
The best dog breeds for kids

Children like dog and almo t all dog like children. In any ca e, ome breed of dog are better uited to children and other le o.Therefore, in thi article by PeritoAnimal we will how you the be t dog bre...

Home remedy for yellow vomiting dog

Dog are con idered around the world a human being ' be t friend , due to the relation hip of affection, tru t and affection. Therefore, it i only fair that dog tutor give thank in the form of care...

Advice to avoid dog barking

Barking i a dog' natural communication y tem and can be cau ed by a variety of rea on , requiring you or a peciali t to identify the cau e. It can become a eriou problem when it become a habit for...

How do dogs communicate?

Communication i part of any relation hip, whether between human or our pet , who are alway willing to communicate with other dog or with u . However, a we are of different pecie , it i ea y to make mi...

10 dog breeds prone to hip dysplasia

THE hip dy pla ia or hip dy pla ia it i a di ea e that affect the joint of the pelvi and femur. Thi hereditary di ea e i degenerative and doe n't tart to become vi ible until the dog i half a year...

care of an elderly dog

the dog with more than 10 year can be con idered elderly dog , that i , a dog that exceed thi age (e pecially if it i large) i an elderly dog.Elderly puppie have a certain tenderne , and if you've...

At what age do cats lose their baby teeth?

Did you know that cat too change teeth a they grow? If you have a feline puppy at home and one of the e day you find one of it mall but harp teeth, don't be cared! It' perfectly normal.A with ...

Mythological Names for Dogs

if you like the mythology, ancient hi tory and it deitie more powerful, thi i the perfect place to find an original and unique name for your pet. Choo ing an extravagant and exotic name i ideal for do...

how dogs think

Know how the dog think it require dedication and ob ervation to under tand that the e are creature that rea on, feel and uffer. In addition to canine educator and ethologi t , they are the owner who d...

What to Know Before Adopting a Dog

There i no doubt that dog are great pet , faithful and adorable, but of cour e the e are not enough rea on to decide to live with one of them. One of the main problem related to pet i the abandonment ...

The dogs that shed the most fur

your dog loo e a lot of fur? Do not panic! You hould know that there are a number of breed that are more prone to exce ive hair lo than other . If you do not find it on thi li t, or if you are one of ...

Because cats move their kittens

Before making the deci ion to breed your kitten to have kitten , without a doubt, it i e ential that you know what are the nece ary care with a pregnant cat. However, it i al o important that you unde...

The twister rat as a pet

Rodent are nowaday con idered excellent companion animal and more and more, we find people who have cho en to hare their home with the e friendly creature , being common for the ham ter, the guinea pi...

Bathing the dog at home: advice and products

Bathing the dog at home i a very common and fun option, a puppie mu t be wa hed by their owner regularly. Long-haired one hould do it every two or three week , while hort-haired one hould do it every ...

My cat doesn't want to eat and is sad: causes and solutions

Cat are animal of habit and don't like new thing , o don't be urpri ed that a change in one of their routine can cau e them to top eating and drinking. The imple change of the feeder location,...

Can a dog eat an apple?

Do you want to know if you can give apple to dog ? In fact, thi i one of the mo t recommended fruit for dog , becau e of the multiple benefit it offer and the different u e it can give. However, we mu...

Guinea Pig Toys

Nowaday many people look for guinea pig a an option for companion hip in their home . Thi i becau e the e mall animal are very docile, love to receive affection, have a lot of energy, take up little p...

Spanish water dog

O pani h water dog he wa a heepdog for generation but hi nobility and loyalty made him one of the mo t beloved companion dog in the Iberian Penin ula. In thi form of the Animal Expert, we will explain...

The 11 essential amino acids in cats

All cat are able to obtain nutrient from the prey they hunt. However, in the ca e of dome tic cat , if they are not fed correctly, they may uffer nutritional deficiencie uch a , for example, e ential ...

Chinese names for dogs

are you thinking about adopt a dog and take it to your hou e? If o, then urely you have already tarted thinking about many a pect , uch a if your pet will have enough pace, if you can devote all the t...