characteri tic that differentiate bo...

Differences between alligator and crocodile

Many people under tand the term alligator and crocodile ynonymou ly, although we are not talking about the ame animal . However, the e have very important imilaritie that clearly differentiate them fr...

Bitch with Green Discharge - Causes and Solutions

Dog can develop, throughout their live , different di ea e that affect their reproductive y tem, both the uteru and the vagina. One of the mo t ignificant ymptom of the e di order i the di charge that...

Why does my dog ​​bite his paws?

Mo t of the time, a dog lick and bite it paw becau e omething i bothering it or becau e it hurt . Other time it may be a reaction to ome kind of anxiety or medical condition.The rea on are diver e, ho...

What should I do if my dog ​​attacks another dog

Many people wrongly relate their dog ' dominance to the violent attitude they develop during the walk. A dog that attack another ha a eriou problem and thi directly affect him a well a hi owner. I...

Natural remedies for gastroenteritis in dogs

Dog are u ceptible to different type of illne e that are quite common in u human . On ome occa ion , the e di ea e are not eriou and are ju t a re pon e of the organi m that trie to face a certain itu...

Psychological profile of people who mistreat animals

Cruelty i a characteri tic pre ent in many human being and, in ome ituation , it can be reflected in the way they treat animal . De pite being very ad and fru trating, the mi treatment of animal i til...

Curiosities about chameleons

The chameleon i that tiny, colorful and fa cinating reptile that inhabit the jungle , in fact, it i one of the mo t intere ting creature in the animal kingdom. They are well known for having unu ual f...


O Pekinge e it i a mall dog with a flat no e and a leonine appearance. It wa , at one time, con idered a acred animal and part of A ian royalty. Currently it i a very popular animal and pre ent practi...

Staggering dog: what can it be?

There are many cau e of dog taggering, lo of balance, or uncoordinated gait. What i certain i that it i a eriou ituation and that arou e concern and adne from tho e who ob erve it. If you have ob erve...

Animals from Europe

The European continent i compo ed of everal countrie in which a large number of pecie live, con idering that there are endemic animal from Europe di tributed in an important variety of different habit...

Poisonous Lizards - Types and Photos

Lizard are a group of animal that have more than 5,000 identified pecie all around the world. They are con idered ucce ful for their diver ity, but they have al o managed to occupy almo t all eco y te...

How much does it cost to keep a cat?

Welcoming a cat i certainly a good option if we value the company, affection and unforgettable moment that the e cat provide u . However, not everything i a bed of ro e , a the re pon ible owner hip o...