
Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Wasabi, the Pekingese, wins first place in the Toy group | FOX SPORTS
Video: Wasabi, the Pekingese, wins first place in the Toy group | FOX SPORTS


O Pekingese it is a small dog with a flat nose and a leonine appearance. It was, at one time, considered a sacred animal and part of Asian royalty. Currently it is a very popular animal and present practically all over the world, and its soft fur invites endless caresses.

If you are thinking of adopting a Pekingese dog, it is important to find out beforehand about its characteristics, its usual personality and behavior in its adult life.

In this form of PeritoAnimal we will explain everything you need to know about the Pekingese dog and the care it needs. Don't hesitate to comment and share your photos or questions!

  • Asia
  • China
FCI rating
  • Group IX
Physical characteristics
  • Rustic
  • muscular
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Shy
  • Passive
  • Quiet
  • Dominant
Ideal for
  • floors
  • Houses
  • Surveillance
  • Older people
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Long
  • Smooth
  • Thin

History of Pekingese

Pekingese was a dog revered by Buddhist monks in China, as it bears a certain similarity to the mythical Chinese guardian lion, an important symbol in Buddhism. For the same reason, dogs of this breed were taken care of by Chinese royalty, as they had human servants and only nobles could have a Pekingese.

In 1860, during the Second Opium War, Anglo-French troops invaded and burned down the Summer Palace in Beijing shortly after the escape of the Chinese Emperor Xianfeng. Fortunately, before burning it down, they captured five Pekingese dogs that lived in this palace. these five dogs were taken to england, where they were offered to nobles and aristocrats. One of them even ended up in the hands of Queen Victoria.

These five dogs were the initial population of today's Pekinese, as the other Pekinese in China were killed or simply hidden and nothing is known about their possible descendants. Currently, the Pekingese is a companion and exhibition dog, although it continues to be revered by thousands of people around the world, no longer by Chinese monks or emperors, but by great fans of the breed.

Pekingese Characteristics

The body of the Pekingese dog is small, moderately robust and relatively short. The waist is well defined and the topline is level. The chest is broad and has very arched ribs. The head of this dog is very striking for its size and leonine appearance, in addition to being large and wide. The skull is flat between the ears and the stop is well defined. The muzzle is short. The eyes are dark, round and bright. The ears are heart-shaped and hang on the sides of the head.

The tail is set high and rigid, curling over the back and to one side. It is covered in long bangs. The Pekingese have a coat of double layer. The outer layer is abundant, straight, long and rough. The inner layer is dense and smooth. According to the International Cynological Federation (FCI) standard, any color accepted for the body and for the mask, including patches of different colors, except for the liver color and albino dogs.

The FCI breed standard does not indicate a specific size, but the ideal weight. should not exceed 5 kilos in male Pekinese, and not 5.4 kilos in the case of females. Also, puppies should be small enough to look heavy for their height.

Pekingese Character

The temperament of these puppies is very characteristic of the breed. Pekinese are dogs loyal and very brave, despite its small size. However, they are also independent and reserved.These little Chinese puppies don't socialize as easily as puppies of other breeds. They are usually very loyal to theirs, but suspicious of strangers and distant with dogs and other animals.

These puppies are excellent pets for older people and sedentary families with adult children. They can also be good pets for beginning owners who have someone to advise them on issues of education and dog socialization. In addition, you should watch over their play with the children until the dog and child gain confidence. Educating children to treat the animal well is very important, their small size should not make them vulnerable and fragile.

Pekinese care

The care of the fur requires time, since the Pekingese dog must be brushed once a day. You should also clean the wrinkles from your muzzle with a damp cloth and dry them to prevent skin infections. It is advisable to give you bath once a month.

On the other hand, this puppy doesn't need a lot of exercise. One or two walks a day, which can be short or medium, and some time and not too intense play are usually sufficient. In general, the Pekingese are a quiet dog that prefers to spend time without much activity. However, it is important to take him for walks to socialize him, in addition to providing him with some physical activity.

The need for company is something else. Although this breed is very independent, the Pekingese is not a dog to live in isolation as it can develop separation anxiety. You can spend more time alone than other pets, but you also need to be with your family most of the time. The advantage, for those who do not want a dog that is too needy, is that the Pekingese, being in the same room as their owners, no longer need to be petted or in your arms all the time. This puppy adapts very well to life in small apartments.

Pekinese education

Traditionally, the Pekingese dog was considered to be a stubborn and difficult dog to train. Many owners even considered them crazy. However, this is more related to the training techniques used than to the intelligence of the Pekinese.

these dogs can be easily trained to have good manners and respond to many commands of canine obedience when training them using positive reinforcement. It is very important to socialize them since they are puppies, to get a good relationship with other people, pets and the environment. Still, they will never be as sociable as other companion dogs.

Being very independent and reserved dogs, Pekinese have a tendency to develop some behaviors that can be problematic if you educate them incorrectly. The use of punishment or a lack of attention to the animal can develop destructive behaviors, the dog barking too much or even aggressive impulses such as small bites. The adoption of this puppy must be thought out very well and you must be sure that you can provide him with a good education and the company and affection he needs.

If you work regularly with your Pekingese, you may be able to have a sociable and even amiable best friend by your side. You should not be influenced by the behavior pattern of the breed, you should think about offering them a good education and guiding them to behave in a way that pleases them.

Pekinese health

Pekingese is a generally healthy dog and, despite the little genetic variety at its beginnings, it does not usually suffer from many hereditary problems. Some common problems can be sore eyes, dermatitis from poor hygiene or some breathing problems.

However, consulting the expert regularly and by providing him with good care, he will enjoy a healthy puppy for a long time. Pekingese's life expectancy hovers around the 11 years, although it is a value that increases year after year thanks to advances in veterinarians, food and care. We must never forget the importance of precisely following the vaccination schedule to prevent serious viral or bacterial diseases.