- How to choose a dog name
- Dog names from Norse or Viking mythology
- greek names for dog
- Dog Names From Egyptian Mythology
- Dog Names From Egyptian Mythology With Meaning
- Dog Names From Roman Mythology
- Other Dog Names Related to Roman Mythology

if you like the mythology, ancient history and its deities more powerful, this is the perfect place to find an original and unique name for your pet. Choosing an extravagant and exotic name is ideal for dogs with personality, but remember to use shorter names that are easy to learn and difficult to confuse with other common words in your usual vocabulary.
Continue reading PeritoAnimal and find several suggestions for mythological names for dogs, You will not regret!
How to choose a dog name
As we mentioned in the introduction, before choosing one mythological name for dog It is very important to know some tips that will help you to select the most suitable name. If you follow our tips, your dog will learn to recognize and remember your chosen name more easily.
- Avoid using names that might be confused with common vocabulary words, with the names of other people or pets that live in your house;
- We recommend choosing a short name as they are easier to remember than large, complex names;
- The vowels "a", "e", "i" are easier to associate and tend to be more accepted by dogs;
- Choose a name with clear and sonorous pronunciation.
Dog names from Norse or Viking mythology
THE Norse or Scandinavian mythology is what we relate to the ancients vikings and that it comes from the Germanic peoples of the north. It's a mixture of religion, beliefs and legends. There was neither a sacred book nor a truth given from the gods to men, it was transmitted orally and in the form of poetry.
- Nidhogg: dragon that lives in the roots of the world;
- Asgard: high part of the sky where the gods live;
- Hela: guards the world from deaths;
- Dagr: day;
- Nott: night;
- Mani: moon;
- Hati: wolf that chases the moon;
- Odin: the noblest and most important god;
- Thor: the god of thunder who wears iron gloves;
- Bragi: god of wisdom;
- Heimdall: son of nine maidens, guards the gods and hardly sleeps;
- Time: mysterious blind god;
- to live: melancholy and sad this god resolves any conflict;
- Valid: god of archer soldiers;
- Ullr: god of hand-to-hand combat;
- Loki: unpredictable and capricious god, creates cause and chance;
- Vanir: god of the sea, nature and forests;
- Jotuns: giants, beings wise and dangerous to man;
- Surt: gganant who leads the forces of destruction;
- Hrym: giant who leads the forces of destruction;
- Valkyries: female characters, beautiful and strong warriors, took to Valhalla the heroes fallen in battle;
- Valhalla: Argard hall, ruled by Odin and where the brave rest;
- Fenrir: giant wolf.
greek names for dog
THE Greek mythology it has myths and legends dedicated to its gods and heroes. They respond to the nature of the world and its origins. It was the region of ancient greece and we can find a great variety of figures to which stories were dedicated that were transmitted orally. Here are some of the most interesting Greek names for dogs:
- Zeus: king of the gods, sky and thunder;
- Ivy: goddess of marriage and family;
- Poseidon: lord of the seas, earthquakes and horses;
- Dionysus: god of wine and feasts;
- Apollo: god of light, sun, poetry and archery;
- Artemis/Artemis/Artemisia: virgin goddess of hunting, childbirth and all animals;
- Hermes: messenger of the gods, god of commerce and thieves;
- Athena: virgin goddess of wisdom;
- Ares: god of violence, war and blood;
- Aphrodite: goddess of love and desire;
- Hephaestus: god of fire and metals;
- Demeter: goddess of fertility and agriculture;
- Troy: famous war between Greeks and Trojans;
- Athens: most important poly in Greece;
- Magnus: in honor of Alexander the Great, conqueror of Persia;
- Plato: iimportant philosopher;
- Achilles: heroic warrior;
- Cassandra: priestess;
- Alóadas: the giants who defied the gods;
- Moiras: owners of the life and destiny of men;
- Galatea: steals hearts;
- Hercules: strong and mighty demigod;
- Cyclops: the name given to the mythological giants.
Looking for more options for different dog names? Check out some dog names from movies in this article.
Dog Names From Egyptian Mythology
Egyptian mythology includes ancient Egyptian beliefs from the pre-dynasty to the imposition of Christianity. More than 3,000 years of development gave birth to animal-like deities and later dozens of gods appeared.
- Frog;
- Ammon;
- Isis;
- Osiris;
- Horus;
- Seth;
- Maat;
- Ptah;
- Thoth.
- Deir El-Bahari;
- Karnak;
- Luxor;
- Abu Simbel;
- Abydos;
- Ramesseum;
- Medinet Habu;
- Edfu, Dendera;
- Kom Ombo;
- Narmer;
- Zoser;
- Keops;
- Chephren;
- Amosis;
- Tuthmosis;
- Hatshepsut;
- Akenaton;
- Tutankhamun;
- Seti;
- Ramses;
- Ptolemy;
- Cleopatra.
Dog Names From Egyptian Mythology With Meaning
- Horus: god of heaven;
- Anubis: Nile crocodile;
- Nun: heaven and abode of the gods;
- Nefertiti: queen of Egypt in the reign of Akhenaton;
- Geb: the land of men;
- Duat: the realm of the dead where Osiris ruled;
- Opet: ceremonial center, a festival;
- Thebes: capital of ancient Egypt;
- Athyr: myth of Osiris;
- Tybi: apparition of Isis;
- Neith: goddess of war and hunting;
- Nile: river of life in Egypt;
- Mithra: deity who dethroned the Persian deities.
Still can't find the ideal name? Check out more options for famous dog names in this article.
Dog Names From Roman Mythology
THE roman mythology it is based mainly on indigenous myths and cults that later merged with others from Greek mythology. Some god dog names from Roman mythology are:
- Aurora: goddess of the dawn;
- Spleen: god of wine;
- Belona: Roman goddess of war;
- Diana: goddess of hunting and sorcery;
- Flora: goddess of flowers;
- Jan: god of changes and transitions;
- Jupiter: the main god;
- Irene: goddess of peace;
- Mars: God of War;
- Neptune: god of the seas;
- Pluto: god of hell and wealth.
- Saturn: god all the time;
- Vulcan: god of fire and metals;
- Venus: goddess of love, beauty and fertility;
- Victory: goddess of victory;
- Zephyr: god of the south-west wind.
Other Dog Names Related to Roman Mythology
- Augustus, Tiberius: Roman emperor;
- Caligula, Claudio: Roman emperor;
- Nero: Roman emperor;
- Caesar: Roman emperor;
- Galba: Roman emperor;
- Oto: Roman emperor;
- Vitelium: Roman emperor;
- Titus: Roman emperor;
- Pio: Roman emperor;
- Marco Aurelio: Roman emperor;
- Convenient: Roman emperor;
- Severe: Roman emperor
- Crete:cradle of the Roman people;
- Curia:the oldest Roman assembly;
- Iniuria:advantage.
- Liber: agricultural gods unless they bring us words like Insitor (the planting) and Messor (the harvest);
- Great homeland: great homeland;
- Sidera: sky;
- Vixit:unnoticed.