- What is gastroenteritis?
- the fast
- Natural remedies for gastroenteritis in dogs
- Other advice for the natural treatment of canine gastroenteritis

Dogs are susceptible to different types of illnesses that are quite common in us humans. On some occasions, these diseases are not serious and are just a response of the organism that tries to face a certain situation through its own healing resources.
For a tutor to notice these reactions in the body of his furry best friend, it is essential to live with him, observing his behavior and knowing him well, so that he can determine those signs that show that something is not right.
If you prefer to deal with these cases in a natural way, in this article by the Animal Expert, we show you the natural remedies for gastroenteritis in dogs. Good reading.
What is gastroenteritis?
Canine gastroenteritis is a mild disease unless it gets complicated. It is characterized by an inflammatory state that affects both the stomach and intestine and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
In most occasions, gastroenteritis follows a organism reaction that tries cleanse the digestive system, whether due to food in poor condition or due to a pathogen. Thus, in many cases the symptoms disappear without any kind of medication being needed.
Precisely because gastroenteritis is actually a defense mechanism, it is important to support the dog by offering him natural means rather than pharmacological treatments such as home remedies for gastroenteritis. However, we know that these medications can be extremely necessary in severe cases.

the fast
Animals are very instinctive and precisely the preservation of their intestines has a great "wisdom". For this reason, in the face of an illness, the animal usually stops eating so that all the energy of the organism can be directed to the digestive process.
On the other hand, some pets used to the ease of domestic life are real gluttons and do not stop eating anything, even if they are ill.
In this case, the owner must apply a 24-hour fasting period, which obviously refers to deprivation of food but not hydration.
During this period the puppy should have water or, better yet, a homemade oral rehydration serum.
Controlled fasting for 24 hours allows the digestive system to clear itself more easily and naturally look for a faster recovery from gastroenteritis, so fasting can be considered an important measure or even a kind of home remedy for gastroenteritis.
However, many experts have questioned the effectiveness of fasting for the treatment of gastroenteritis, stating that the period of food deprivation cannot be prolonged for very long. Therefore, as we always talk about PeritoAnimal, it is important to talk to a veterinarian in these situations.

Natural remedies for gastroenteritis in dogs
In addition to the importance of fasting and gradual recovery from normal food after the period of starvation, you have other natural remedies that are very helpful in alleviating the symptoms associated with canine gastroenteritis.
- Garlic: the toxicity of garlic in dogs has been much discussed and what is certain is that the quantity is the secret. When the dog starts to recover its normal food, chop a clove of garlic daily and place in its food. Garlic is highly antibacterial and will enable the digestive system to effectively fight a possible infection. For this reason, garlic is considered a home remedy for a dog's intestinal infection.
- probiotics: probiotics are products that contain strains of bacteria present in the intestinal flora that are beneficial to the body. For this reason, it is very important that you purchase a specific probiotic for dogs. This product will help relieve symptoms and improve intestinal defenses.
- Nux Vomica or Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is a widely used homeopathic remedy for gastrointestinal ailments. In this case we will use a 7CH dilution, that is, you must dilute 3 grains in 5 ml of water. Administer orally with a plastic syringe. If you buy the solution ready-made, you must follow the prescribed recommendation, which is usually 3 times a day, with doses varying according to the size of the dog. There are options with sprinkles or drops.

Other advice for the natural treatment of canine gastroenteritis
If your pet has gastroenteritis and you want to treat it naturally, you must do so responsibly and with the consent of a veterinarian. You following advice will help improve your dog's health:
- If the gastroenteritis does not improve within 36 hours, you should take him to the veterinarian immediately.
- If the dog has fever, lethargy or weakness in its movements, veterinary assistance will be essential
- After the fasting period, the puppy should gradually return to its usual food, starting first with a soft diet
- Under no circumstances should you medicate your dog with drugs approved for human use, even if they work for you in cases of gastroenteritis, as their physiology is completely different.
Now that you know some home remedy options for dog intestinal infection, or also known as canine gastroenteritis, it's important to know what foods are prohibited for dogs. In this video we list which ones are toxic to our furry friends:
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
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